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“©20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.”
“This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder."
Time Behavioral Model for Phase-Domain ADPLL based frequency synthesizer
Joubert, C.; Bercher, J.; Baudoin, G.; Divel, T.; Ramet, S. & Level, P.
IEEE - Conf. Radio and Wireless Symposium 2006
Architecture and Protocols of the RAMPE system- An Interactive Auditive Machine Helping Blinds in Public Transport
Sayah, J.E.; Baudoin, G.; Venard, O. & Hassan, B.E.
2nd IEEE International Conference ICTTA'2006
In: PREDIT 3 Bilan mi-parcours : le livre des projets, Présentation des projets primés et nommés à l'occasion du Carrefour de mi-parcours, publication du SP du PREDIT
Chapter: RAMPE Système intéractif d'informationauditive pour la mobilité des personnes aveugles dans les transports collectifs
Baudoin, G. & et al
pp. 17-19
Le projet RAMPE
Baudoin, G. & et al
Journée PREDIM-ATEC ITS d'information sur l'accessibilité aux transports des personnes à mobilité réduite
Le projet RAMPE : Système interactif d'information auditive pour la mobilité des personnes aveugles dans les transports publics
Baudoin, G.; Venard, O.; Uzan, G.; Paumier, A. & Cesbron, J.
UBIMOB'05- Mobilité et Ubiquité, 2ème Journées Francophones
pp. 169-176
RAMPE : Référentiel d'assistance aux personnes aveugles pour leur mobilité dans les transports publics et les pôles d'échange
Baudoin, G.; Venard, O.; Uzan, G.; Paumier, A. & Cesbron, J.
Carrefour PREDIT 3 à mi-parcours
The RAMPE Project: Interactive, Auditive Information System for the Mobility of Blind People in Public Transports
Baudoin, G.; Venard, O.; Uzan, G.; Rousseau, L.; Benabou, Y.; Paumier, A. & Cesbron, J.
ITST'2005 - IEEE, The 5th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications
pp. 389-392
How can blinds get information in Public Transports using PDA ? The RAMPE Auditive Man Machine Interface
Baudoin, G.; Venard, O.; Uzan, G.; Rousseau, L.; Benabou, Y.; Paumier, A. & Cesbron, J.
Conference AAATE'2005
Impact of BAW emission filter's characteristics on 3rd Generation standards modulations
Diet, A.; Villegas, M.; Vasseure, C. & Baudoin, G.
International Wireless Summit, WPMC - Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications
Modélisation comportementale d'un amplificateur de puissance dans une liaison OFDM en bande C
Hawaini, A.; Villegas, M. & Baudoin, G.
JNM'2005 - 14èmes Journées Nationales Microondes
UWB Pulse Generation in the 3.1-5.1 GHz band
Marchaland, D.; Villegas, M.; Baudoin, G.; Tinella, C. & Belot, D.
International Wireless Summit, WPMC - Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications
System Concepts dedicated to UWB Transmitter
Marchaland, D.; Villegas, M.; Baudoin, G.; Tinella, C. & Belot, D.
European Microwave Week 2005, Proc. Conf. ECWT
pp. 141-144
Générateur d'impulsions pour les systèmes Ultra Large Bande bas débit
Marchaland, D.; Villegas, M.; Baudoin, G.; Tinella, C. & Belot, D.
JNM'2005 - 14èmes Journées Nationales Microondes
Novel Pulse Generator Architecture dedicated to Low Data rate UWB Systems
Marchaland, D.; Villegas, M.; Baudoin, G.; Tinella, C. & Belot, D.
European Microwave Week 2005, Proc. Conf. ECWT/EuMC
pp. 229-232, 1687-
Evaluation d'un codeur de parole à très bas débit
Padellini, M.; Baudoin, G. & Capman, F.
GRETSI'05 - 20ème colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images
Very Low Bit Rate speech coding in Noisy Environnements
Padellini, M.; Capman, F. & Baudoin, G.
SPECOM'2005 - 10th International Conference on speech and Computer
Simulation using OMNeT++ of the RAMPE system - an Interactive Auditive Machine helping blinds in Public Transport
Sayah, J.E.; Baudoin, G.; Venard, O. & Hassan, B.E.
EUROCON' 2005, International Conference on computer as a tool
Conception d'antennes transpondeur pour les systèmes RFID à 13,56 MHz avec optimisation du couplage pour la télé-alimentation
Barbu, S.; Elrharbi, S.; Ripoll, C. & Baudoin, G.
TAISA'2004 - 5ème Colloque sur le Taitement Analogique de l'Information Applications
Monte Carlo Estimation of Time Mismatch Effect in an OFDM EER Architecture
Bercher, J.; Diet, A.; Berland, C.; Baudoin, G. & Villegas, M.
RAWCON'2004, IEEE - Radio & Wireless Conference
Hardware Platform based on TMS320C6416 for Wireless LAN (802.11g)
Blanco, N.; Gossio, D.E.; Venard, O.; Ripoll, C. & Baudoin, G.
IEEE - EDERS'2004, The European DSP Education and Research Symposium
Codage PWM de l'enveloppe d'un signal OFDM 80211.a dans une architecture EER
Diet, A.; Berland, C.; Villegas, M. & Baudoin, G.
SCS' 2004 - Premier congrès international de Signaux, Circuits & Systemes
Considerations on PWM Envelope Coding in an EER Architecture for Hiperlan2
Diet, A.; Berland, C.; Villegas, M. & Baudoin, G.
MMS'2004, Mediteranean Microwave Symposium
PWM coding and filtering of an OFDM envelope signal in a C band EER transmitter architecture
Diet, A.; Berland, C.; Villegas, M. & Baudoin, G.
PIMRC'2004 - The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
EER Architecture Specifications for OFDM Transmitter Using a Class E Amplifier
Diet, A.; Berland, C.; Villegas, M. & Baudoin, G.
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
Vol. 14
pp. 389-391
Compression of Large Speech Corpuses with Application to Corpus-Based Text to Speech Synthesis and very low bit rate speech coding, implementation on a C5000 Digital Signal Processor
Padellini, M.; Baudoin, G.; Capman, F.; Dahan, T. & Venard, O.
IEEE - EDERS'2004, The European DSP Education and Research Symposium
Very low bit rate (VLBR) speech coding around 500 bits/sec
Padellini, M.; Capman, F. & Baudoin, G.
EUSIPCO' 2004, XI European Signal Processing Conference
Dynamic unit selection for Very Low Bit Rate coding at 500 bits/sec
Padellini, M.; Capman, F. & Baudoin, G.
TSD'2004 - Text, Speech, Dialogue
pp. 417-423
Modélisation et techniques de mesure de l'impédence du transpondeur dans les systèmes d'identification sans contact par couplage inductif
Barbu, S.; Elrharbi, S.; Ripoll, C. & Baudoin, G.
XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM'2003
Influence of time and processing mismatches between phase and envelope signals in linearization systems using Envelope Elimination and Restoration, application to hiperlan 2
Baudoin, G.; Berland, C.; Villegas, M. & Diet, A.
Proc. Conf. IEEE - MTT'2003 Microwave Theory and Technique
Etude théorique et expérimentale de l'influence d'un décalage temporel entre l'enveloppe et la phase d'un signal OFDM dans un système de linéarisation EER
Baudoin, G.; Diet, A.; Berland, C. & Villegas, M.
XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM'2003
Corpus based very low bit rate speech coding
Baudoin, G. & El-chami, F.
Proc. ICASSP'03 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing
Power amplifier linearisation using pre-distortion with memory
Baudoin, G.; Jardin, P. & Marsalek, R.
13th International Czech - Slovak Scientific Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA'2003
pp. 193-196
Linéarisation des amplificateurs de puissance par pré-distorsion avec prise en compte des effets mémoire
Baudoin, G.; Jardin, P. & Marsalek, R.
GRETSI'03, 19th Symposium on signal and image processing
A new approach for LUT-based digital predistorters adaptation
Baudoin, G.; Marsalek, R. & Jardin, P.
EDS'2003, Proceedings of Electronic Devices and Systems Conference
Sensibilité d'une architecture EER à une modulation OFDM, analysée dans le cas du système hiperlan 2
Diet, A.; Berland, C.; Villegas, M. & Baudoin, G.
XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM'2003
EER architecture specification for C band OFDM transmitter
Diet, A.; Berland, C.; Villegas, M. & Baudoin, G.
Proc. conf. ECWT'03
Expression analytique de l'EVM et relation entre EVM et probabilité d'erreurs pour une liaison OFDM avec amplificateur de puissance non-linéaire
Marsalek, R.; Baudoin, G. & Jardin, P.
XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM'2003
De la post-distorsion à la pré-distorsion pour la linéarisation des amplificateurs de puissance
Marsalek, R.; Jardin, P. & Baudoin, G.
XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM'2003
From post-distorsion to pre-distorsion for power amplifiers linearization
Marsalek, R.; Jardin, P. & Baudoin, G.
IEEE - Communications Letters
Vol. 7
pp. 308-310
Codage de la parole à très bas débit par indexation d'unités de taille variable
Padellini, M.; Baudoin, G. & Capman, F.
RJC'2003 - Cinquième rencontres jeunes chercheurs en parole
Evaluation in multimedia services
Radu, A. & Baudoin, G.
HET-NETs'03 - First International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks
Quality of Service evaluation in Multimedia services
Radu, A. & Baudoin, G.
2003 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks
Intelligent agents for quality of service evaluation in multimedia services
Radu, A. & Baudoin, G.
IADIS International www/Internet 2003
Applying Digital Predistorsion To Power Amplifiers Used in Third Generation Systems
Abdulrahman, B. & Baudoin, G.
European Microwave Week 2002, Proc. Conf. GAAS
pp. 137-139
Influence de l'impédance du transpondeur sur la communication dans les systèmes RFID à 13,56 MHz
Barbu, S.; Elrharbi, S.; Ripoll, C. & Baudoin, G.
The 2nd International Colloquium Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics
pp. 20-25
Radiocommunications Numériques : Principe, Modélisation et Simulation
Baudoin, G.; Bercher, J.; Berland, C.; Brossier, J.; Courivaud, D.; Jardin, P.; Bazin-Lissorgues, G.; Ripoll, C.; Venard, O. & Villegas, M.
pp. 640
Advances in Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding using Recognition and Synthesis Techniques
Baudoin, G.; Capman, F.; Cernocky, J.; El-chami, F.; Charbit, M.; Chollet, G. & Petrovska-Delacrétaz, D.
Proc. Conf. TSD' 2002
pp. 269-276
Location and navigation system for visually impaired
Eksler, V.; Baudoin, G. & Villegas, M.
Electronic review ElectronicLetters.com Paper: 08/11/2002 ISSN1213-161X
Radiocommunications Numériques : Conception de circuits intégrés RF et micro-ondes
Villegas, M.; Berland, C.; Courivaud, D.; Bazin-Lissorgues, G.; Picon, O.; Ripoll, C. & Baudoin, G.
pp. 464
Adaptive Polynomial pre-distortion for linearization of power amplifiers in wireless communications and WLAN
Baudoin, G. & Jardin, P.
Proc. Conf. IEEE - EUROCON'2001
Vol. 1/2
pp. 157-160
Les nouvelles technologies de localisation et de navigation pour l'aide au déplacement des aveugles et malvoyants
Baudoin, G. & Villegas, M.
Atelier mobilité urbaine et autonomie des personnes aveugles et malvoyantes Institut de la ville en mouvement
Vers une analyse acoustico-phonétique de la parole indépendante de la langue, basée sur ALISP
Cernocky, J.; Baudoin, G.; Petrovska-Delacrétaz, D. & Chollet, G.
Revue parole
pp. 191-227
Influence of the nonlinearities of power amplifier on a transmitter / receiver for wireless local area network standard HIPERLAN 2
Marsalek, R. & Baudoin, G.
European Microwave Week 2001, Proc. Conf. ECWT
pp. 223-226
Diphone-like units without phonemes - option for Vey low Bit Rate Speech Coding
Motlicek, P.; Baudoin, G. & Cernocky, J.
Vol. 2/2
pp. 463-466
Minimization of Transition Noise and HNM Synthesis in Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding
Motlicek, P.; Baudoin, G.; Cernocky, J. & Chollet, G.
4th International conference, TDS 2001
pp. 305-312
Traitement Numérique du Signal pour un Gyromètre vibrant à Excitation Magnétique.
Venard, O.; Baudoin, G. & Salaberry, B.D.
C2I, Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Intrumentation
pp. 485-491
Mémoire de HDR : Codage de la Parole à bas et très bas débit, transformation de la voix
Baudoin, G.
Université de Marne la Vallée, France
Codage de la parole à bas et très bas débit
Baudoin, G.; Cernocky, J. & Chollet, G.
Annales des télécommunications
Vol. 55
pp. 462-482
A new adaptive baseband pre-distortion algorithm for linearization of power amplifiers, application to EDGE-GSM transmitters
Baudoin, G. & Jardin, P.
European Microwave Week 2000, Proc. Conf. ECWT
pp. 163-166
A digital vibrating magnetic gyrometer using a control motor DSP TMS320F243
Baudoin, G.; Venard, O. & Salaberry, B.D.
Proc. of 3rd European Conference on DSP Research and education
Vol. 1
DSP-La famille TMS320C54x, développement d'applications
Baudoin, G. & Virolleau, F.
In: Chapter Microsystèmes autonomes sans fils
Bazin-Lissorgues, G.; Sangouard, P.; Baudoin, G.; Ripoll, C. & Nicole, P.
Nano et Micro Technologies
Vol. 1
pp. 89-117
A new Dual mode GSM/EDGE transceiver using modulation loop
Berland, C.; Baudoin, G. & Villegas, M.
European Microwave Week 2000, Proc. Conf. ECWT
pp. 175-178
Unsupervised Learning for Very Low Bit-rate Speech Coding
Cernocky, J.; Baudoin, G. & Chollet, G.
SCI 2000, 4th world Multiconférence on systèmes, Cybernetics and Informatics
Vol. 6
Codage de la prosodie pour un codeur de parole à très bas débit par indexation d'unités de taille variable
Nakache, Y. & Baudoin, G.
CORESA' 2000 6ème journée d'étude et d'échanges compression et représentation des signaux Audiovisuels
Speech coding at low very low bit rates
Baudoin, G.
In proceedings ERK' 99
Vol. A
pp. 11 - 14
Evaluation of the potential of the VLIW digital signal processor TMS320C6201 for UMT FDD Standard baseband implementation
Baudoin, G.; Marsalek, R. & Prokes, J.
In proceedings ERK' 99
Vol. A
pp. 113-116
Les systèmes d'identification sans contact à 13,56 MHz
Baudoin, G.; Ripoll, C. & Bildstein, P.
internal publication, Rapport d'étude (PCT ANVAR) pour la société STID, ESIEE Noisy le Grand, France
Génération et traitement des signaux d''un gyromètre magnétique vibrant
Baudoin, G. & Venard, O.
internal publication, Rapport de recherche projet ISNAV, ESIEE Noisy le Grand, France
Very low bit rate Speech coding : Comparaison of data-driven units with syllable segments
Cernocky, J.; Kopecek, I.; Baudoin, G. & Chollet, G.
TSD' 99 : text, speech and dialogue
Vol. 1692
pp. 262-267
Implementation of FIR filters on fixed-point DSP for communication systems
Baudoin, G. & Venard, O.
In Proc. Of 2nd European Conference on DSP Research and education, Texas Instruments
pp. 365-371
Segmentation des signaux et des images, algorithmes et implantation multiprocesseur
Baudoin, G. & Zemva, A.
internal publication, Technical report ESIEE and university of Ljubljana%, Ljubljana
The use of alisp for automatic acoustic transcription
Cernocky, J.; Baudoin, G. & Chollet, G.
In Proc. of ESCA SPoSS workshop, workshop on sounds patterns of Spontaneous Speech
Segmental vocoder-going beyond the phonetic approach
Cernocky, J.; Baudoin, G. & Chollet, G.
In Proc. IEEE ICASSP' 98
Vol. 2
pp. 605-608
Very low bit rate segmental speech coding using automatically derived units
Cernocky, J.; Baudoin, G. & Chollet, G.
8th International Czech - Slovak Scientific Conference Proceedings Radioelektronika ' 98
Vol. 1
pp. 224-227
Automatically Derived Speech Units : Applications to Very Low Rate Coding and Speaker Verification
Cernocky, J.; Baudoin, G.; Petrovska-Delacrétaz, D.; Hennebert, J. & Chollet, G.
TSD' 98 : text, speech and dialogue
pp. 183-188
Design of a CDMA system simulator and implementation on a TMS320C6201
Janu, D.; Baudoin, G.; Bercher, J. & Venard, O.
In Proc. Of 2nd European Conference on DSP Research and education
pp. 101-106
Quantization of spectral sequences using variable length spectral segments for speech coding at very low bit rate
Baudoin, G.; Cernocky, J. & Chollet, G.
Proc. Eurospeech 97
pp. 1295-1298
Quantification de séquences spectrales de longueurs variables pour le codage de la parole à très bas débit
Baudoin, G.; Cernocky, J. & Chollet, G.
In Proc GRETSI'97
pp. 1093-1096
Les processeurs de traitement du signal, la famille TMS320C50
Baudoin, G. & Virolleau, F.
Speech spectrum representation and coding using multigrams with distance
Cernocky, J. & Baudoin, G.
pp. 1343-1346
Towards a very low bit rate segmental speech coder
Cernocky, J.; Baudoin, G. & Chollet, G.
NATO Advanced Study Institute : Computational models of speech pattern processing
Contour detection for image segmentation
Friderich, F.; Tasic, Y. & Baudoin, G.
Proc. ERK'97
pp. 253-256
Development of a low bit rate speech coder on a TMS320C30 based on the half rate GSM standard
Baudoin, G. & Blaha, P.
Proc. of 1rst European Conference on DSP Research and Education
pp. 11-22
On the transformation of the speech spectrum for voice conversion
Baudoin, G. & Styliannou, Y.
Proc.of ICSLP'96
pp. 1404-1408
Teaching DSP through the case study of a FSK modem
Baudoin, G.; Virolleau, F.; Venard, O. & Jardin, P.
Proc. of 1rst European Conference on DSP Research and Education
pp. 260-263
Stress detection though voice analysis
Boianov, B. & Baudoin, G.
In Proc. of 3rd Slovenian-german workshop speech and image understanding
pp. 149-156
Acoustical analysis of pathological voices
Boianov, B.; Hadjitodorov, S. & Baudoin, G.
In Proc. of 3rd Slovenian-german workshop speech and image understanding
pp. 157-166
Method for evaluation of the energy in the singer formant
Boianov, B.; Hadjitodorov, S.; Baudoin, G. & Doskov, D.
Comptes-rendus de l'académie bulgare des sciences
pp. 25-28
Représentation du spectre de parole par les multigrammes
Cernocky, J. & Baudoin, G.
Proc. XXI-es Journées d'étude sur la parole
pp. 239-242
Efficient method of speech spectrum description using multigrams
Cernocky, J.; Baudoin, G. & Chollet, G.
Speech and image understanding 3rd Sloveniain and 2nd SDRV Workshop
pp. 139-148
In: Speech Recognition and Coding, new advances and trends
Chapter: Comparizon of parametric spectral representations for speech recognition in noisy environments
Baudoin, G.; Jardin, P.; Gross, J. & Chollet, G.
Springer-Verlag, Nato asi seri f.
edited by a.rubio & jm.lopez
pp. 313-316
Traitement du signal et DSP
Baudoin, G. & Virolleau, F.
In proc of DSP conference Texas Instrument
In: Speech Recognition and coding, new advances and trends
Chapter: Excitation construction for the robust low bit rate CELP speech coder
Jelinek, M. & Baudoin, G.
Springer-Verlag, Nato asi seri f.
edited by a.rubio & jm.lopez
pp. 439-443
Complexity Reduction for FS1016 with multistage Search
Mauc, M.; Baudoin, G. & Jelinek, M.
Proceedings of ICASSP'94
pp. 261-264
In: New Trends in Speech Recognition and Coding
Chapter: Comparison of Spectral Parametrisation for Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments
Baudoin, G.; Jardin, P.; Gross, J. & Chollet, G.
Springer Verlag
Ecole d'été OTAN Bubbion
In: New Trends in Speech Recognition and Coding
Chapter: Excitation Construction for the Robust Low Bit Rate CELP Speech Coder
Jelinek, M.; Baudoin, G.; Chollet, G. & Mauc, M.
Springer Verlag
Ecole d'été OTAN Bubbion
Complexity Reduction for the FS1016 at 4800 bps CELP Coder
Mauc, M.; Baudoin, G. & Jelinek, M.
Proceeding of Eurospeech
pp. 245-248
Studies of Glottal Excitation and Vocal Tract Parameters Using Inverse Filtering and a Parametrised Input Model
Liu, J.; Baudoin, G. & Chollet, G.
Proc. of ICSLP'92
pp. 1051-1054
Reduced Complexity Celp Coder
Mauc, M. & Baudoin, G.
Vol. I
pp. 53-56
Codeur Celp à Complexité Réduite
Mauc, M. & Baudoin, G.
Journal de Physique IV, Colloque C1, supplément au journal de Physique III
Vol. 2
pp. 327-330
Reduced Complexity CELP Coder with a Multistage Search
Mauc, M.; Baudoin, G.; Jelinek, M. & Janu, D.
Proceedings of EUSIPCO
pp. 523-526
Reduced Complexity Celp Coders with Multistage Search
Mauc, M.; Baudoin, G.; Jelinek, M. & Jardin, P.
In Proc. EUSIPCO' 1992
pp. 523-526
Convergence d'Algorithmes de type LMS pour l'annulation des echos sur les images de télévision
Baudoin, G.
13ème Colloque du GRETSI
pp. 521-523
A Digital Holter System
Baudoin, G.
IEEE - Conference on Bioengineering and Medical physic
pp. 172
A Portable Digital System for Recording and Processing of ECG
Baudoin, G. & Chaouche, M.
pp. 1275-1278
Digital Processing of ECG
Baudoin, G. & Chaouche, M.
pp. 635-637
A digital EGG Recording System
Chaouche, M. & Baudoin, G.
First Mediterraneen Conference on Biomedical Engineering
pp. 149-152
Soft Decoding in Presence of Chanel Erasures
Marguinaud, A.; Baudoin, G.; Roseiro, A. & Bruel, S.
IEEE - International Conference on Information Theory
Generated on 2006.08.25 01:04:39 CEST