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The initialization follows these steps :
- load the sim68k simulator dynamic library,
- source the configuration file specified with the -c
argument if any
- otherwise, look for the SIM68K_CONFIG environment
variable and source its file
- otherwise, source the default configuration file
$SIM68K_LIB/sim68k.cfg where $SIM68K_LIB is the
place where the simulator have been installed
- This configuration file should configure the memory and start
all the peripheral circuits and extensions as well, then the simulator
is actually reset and started
- look for the SIM68K_START environment variable and
source its file if it is defined
- otherwise, source the default start file
- source ~/.sim68k if it exists and is readable. This
file includes the options
- source ~/ if it exists and is
readable. This file should include windows related informations like
the geometry for example.
- load .s29 file passed as argument if any
A skeleton of configuration file is :
addmemory 0x00000000 0x000003FF ram
addmemory 0x00000400 0x0000FFFF ram add 64K of memory
addinterface 0x10000000 0x10000000 routine define device
confIPL 3 200 define interrupt level using vector 64
source fileName containing device definition
Initialization procedure for device
start indicate end of configuration : allocation of memory
command command as load file.exe
Next: Writing extensions
Up: MC68000 and interface circuits
Previous: Commands