Fields of interest: Digital Signal Processing, DSP (Digital Signal Processor), Digital Radioommunications, Speech Processing and more recently Interactive, Auditive Information System for the Mobility of Blind or visually impaired People
List of Publications (with some pdf files)
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Speech Processing
Speech Coding at Very Low Bit Rate VLBR (< 600 bits/s).
These bit rates have to be commpared to those used in mobile cellular systems that are typically equal to 8000 bits/s.
This theme was initialized with the PHD work of Jan Cernocky in collaboration between ESIEE, Telecom-Paris (G. Chollet) and the Technical University of Brno (Czech Republic).
It as been going on in the the frame of:
- a RNRT project (SYMPATEX) with Telecom-Paris, Thalès Communications, and Elan Speech
- and in the frame of Marc Padellini's PHD with Thalès-Communications, co-supervised with François Capman.
The developed VLBR speech coding technique is realized by indexation of automatically derived acoustical units. It is based on a speech recognition approach combined with a speech synthesis using a large speech corpus stored in memory.
Examples of coded speech signals
Paper conf. SPECOM 2005
M. Padellini, F. Capman, G. Baudoin, Very Low Bit Rate speech coding in Noisy Environnements"
Paper conf. EUSIPCO 2004
M. Padellini, F. Capman, G. Baudoin :Very Low Bit Rate (VLBR) Speech Coding Around 500 bits/sec
Paper conf. ICASSP 2003
G. Baudoin, F. El Chami : Corpus based very low bit rate speech coding.
Paper Annales des télécommunications 2000
G. Baudoin, J. Cernocky, P. Gournay, G. Chollet, Codage de la parole à très bas débit.
Digital Radiocommunications Emitters
Adaptive baseband predistortion techniques for the linearization of radiocommunications emitters
Work done in cooperation with Pascale jardin and Roman Marsalek (PHD)
Paper IEEE trans. on Vehicular Technology (accepted for publication 2007)
P. Jardin, G. Baudoin : Filter Look Up Table method for Power Amplifiers Linearization
Paper conf. GRETSI 2003
G. Baudoin, P. Jardin, R. Marsalek, Linéarisation des amplificateurs de puissance par pré-distorsion avec prise en compte des effets mémoire.
New Emitter architectures resistent to the non linearities of RF Power Amplifiers.
Work done in cooperation with Corinne Berland, Martine Villegas, Antoine Diet (PHD)
Paper IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component letters 2004
A. Diet, C. Berland, M. Villegas, G. Baudoin, EER Architecture Specifications for OFDM Transmitter Using a Class E Amplifier,
Paper conf. IEEE IMS 2003
G. Baudoin, C. Berland, A. Diet, M. Villegas, Influence of time and processing mismatches between phase and envelope signals in linearization systems using Envelope Elimination and Restoration, application to hiperlan2.
PLL using digital signal processing in radiocommunication emitter :
Co-supervision with Jean-François Bercher of Cyril Joubert 's PHD with STMicroelectronics
Paper conf. IEEE RWS 2006
Cyril Joubert, J.-F. Bercher, G. Baudoin, T. Divel, S. Ramet, P. Level, Time Behavioral Model for Phase-Domain ADPLL based frequency synthesizer.
Impulse mode UWB emetters Work done in cooperation with Martine Villegas and David Marchaland (PHD with STMicroelectronics and supervised by Martine Villegas).
Paperconf. WPMC 2005
D. Marchaland, M. Villegas, G. Baudoin, C. Tinella, D. Belot, UWB Pulse Generation in the 3.1-5.1 GHz band
Interactive, Auditive Information System for the Mobility of Blind people in Public Transports : RAMPE project Work done in cooperation with Olivier Venard in the FRAME of a PREDIT project managed by ESIEE in partnership with the company LUMIPLAN and the ergonom Gérard Uzan.
Site of RAMPE project
Paper conf. AATE 2005
G. Baudoin, O. Venard, G. Uzan, L. Rousseau, Y. Benabou, A. Paumier, J. Cesbron, How can blinds get information in Public Transports using PDA ? The RAMPE Auditive Man Machine Interface
Paper conf. ITST 2005
G. Baudoin, O. Venard, G. Uzan, L. Rousseau, Y. Benabou, A. Paumier, J. Cesbron, The RAMPE Project: Interactive, Auditive Information System for the Mobility of Blind People in Public Transports
Paper conf. Ubimob 2005
G. Baudoin, O. Venard, G. Uzan, A. Paumier, J. Cesbron, Le projet RAMPE : Système interactif d'information auditive pour la mobilité des personnes aveugles dans les transports publics
DSP - Real time signal processing - Applications of Digital Signal Processors
Work done in cooperation with Olivier Venard
Design and realization of a Digital Radio Plateform for Wireless Local Area Network (using a DSP TMS C6416)
Paper conf. EDERS 2004
N. Blanco, D. Gossio, O. Venard, C. Ripoll, G. Baudoin, Hardware Platform based on TMS320C6416 for Wireless LAN (802.11g)
Paper conf. ERK 1999
G. Baudoin, R. Marsalek, J. Prokes, Evaluation of the potential of the VLIW Digital signal Processor TMS320C6201 for UMTS FDD standard baseband processing implementation.
Paper conference Texas Instruments 2000
G. Baudoin, O. Venard, B. De Salaberry, A digital vibrating magnetic gyrometer using a control motor DSP TMS320F243.
Realization of the C5000 Teaching ROM for the Texas Instruments C5000 DSP family with Olivier Venard and Férial Virolleau.