Euclidean skeletons: publications

Journal articles

[CCT10] J. Chaussard, M. Couprie and H. Talbot: "Robust skeletonization using the discrete lambda-medial axis", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. , No. , pp. , 2010, to appear.

[SCL09] A. Vital Saúde, M. Couprie and R. Lotufo: "Discrete 2D and 3D Euclidean medial axis in higher resolution", Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 27, pp. 354--363, 2009.

[CCZ07] M. Couprie, D. Coeurjolly and R. Zrour: "Discrete bisector function and Euclidean skeleton in 2D and 3D", Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 25, pp. 1543-1556, 2007.

Conference articles

[CSB06] M. Couprie, A. Vital Saúde and G. Bertrand: "Euclidean homotopic skeleton based on critical kernels", Procs. SIBGRAPI, IEEE CS Press, pp. 307-314, 2006.

[Cou11] M. Couprie: "Hierarchic Euclidean skeletons in cubical complexes", Procs. DGCI, LNCS, vol. 6607, pp. 141-152, 2011.

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