Théâtre en anglais à l'E.S.I.E.E.
Theatre in English at E.S.I.E.E.

More Than Human

by   Michael CHABON

performed by   Word for Word

directed by   Adrian ELFENBAUM


by   Richard Ford

performed by   Word for Word

directed by   Denise BALTHROP CASSIDY

L'événement - The Event

Où ? - Where ?

Dans le Grand Amphi (Marcel Dassault) du Groupe E.S.I.E.E.
In the Marcel Dassault auditorium, at E.S.I.E.E.
Venir à l'ESIEE - Getting to ESIEE.

Quand ? - When ?

Mardi 6 avril 2004 à 18h00.
Le spectacle dure environ 75 minutes avec un entr'acte de 10 minutes. Ensuite échanges avec les acteurs sur les oeuvres, les auteurs, la façon de travailler de Word for Word ... Enfin, il sera possible de discuter individuellement avec les membres de la troupe autour d'un verre.

Tuesday 6th April 2004, at 6pm.
The performance will last approximately 75 minutes with a 10-minute intermission, and will be followed by a discussion with the actors. There will be a chance to ask questions about the works, the authors, Word for Word's work, etc. And why not stay for an informal chat and a drink with members of the theatre company ?

Pour qui ? - Who for ?

Tous les étudiants et les membres du personnel, leurs familles et leurs amis.
All students and staff members, their families and friends.

Combien ça coûte ? - How much does it cost ?

It's free !

Leur tour de France est financé par la Florence Gould Foundation et Air France pour le transport.
This production is funded by the Florence Gould Foundation; travel support by Air France.

La troupe - The Company

"Their brilliant inventiveness in performance, choreography, and staging, has created a new art form, and a deeply affecting experience."
-- Tobias Wolff, award-winning author.

"Forget books on tape. Word for Word puts books on stage, and does so with a skill, intelligence and insight that live up to the group's slogan: 'We bring literature to life.'"
-- Robert Hurwitt, San Francisco Examiner.

Word for Word is a professional theatre company that stages short stories, performing every word the author has written, and thus preserving his/her voice and honoring the writer's intent. Literature is brought to life through inventive staging and exciting visual effects. Word for Word states its goals as being "to excite people about the written word, to inspire them to read more, to create new audiences for the theatre, and to share the world's diverse cultures and stories". As one of their company members says: "It's like being read to. While it's fully literary in content, it's completely theatrical in form."

The official web site of Word for Word

Word For Word: 1999 Best Ensemble Award from Bay Area Critics Circle.
Word for Word: 1998 Special Achievement Award from Bay Area Critics Circle.
Margo Hall: 1998 Black Box Award for Direction, Word for Word's Joy Ride (also "Friend of My Youth" Director).

Founders and Artistic Directors : Susan Harloe & JoAnne Winter.

Stage Manager ..................................... : Robert Earl Webb *
Production Coordinator, Assistant Stage Manager ... : Nicole Dickerson *
Costume Design .................................... : A. René Walker
Sound Design ...................................... : Drew Yerys

* Denotes member of Actors Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers.

La premiè nouvelle - The first story : More Than Human


L'auteur - The author


Michael Chabon est né près de Washington D.C. en 1963. A la fin de ses études, sa thèse universitaire donne naissance à Mysteries of Pittsburgh (1988) et dans le monde de l'édition on se bat pour publier ce premier roman. Viennent ensuite un recueil de nouvelles acclamé par la critique : A Model World and Other Stories (1991) puis Wonder Boys (1995) - Michael Douglas joue le rôle titre dans le film en 2000. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (2000), salué unanimement par le public et la critique, raconte l'histoire de 2 cousins juifs qui se passionnent pour la création de bandes dessinées pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Kavalier and Clay gagne à la fois le PEN/Faulkner Award et le Pulitzer Prize. L'oeuvre est selectionnée pour en tirer un film dont le scénario est de Michael Chabon. Avec sa dernière publication, Summerland (2002), roman plein de fantaisie, Michael Chabon tisse une toile complexe dont les fils sont le base-ball, le folklore américain, le mystère et la magie. Actuellement, Chabon travaille sur Hatzeplatz, roman inspiré de l'idée qu'eut le Président Roosevelt d'offrir l'Alaska au peuple juif.


Michael Chabon was born in 1963 just outside of Washington, D.C. His first novel, Mysteries of Pittsburgh (1988), was the result of his graduate thesis and was a publishers' bidding-war success. Next came his critically acclaimed collection of short stories A Model World and Other Stories (1991), followed by Wonder Boys (1995) (made into a film with Michael Douglas). Chabon's greatest critical and popular acclaim has come with publication of his brilliant The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (2000), the World War II story of two Jewish cousins inflamed by the desire to create comics. Winner of the PEN/ Faulkner Award and the Pulitzer Prize, Kavalier and Clay is now optioned as a film, with screenplay by Chabon. Michael Chabon's latest publication is Summerland (2002), a complex fantasy weaving together baseball, American folklore, mystery and magic. He is currently at work on a new novel, Hatzeplatz, based on an idea by President Roosevelt to grant Alaska to the Jews.


L'oeuvre - The work

'More than Human' est tiré de A Model World and Other Stories, recueil de nouvelles liées dont certaines racontent le déchirement de la famille Shapiro. Dans 'More than Human' l'auteur explore la relation entre l'adolescent, Nathan Shapiro, et son père, à la veille de la rupture familiale.


'More Than Human' is from A Model World and Other Stories, a book of interconnected stories of which some chronicle the breakup of the Shapiro family. 'More Than Human' explores the relationship between adolescent Nathan Shapiro and his father on the eve of the family's divorce.


Read some short editorial reviews.


Le résumé - The summary

Plus qu'humain

Le Dr Shapiro, pédopsychiatre désillusionné arrivé au stade final de son mariage, a décidé de quitter sa femme et ses deux garçons, Nathan et Ricky. La période qui précède ce départ est racontée à travers les yeux du père. Alors qu'il s'apprête à expliquer à Nathan la nature du divorce, Dr Shapiro est confronté à ses incapacités en tant que parent et observe l'évolution de sa relation avec son fils. La suite de l'événement est racontée à travers le regard de Nathan. Celui-ci, en proie à la colère, mais gagnant en maturité et en perspicacité, cherche à se rasséréner et à rassurer son père.


More Than Human

Dr Shapiro, a child psychiatrist profoundly dissatisfied with his life, has decided to leave his wife and two young sons, Nathan and Ricky. "More Than Human" recounts the event, first from the father's point of view, then from Nathan's. As he prepares to inform his son of his imminent departure, Shapiro recognizes his failings as a parent and examines his changing relationship with the maturing boy. Nathan, whose feelings of rage and confusion are coupled with insightful observations about fatherhood and despair, seeks to reassure his father and himself.


Les acteurs - The performers

Directed by Adrian Elfenbaum

- Paul Finocchiaro ............. Dr. Shapiro
- Cully Fredricksen * .......... Ensemble
- Zac Jaffee ................... Nathan Shapiro
- Ian Petroni .................. Ricky, Ensemble
- Nancy Shelby * ............... Rose, Ensemble

* Denotes member of Actors Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers.

La seconde nouvelle - The second story : Communist


L'auteur - The author

[Starkville High School (Mississippi)]

Né en 1944 à Jackson, Mississippi, Richard Ford a fait ses études dans le Michigan et en Californie et a vécu à Paris, dans le Montana, à La Nouvelle-Orléans et dans le Maine. Après des études d'hôtellerie à l'université de Michigan State, il obtient en 1970 un Master of Fine Arts (MFA) en écriture de l'université de Californie, Irvine. En 1981 il abandonne la fiction pour devenir reporter sportif à Inside Sports, magazine new-yorkais pour lequel il couvre le base-ball et le football universitaire. A la disparition du magazine, il écrit The Sportswriter (1986), roman unanimement acclamé. Independence Day (1996), la suite de The Sportswriter, a été le premier roman à gagner à la fois le PEN/Faulkner Award et le Pulitzer Prize. Parmi ses autres oeuvres : A Piece of My Heart (1976), Rock Springs (1987), The Ultimate Good Luck (1981), Wildlife, Women with Men : Three Stories; l'oeuvre la plus récente est un recueil de nouvelles intitulé A Multitude of Sins.


Richard Ford was born in 1944 in Jackson, Mississippi, went to school in Michigan and California, and has lived in Paris, Montana, New Orleans, and Maine. He graduated from Michigan State University after studying to be an hotelier, and went on to receive a 1970 MFA in writing from the University of California at Irvine. In 1981, he quit writing fiction and became a sportswriter, covering baseball and college football for a New York sports magazine, Inside Sports. It was after this magazine folded that Richard Ford began work on his acclaimed novel The Sportswriter (1986). Its sequel, Independence Day (1996), was the first novel to win both the PEN/Faulkner Award and the Pulitzer Prize. Richard Ford's other books include A Piece of My Heart (1976), Rock Springs (1987), The Ultimate Good Luck (1981), Wildlife, Women With Men: Three Stories, and his most recent, A Multitude of Sins, a collection of short stories.


L'oeuvre - The work

'Communist' est tiré du recueil Rock Springs publié en 1987. De ces 10 nouvelles Joyce Carol Oates a dit : "Divinement imaginées et construites, pleines de malice, ces nouvelles nous arrachent le coeur ou nous font rire. Richard Ford est un conteur né dont la voix est d'un lyrisme incomparable. Rock Springs est l'expression même de la poésie du réalisme."


'Communist' is from the collection Rock Springs, published in 1987. Joyce Carol Oates described the 10 stories thus : "Beautifully imagined and crafted stories, by turns heartrending and wickedly funny; and just plain wicked. Richard Ford is a born story-teller with an inimitable lyric voice, and Rock Springs is the very poetry of realism."


Read some short editorial reviews.


Le résumé - The summary


Les, un homme de 41 ans se remémore un incident critique de 1961 qui marqua son passage de l'adolescence à l'âge adulte. Il se revoit à 16 ans, vivant dans le Montana avec sa mère, Aileen, jeune veuve de 32 ans qui travaillait parfois le jour comme serveuse et fréquentait les bars du bourg le soir. Son ami de l'époque était un certain Glen Baxter, le 'communiste' du titre, un passionné de chasse. Il avait déjà connu le Vietnam, travaillait comme ouvrier agricole l'été et passait le plus clair de son temps dans les bars pendant l'hiver. Après une absence de deux mois, Glen revient et propose d'emmener Les et sa mère, réticente, faire une partie de chasse aux oies des neiges. Les événements de cette journée serviront à révéler à chacun l'âpre réalité de sa propre vie.



A middle-aged man recounts a 1961 incident which marked his passage from adolescence to manhood. Through adult eyes, Les re-examines himself as a 16-year-old living in rural Montana with his widowed mother, Aileen, a 32-year-old part-time waitress. Her boyfriend of the moment - and the 'Communist' of the title - is Glen Baxter, a Vietnam veteran who works summers as a farm laborer then frequents the local bars during the long Montana winter. He is also an enthusiastic hunter. When, after a two-month absence, Glen invites Les and the reluctant Aileen to go hunting for wild snow geese, he precipitates events which will lead each of them to consider the stark reality of their separate lives.


Directed by Denise Balthrop Cassidy

- Paul Finocchiaro ............. Les
- Cully Fredricksen * .......... Glen Baxter
- Nancy Shelby * ............... Aileen

* Denotes member of Actors Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers.

Their performance in 2003 at ESIEE

Their performance in 2002 at ESIEE

Their performance in 2001 at ESIEE

Their performance in 2000 at ESIEE

Une réaction écrite ...

Merci beaucoup d'avoir organisé ce spectacle.
J'ai été (ainsi que mon fils) très impressionné par la qualité du jeu des acteurs, par l'adaptation remarquable de la nouvelle, par le rythme de la mise en scène.
Vraiment ce fut un spectacle de très haut niveau.
Et en plus les comédiennes avec qui j'ai eu l'occasion de discuter sont vaiment très sympas.
Merci donc à vous deux.

Contacts : Viviane DUNN ( & Denis BUREAU (

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