Tribo-electric/electret (Nano) Generator TENG)
"Understanding and improving the efficiency of TENGs"
Grants: Univ Gustave Eiffel
Conditioning circuit with micro-plasma switch
In addition to the model proposed by
Niu et al,
we have proposed a lumped model directly inspired from the
traditional electret Kinetic Energy Harvester. This model is suitable
for PSpice and can easily take into account practical specifications of
the TENG for accurate conditioning circuit simulations.
TENG electrical model. a. Schematic of a TENG. b. Detailed electrical model. c. Compact electrical model.
is a constant voltage source representing the charge trapped in the the
triboelectret layer. It is independant from the mobile electrode
position and from the load. It can be directly measured with an
electrostatic contactless volmeter, or, if the layer is not accessible,
using an electrical technique we have developped in purpose.
CTENG is the capacitance measured accross the TENG terminals. It can be obtained by measuring the phase shift in an
RC circuit.
In this work, we have also modelized the effect of the mechanical contact.
Comparison between PSpice simulation and experimental results for a gap-closing TENG.
We have devlopped a simple flexible and progressive triboelectric
nanogenerator based on macro-triangle-prism-shaped conductive
polyurethane (PU) foam and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film. The
proposed macro-structured conductive PU foam also integrates the
functions of spring, spacer and electrode. Thanks to the innovative
structures and choice of the materials, an extended current pulse width
is obtained.
structures studied for decreasing the air damping. Best results
are obtained with model R.
Conditioning circuit with micro-plasma switch
Rectification with stable charge pumps
have shown that a half-wave (HW) rectifier performs much better than a
full-wave (FW) diode bridge after a few conversion cycles. Indeed,
during the early cycles, the output voltage of the FW rectifiers
increases with twice the slope of the HW, although in that case both
powers are far from the optimum of each circuit. However, if the output
voltage of the rectifier can be set to half of its saturation voltage,
HW outperforms the FW by a factor (
Measured and calculated energy delivered to a capacitive load as a function of VTENG for a FW and a HW diode bridge.
Rectification with unstable charge pumps
have proposed to use the Bennet doubler with TENGs. This is a new class
of conditioning circuit inspired from the electrical machines of the
18th century. It is also made of diodes and capacitors only. These
circuits have the ability to exponentially increase the charge on the
TENG's electrodes during operation and so to increase its bias and
conversion efficiency. A minimum value of
CTENG_min is necessary, which is typically 2 for the most simple architecture, but it can vary depending on the circuit configuration.
Bennet doubler circuit and experimental comparison with diode bridges.
High-voltage power management using a plasma switch
energy harvesters need a high bias, which for TENGs is brought by an
efficient triboelectric contact and/or thanks to the voltage boost from
an unstable charge pumps. However, for most applications it is
necessary to convert the output to a low voltage around a few volts.
This can be obtained using a Buck DC-DC converter, but its switch needs
to be controlled at a voltage close to the high bias value. We proposed
to use a MEMS micro-plasma switch to self-control the charge transfer
through a Buck circuit at high voltages. By adjusting the MEMS switch
design, we can control its hysteresis in order to continuously maintain
a high-bias on the transducer and hence maximize the energy conversion.
This work has been highlighted in the
Electronics Insights Blog of the
Electropages website.
Related publications
Modeling of TENGs
“Understanding and Modeling of Triboelectric-Electret Nanogenerator”, R.
Hinchet, A. Ghaffarinejad, Y. Lu, J. Y. Hasani, S.-W. Kim et P. Basset, Nano Energy,
vol. 47, pp. 401-409, 2018
“A conditioning circuit with exponential enhancement of output energy for triboelectic nanogenrator”, A.
Ghaffarinejad, J. Yavand Hasani, R. Hinchet, Y. Lu, H. Zhang, A. Karami,
D. Galayko, S.-W. Kim and P. Basset, Nano Energy, vol.
51, pp. 173 – 184, 2018
Flexible TENG
Conditioning circuits for TENGs
“Employing a
MEMS plasma switch for conditioning high-voltage kinetic energy harvesters”, H. Zhang, F.
Marty, X. Xia, Y. Zi, T. Bourouina, D. Galayko and P. Basset,
Nature Communications, vol. 11,
no. 1, p. 3221, 2020
Inductor-Free Output Multiplier for Power Promotion and Management of
Triboelectric Nanogenerators toward Self-Powered Systems”, X. Xia, H. Wang, P. Basset, Y. Zhu, Y. Zi, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Feb 5;12(5):5892-5900, 2020
“Superior performance
of half-wave to full-wave rectifier as a power conditioning circuit for
Triboelectric nanogenerators”, A.
Ghaffarinejad, J. Y. Hasani, D. Galayko, P. Basset, Nano Energy, Volume 66, 104137, 2019
“A conditioning circuit with exponential enhancement of output energy for triboelectic nanogenrator”, A.
Ghaffarinejad, J. Yavand Hasani, R. Hinchet, Y. Lu, H. Zhang, A. Karami,
D. Galayko, S.-W. Kim and P. Basset, Nano Energy, vol.
51, pp. 173 – 184, 201