Projet VibRoT (2014-2017)


"Low-frequency MEMS e-VEHs powered by human mouvement -
application to wireless sensors and RFID tags"

Grants :  UPE / UPMC / SATT IdF Innov

Project Goals


Project Goals

In the continuity of the NEHSTech project, we intended in VIBROT to optimize our low-frequency electrostatic Vibration Energy Harvesters (e-VEH) in order to power wireless sensors and RFID tags for the next generation of Internet and RFID of Things (I/RoT). Several features are added/improved:

Photo of device
Schematic of the core structure (a) and the cross section of the full device (b);
Microscopic photograph of silicon structures (c) and optical photograph of the full device (d).


2nd and 3rd generation of low-frequency e-VEHs : vertical electret and frequency-up conversion

With the 2nd generation of LF e-VEH, we have demonstrated the first corona charging of vertical electret and a double frequency-up conversion behavior, with elastic stoppers and/or with the additional milliball.

With the 3rd generation, we included microstructuration of the electrodes in the gap-closing electrosatic actuator to drastically reduce the air damping. This allowed to reach an effectiveness of more than 50%.

We also powered a wireless sensor node with data transmission at 868 MHz and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocols.

Caracterization w/o ball
Different structures studied for decreasing the air damping. Best results are obtained with model R.

  Caracterization with ball
Energy conversion of Model R in air.

WSN setup
data transmission
Experiment of data transmission with 2nd generation in air: Setup from CEA Leti and Voltage evolution on C at 3 grms / 100 Hz. (Initial charging time = 6.4 min. Following charging time = 2 min).  

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