
Travaux de Jean Serra au CMM en 2002


Articles et communications


  1. "Connexions et segmentation d'image"  Conférence aux journées de la SEE sur l'analyse d'image à l'aube du XXIème siècle. Paris , 27-28 mars 2002


  1. "The birth of Mathematical Morphology" (with G. Matheron), in Mathematical Morphology, H. Talbot, R. Beare, Edts Proc. ISMM 2002, CSIRO Sydney 2002 pp. 1-16.


  1. "Viscous lattices" (Proc. ISMM 2002), Mathematical Morphology, H. Talbot, R. Beare, Edts. CSIRO Sydney 2002, pp 79-90.


  1. "Morphological colour size distribution for image classification and retrieval"  (with J. Angulo) Proc. ACVIS 2002,  Ghent, Belgium, September  9-11, 2002.


  1. Connection, Image Segmentation and Filtering (invited lecture)  CIC 2002, Avances en Ciencias de la computacion e Ingenieria de Computo, J;H;Sossa Azuela, C. Aguilar Ibañez, M. Alavarado Mentado y A. Gelbukh (Eds) México D.F. nov 25-29, 2002


  1. Aplicacion de la morpfologia matematica a la telemedicina y a la biotecnologia: caracterizacion morfologica de cellulas de la sangre y analisis de cDNA microarrays, (with Jesus Angulo), Reconocimiento de patrones CIARP 2002 J.L Diaz de Leon Santiago y C. Yàñes  Marques (Eds) CIC, Instituto Politecnico National, México D.F. nov 18-22, 2002



Notes internes


  1. Sur l’application du front d’onde à la description morphologique des structures arborescentes et ramifiées (with J. Angulo), fev 2002, 30p [N-28/02/MM]


  1. Connexions et segmentation d’image, janvier 2002. 10 p [N-23/02/MM]


  1. Morphological descriptions using three-dimensional wavefronts. To be published in Image Analysis & Stereology , mars 2002, Centre de Morphologie Mathématique / ENSMP 18 p. [N-09/02/MM].


  1. Moduli of continuity and structuring functions. April 2002, Centre de Morphologie Mathématique / ENSMP. 7 p. [N-13/02/MM].


  1. Lattices of numerical functions . To be joined to the course on Mathematical Morphology as chapter 4. mai 2002, Centre de Morphologie Mathématique / ENSMP. 22 p. [C-06/02/MM].


  1. Rapport de fin de projet BIO CRITT MATCHCELL - Collaboration ARCHE, ARMINES, TRIBVN  (with J. Angulo, J.· Klossa Jacques, G. Flandrin)
    (CONFIDENTIEL 5 ans). Rapport technique. avril 2002.
    28 p. [N-30/02/MM]. 


  1. Automatic analysis of DNA microarray images using mathematical morphology (with J. Angulo). Submitted to Bioinformatics. August 2002. 50p. [N-32/02/MM]. (Révision note N-62/01/MM) 


  1.  A mathematical morphology contribution to the analysis of DNA microarray images (with J. Angulo). Papier 5th European Society of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2002), Milano, Italy, July 2-6, 2002. 1 Abstract + 25 transp. [N- 33/02/MM]. 

  2. Connections and Image segmentation (traduction de la note 213) 10p [N-23/02/MM]


  1. Espaces couleur et traitement d’images  October 2002  13p [N-29/02/MM]


  1. A 3D-polar Coordinate Colour Representation Suitable for Image Analysis (with Allan Hanbury  November 2002 39p [N-37/ 02/MM]


  1. Connection, Image Segmentation and Filtering October 2002 12p [N-38/ 02/MM] (invited lecture at CIC 2002, México D.F.)


  1. Aplicacion de la morpfologia matematica a la telemedicina y a la biotecnologia: caracterizacion morfologica de cellulas de la sangre y analisis de cDNA microarrays, (with Jesus Angulo), to be presented at CIARP 2002, México D.F. [N-39/ 02/MM]


Cours :



  1. Course on Random sets and functions enseignement spécialisé MP8 S1634, mars 2002 180 p.[C-01/02/MM]


  1. Lattices of numerical functions . To be joined to the course on Mathematical Morphology as chapter 4. mai 2002, Centre de Morphologie Mathématique / ENSMP. 22 p. [C-06/02/MM].