Project TESEER (2008-2012)
micro Energy Source
Enhanced by Electromagnetic Radiation"

: EADS Foundation - 2007 call
Project Goals
In this project we study the photo-thermal
conversion behavior of a ligth absorbing surface made on
silicon with the prospect of producing a hot spot intended to
integrate a thermoelectric energy harvester. The thermoelectric
elements will consist in the vertical superlattices studied in the
COFISIS. In order to fuel it
by solar radiation, the optimization of the hot spot is crucial. To
this end, we are developing a light-absorbing silicon layer with
extremely low reflectivity obtained by cryogenic Deep Reactive Ion
Etching (DRIE), so as to maximize heating of the hot spot under the
effect of electromagnetic (EM) radiation in the visible and
near-infrared ranges.
The obtained material is known as black silicon, a
material consisting of dense (sub)-micrometer cones which lead to
multiple reflections of incident photons and hence to light trapping
and absorption. An air cavity etched on the back side thermally
insulates the hot spot, which is heated by incident light focused by a
Sketch of the target device.
Conical black silicon wafer was fabricated by DRIE under cryogenic
temperatures with diameter of 350 nm, height of 1.4 µm and periodicity
of 570 nm. The cones are fabricated in a collective manner over the
whole wafer area. This structure presents excellent antireflective
behavior over the 400 – 950 nm spectral range with a reflectance ~ 1%
in the visible range. This reflectance level is among the best
published in the literature for plasma-etched black silicon.
SEM image of Black Silicon obtained by a cryogenic DRIE process at Université Paris-Est / ESIEE Paris.
Measured reflectance spectra of black silicon under normal incidence.
“Study of black silicon obtained by cryogenic plasma etching: approach
to achieve the hot spot of a thermoelectric energy harvester”, K.
N. Nguyen, D. Abi-Saab, P. Basset, E. Richalot, M. Malak, N. Pavy, F.
Flourens, F. Marty, D. Angelescu and Y. Leprince-Wang et T. Bourouina, Microsystem Technologies, vol. 18, pp. 1807–14, 2012
- “Black silicon with sub-percent reflectivity: influence
of the 3D texturization geometry”, K. N. Nguyen, D.
Abi-Saab, P. Basset, E. Richalot, F. Marty, D. Angelescu, Y.
Leprince-Wang, T. Bourouina, , Proceeding of the 16th int. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’11), Beijing, China, 2011
- "Study of Black
Silicon Obtained by Deep Reactive Ion Etching – Approach to Achieving the Hot
Spot of a Thermoelectric Energy Harvester", K.N Nguyen, D.Abi-Saab, M. Malak,
P. Basset, E. Richalot, N. Pavy, F. Flourens, F. Marty, D. Angelescu, Y.
Leprince-Wang, T.Bourouina, Proceeding of the 13th symposium on
Design, Test, Integration and Packaging
Conference (DTIP’11), Aix en Provence, France, 2011
- “On the Use of Black Silicon Obtained by Reactive Ion Etching
as the Hot Spot of a Thermoelectric Generator Heated by Electromagnetic
Radiation”, K. Ngoc Nguyen, P. Basset
and E. Richalot, Proceeding of the 6th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics & Electronics
(PRIME’10), Berlin, Germany, 2010