Théâtre en anglais à l'E.S.I.E.E.
Theatre in English at E.S.I.E.E.

The Bunchgrass Edge Of The World

by   Annie PROULX

performed by   Word for Word

directed by   Sandra Langsner Crews

Le spectacle - The performance

L'auteur - The author

Le site web officiel d'Annie PROULX.
The official web site of E. Annie PROULX.

L'oeuvre - The work

The story "The Bunchgrass Edge Of The World" from the collection of short stories "Close Range" (Wyoming Stories).
This story was selected to be in "The O. Henry Awards Prize Stories 1999" and "The Best American Short Stories 1999".

An article about this book ; and another one ; and another one from the New York Times.
This show was originally produced at the Magic Theatre (San Francisco) in Summer of 2000, with set design by Tomomi Iitakura and Lighting Design by Wendy W. Gilmore. It has already been reviewed here, here and here.

Si vous avez manqué le début ... - If you've missed the beginning ...

«The country appeared as empty ground, big sagebrush, rabbitbrush, intricate sky, flocks of small birds like packs of cards thrown up in the air, and a faint track drifting toward the red-walled horizon.
Graves were unmarked, fallen house timbers and corrals burned up in old campfires. Nothing much but weather and distance, the distance punctuated once in a while by ranch gates, and to the north the endless murmur and sunflash of semis rolling along the interstate.
In this vague region the Touheys ranched - old Red, ninety-six years young, his son Aladdin, Aladdin's wife, Wauneta, their boy, Tyler, object of Aladdin's hopes, the daughters, Shan and (the family embarrassment) Ottaline.

Le résumé - The summary

‘The Bunchgrass Edge of the World’ est une saga familiale, un monde où se côtoient amour et vengeance, désir et endurance. La scène se passe dans les plaines du Wyoming, ces plaines désertes du ‘Far West’ balayées par le vent, où ne sévissent que les éléments et l'espace. Trois générations de la famille Touhey vivent sur un ranch - Old Red, le patriarche, Aladdin, son fils avec sa désespérance de ‘rancher’ pour qui le ‘happy end’ n'existe pas, Wauneta, la femme d'Aladdin, et leurs trois enfants : Shan et Tyler, qui quittent le ranch pour les attraits de Las Vegas, et Ottaline, la honte de la famille, bâtie comme une énorme cuve à propane. Ottaline reste au foyer, et en attendant que quelqu'un vienne lui changer la vie, fait passer le temps en écoutant des conversations sur portables qu'elle capte dans sa chambre sur sa CB. Jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre un vieux tracteur 4030 John Deere rouillé … et Ottaline s'ouvre à l'amour.

‘The Bunchgrass Edge of the World’ écrit dans le style descriptif et original de Annie Proulx, figure dans ‘Close Range’, un recueil de nouvelles du Wyoming, pays où l'auteur a élu domicile. ‘Word for Word’, troupe de théâtre professionnelle, fait vivre ‘Bunchgrass’ sur scène avec simplicité et élégance. La mission que s’est assignée cette troupe est de jouer de courtes œuvres de fiction ‘mot pour mot’ (d’où le nom !), et de créer des mises en scène inventives, tout en respectant les intentions de l’auteur.

‘The Bunchgrass Edge of the World’ is a family saga of love and revenge, longing and endurance. The story is set in the Wyoming plains - typical ‘cowboy country’, desolate, windswept, filled with "nothing much but weather and distance". Three generations of the Touhey family live on a ranch - Old Red (the patriarch), his son Aladdin ("he had the rancher's expectation of disaster, never believed in happy endings"), Wauneta (Aladdin's wife), and their three children : Shan and Tyler who leave the ranch for the pleasures of Las Vegas, and Ottaline ("the family embarrassment" built like "a hundred-gallon propane tank") who stays on at home waiting for someone to change her life and whiling away the time listening to cell-phone conversations on her bedroom CB radio. Until one day an encounter with a rusty old John Deere 4030 tractor opens Ottaline to love.

‘The Bunchgrass Edge of the World’, written in Annie Proulx's idiosyncratic, descriptive style, is published in ‘Close Range’, a volume of short stories set in Wyoming, where the author now lives. It is brought to life with simple and elegant theatricality by ‘Word for Word’, a professional theatre company whose mission is to perform short works of fiction in their entirety, preserving the author’s voice and honoring his/her intent with exciting visuals and inventive staging.


La troupe - The Company

The official web site of Word for Word .

Word For Word: 1999 Best Ensemble Award from Bay Area Critics Circle.
Word for Word: 1998 Special Achievement Award from Bay Area Critics Circle.
Margo Hall: 1998 Black Box Award for Direction, Word for Word's Joy Ride. (also "Friend of My Youth" Director)

Word for Word is a professional theatre company that stages short stories, performing every word the author has written. Their goals are to excite audiences about the written word, to create new ones for the theatre, and to share the world's diverse cultures and stories. As one of our company members says: "It's like being read to. While it's fully literary in content, it's completely theatrical in form."

They bring literature to life !

Director : Sandra Langsner Crews
Assistant Director : Nancy Shelby
Founders and Artistic Directors : Susan Harloe & JoAnne Winter.

Performers :
- Paul FINOCCHIARO ...... Aladdin, Ensemble
- Susan HARLOE .......... Wauneta, Ensemble
- Amy KOSSOW ............ Ottaline
- Eryka RAINES .......... Shan, Ensemble
- Dennis LUDLOW ......... Old Red, Ensemble
- Brian Keith RUSSELL ... Tyler, Tractor, Flyby, Ensemble

Stage Manager : David A. YOUNG
Sound Design : Byron CREWS
Costume Design : Valera COBLE
Prop Design, Production Assistant : Rachel YOUNG

Leur tour de France est financé par la Florence Gould Foundation et Air France pour le transport.
This production is funded by the Florence Gould Foundation; travel support by Air France.

L'événement - The Event

Où ? - Where ?

Dans le Grand Amphi (Marcel Dassault) du Groupe E.S.I.E.E.
In the Marcel Dassault auditorium, at E.S.I.E.E.

Quand ? - When ?

Mercredi 4 avril 2001 de 18h à 20h (la pièce se termine à 19h15, ensuite discussion avec les acteurs).
Wednesday 4th April 2001, from 6pm to 8pm (performance ends at 7:15pm , followed by discussion with the performers).

Pour qui ? - Who for ?

Tous les étudiants et les membres du personnel, leurs familles et leurs amis.
All students and staff members, their families and friends.

Combien ça coûte ? - How much does it cost ?

It's free !

Une tombola est organisée pour nous aider à couvrir les frais (prix: 10F). Vous pouvez gagner 2 magnifiques lots :

  1. Une semaine en immersion totale sur la côte sud de l'Angleterre (cours et hébergement compris), offerte par le Kent School of English.
  2. Un week-end de baptème en montgolfière (2 ou 3 vols suivant la météo), transport, repas, et hébergement compris, offert par le Service des Sports du Groupe ESIEE.
Buy a tombola ticket for 10F to help us cover our costs. Your chance to win one of two wonderful prizes :
  1. A week's English course on the south coast of England (includes tuition and accomodation) offered by the Kent School of English.
  2. A week-end ballooning (2 or 3 flights depending on the weather), includes travel and accomodation, offered by the Esiee sports association.

Contacts : Viviane DUNN ( & Denis BUREAU (

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