Usage: asft in.pgm <c.pgm cc.pgm|null null> connex rmax out.pgm
Description: Alternate sequential filter controled by topology. Disc- or Ball-shaped structuring elements of increasing radius, ranging from 1 to rmax, are generated. Let D1...Dn be these structuring elements, sorted by increasing radius. Let I(0) = in.pgm, the ith intermediate result I(i) is obtained by the homotopic pseudo-closing of the homotopic pseudo-opening of I(i-1) by the structuring element Di. Two images c.pgm and cc.pgm can be given to serve as constraints for, respectively, the object and its complementary. The result out.pgm contains the final result I(n).
Types supported: byte 2d, byte 3d
Category: morpho, topobin