Topics: Digital Signal Processing, DSP (Digital Signal Processor), Digital Communications, Speech Processing.
Documents for trainng on real time signal processing and processors DSP: TI C5000 Teaching ROM: DSP Teaching ROM for the 'C5000 family of Texas-Instruments realized with Olivier Venard and Férial Virolleau. Set of documents available on this web page (using internet explorer) DSP Teaching ROM or by Texas-Instruments on CR-R0M Includes 23 chapters that cover both the hardware part of the ‘C5000 platform (Architecture, description of each peripheral) and the implementation (FIR and IIR filters, image compression, Fast Fourier Transform, Polyphase filters, Frequency modulation, GMSK modulation, and more). Most chapters come with associated source files that have developed for the C5416 and C5510 DSP Starter Kits. In addition to the laboratories, applications, such as an audio sweep generator and various audio effects, are included.
Introduction to MATLAB
Lectures at ESIEE (Master level): Pedagogical documents are available on the following links
- Digital Communications 1 (ST4-CN1)
- Introduction to information theory
- Characteristics of communication channels
- Waveform shaping and Digital Modulations
- Detection, Optimal Receiver
- Inter Symbol Interferences
- Multiple Access Techniques
- Digital Communications 2 (ST4-CN2)
- Source Coding, Channel Coding, Applications to speech and images compression
- Equalization and synchronisation
- Architecture of transceivers for digital radiocommunications
- Digital Signal Processors and their applications
- Realization of the C5000 Teaching ROM for the Texas Instruments C5000 DSP family with Olivier Venard and Férial Virolleau.