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Writing extensions

Using memory interface command addinterface

When using the addinterface command, you must specify the name of a procedure which will be called each time you access the memory. This procedure must have the following format :

proc routine {RW size addr value} {

if {$RW == "read"} {
puts "read $size $addr $value"
return ...something...
} else {
puts "write $size $addr $value" something with value...

The RW parameter is set to read when you access the address to get a value, and set to write when you access the address to change the memory. The size indicates the size of the access which can be byte, word or long. The addr gives you the address, useful when you use addinterface with a entire area of memory. value is the value you want to write in memory, or 0 when you read the memory.

A short example

This short example shows you how to use interface memory. It use a scale (from 0 to 255) in a window. You can set the value of the scale, this value will be returned when you read the memory. When you write in it, the value of the scale is changed according to the written data.

This is a Tcl/Tk script for defining the scale (file named for example user.tcl) :

proc InitUser {} {
global input

catch {destroy .user}
toplevel .user
wm title .user "Interface"
wm iconname .user "User"

scale .user.input -from 0 -to 255 -length 100
-orient vertical -command "set input"
.user.input set 128

pack .user.input -side top -padx 10 -pady 10

proc routine {RW size addr value} {
global input

if {$RW == "read"} {
return $input
} else {
.user.input set $value

Just add the following line in your configuration file :

addinterface 0x10000000 0x10000000 routine
source user.tcl
define interface
create the window

Then try this code :

move.b 0x10000000, d0
add.b #10, d0
move.b d0, 0x10000000

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PERROTON Laurent 2003-01-28