2dcolor.c | Gives a specific color to points in a 2D khalimsky grid, according to their rank |
2dkhalimskize.c | Converts a 2D image into a 2D Khalimsky order |
2dthin.c | Homotopic thinning of a 2d Khalimsky image |
3dcolor.c | Gives a specific color to points in a 3D khalimsky grid, according to their rank |
3dinvariants.c | Computes the numbers of connected components, cavities and tunnels of a 3D Khalimsky order |
3disthmus.c | Destroys 1D isthmuses in a 3D binary image |
3dkhalimskize.c | Converts a 3D image into a 3D Khalimsky order |
3dlabel.c | Labels the theta-connected component of a 3D Khalimsky order |
3dplane.c | Builds the discretization of a plane in the 3d Khalimsky space |
3drecons.c | Geodesic reconstruction in a 3d khalimsky order |
3dskelsurf.c | Surfacic skeleton |
3dthin.c | Homotopic thinning of a 3d Khalimsky image |
ac2pink.c | Converts a 3D scene from AC3D format to Pink 3Dscene format |
add.c | Pixelwise addition of two images |
addconst.c | Adds a constant value to an image |
amont.c | Amont of a binary marker in a grayscale image |
animscenes.c | Generates intermediate scenes by interpolation |
area.c | Return the number of non-null pixels of an image |
areaclosing.c | Area closing |
areaopening.c | Area opening |
areaselnb.c | Area based segmentation by selection of a given number or components |
asf.c | Alternate sequential filter |
asfbin.c | Alternate sequential filter for binary images |
asflin.c | Alternate sequential filter by linear structuring elements |
asfr.c | Alternate sequential filter by reconstruction |
asft.c | Alternate sequential filter controled by topology |
asftmed.c | Alternate sequential filter controled by topology |
asftndg.c | Alternate sequential filter controled by topology |
attribute.c | Labels each connected component with its attribute value |
autocrop.c | Eliminates null regions at the periphery of an image |
average.c | Pixelwise (weighted) average of two images |
ball.c | Generates a binary euclidean ball |
barycentre.c | Compute the center of gravity of each connected component |
barycentrelab.c | Compute the center of gravity of each labeled region |
bisector.c | Compute the bisector function of a binary image |
border.c | Border of a binary image |
boxmin.c | Minimal box including a given set of points |
bruite.c | Adds noise to an image |
byte2float.c | Converts a "byte" image to a "float" image |
byte2long.c | Converts a "byte" image to a "long" image |
car2pol.c | Converts a 2d image from cartesian to polar coordinates |
catpgm.c | Catenates a sequence of 2d images into a 3d image |
closeball.c | Morphological binary closing by a ball |
closing.c | Morphological closing by a plane structuring element |
convexhull.c | Convex hull of a set of points in the 2D plane |
convol.c | Convolution |
crestheight.c | Measures the height of crests in a thinned grayscale image |
crestrestoration.c | Crest restoration algorithm |
crestsegment.c | Measures the height of crests in a thinned grayscale image |
crestvol.c | Enhances linear structures in a grayscale image |
crop.c | Extracts a rectangular (cuboidal in 3d) area from an image |
curvatures.c | Compute the curvatures of a natural cubic spline |
curve2spline.c | Converts a discrete open curve into a spline |
delcomp.c | Deletes a connected component |
deletecomp.c | Deletes a connected component |
deletepeaks.c | Deletes peaks in a grayscale image |
deletewells.c | Deletes wells in a grayscale image |
diffimages.c | Pixelwise absolute value difference of 2 images |
dilatball.c | Morphological binary dilation by a ball |
dilation.c | Morphological dilation by a plane structuring element |
directionalfilter.c | Directional filter for curvilinear feature extraction |
dist.c | Distance transform (external) |
distc.c | Distance transform (internal) |
distgeo.c | Geodesic distance |
diZenzo.c | DiZenzo gradient pour les images couleurs |
drawcurve.c | Draw line segments which are specified by a text file |
drawline.c | Draw a line segment in a 2D image |
drawlines.c | Draw line segments which are specified by a text file |
drawscene.c | Draw a 3D scene which is specified by a text file into a 3D pgm image |
drawspline.c | Draw a spline which is specified by its control points in a text file |
drawsplines.c | Draw spline segments which are specified by a text file |
dup.c | Duplicates an image |
ellipsefit.c | Ellipse identification and drawing from spare points |
enframe.c | Adds a border with a given gray value to an image |
equal.c | Equality test |
erosball.c | Morphological binary erosion by a ball |
erosion.c | Morphological erosion by a plane structuring element |
expandframe.c | Expands the values of the image in a n-pixel wide band outside the image |
explode.c | Converts single 3D pgm file into a series of 2D pgm files |
explodecomp.c | Converts single 2D pgm file into a series of 2D pgm files, where each file of the series contains one component of the original image |
extractplane.c | Extracts a plane normal to one of the directions x,y,z from a 3D image |
fft.c | Fast Fourier transform |
fitcircle.c | Fits a circle which locally minimizes gray levels |
float2byte.c | Converts a "float" image to a "byte" image |
frame.c | Generates an image with a white border and a black interior |
gaussianfilter.c | Gaussian filter operator |
genimage.c | Generates a monocolor image of given size |
genlut.c | Generates a lookup table |
genplane.c | Generates a plane normal to one of the directions x,y,z |
geodilat.c | Geodesic dilation |
geoeros.c | Geodesic erosion |
gettree.c | Get the structure of a tree |
gradcol.c | Color morphological gradient |
gradientcd.c | Canny-Deriche gradient operator |
granulometry.c | Granulometry of a binary image |
grayskel.c | Grayscale homotopic skeleton |
hcutting.c | Homotopic cutting (pseudo opening) by a ball |
heightmaxima.c | H-maxima operator |
heightminima.c | H-minima operator |
heightselnb.c | Height based segmentation by selection of a given number or components |
hfilling.c | Homotopic filling (pseudo closing) by a ball |
histolisse.c | Smoothed histogram of the gray values |
histopgm.c | Histogram of the gray values |
histstretch.c | Transforms the gray scale by stretching the histogram |
hitormiss.c | Morphological hit or miss transformation for binay images |
hls2rgb.c | Converts from hls to rgb color representation |
holeclosing.c | 3d hole closing |
hthick.c | Grayscale homotopic thickening |
hthin.c | Grayscale homotopic thinning |
htkern.c | Grayscale ultimate homotopic thinning |
htkernu.c | Grayscale ultimate homotopic thickening |
insert.c | Inserts an image into another image |
inverse.c | Complements a byte image to 255 |
isnull.c | Nullity test |
isometry.c | Basic isometries in 3D |
label.c | Labeling of some flat zones of a grayscale or a binary image |
labeltree.c | Branch distance |
lambdaskel.c | Grayscale filtered topological skeleton |
lambdathin.c | Grayscale homotopic and filtered thinning |
laplacian.c | Laplacian operator |
line.c | Draws a straight line between the two first points found in image |
lintophat.c | Max of morphological black top hats by linear structuring elements |
list2pgm.c | Converts from point list representation to pgm |
localextrema.c | Local extrema |
long2byte.c | Converts a "long" image to a "byte" image |
lthick.c | Grayscale leveling thickening |
lthin.c | Grayscale leveling thinning |
lvkern.c | Grayscale ultimate leveling thinning |
lvkernu.c | Grayscale ultimate leveling thickening |
matchrect.c | Matches (rounded) rectangles to the contours of objects |
max.c | Maximum of 2 images |
maxdiameter.c | Maximal diameter of a binary image |
maxima.c | Regional maxima |
mcube.c | Topologically correct "marching cubes"-like algorithm |
medialaxis.c | Medial axis transform |
medianfilter.c | Median filter |
meshaddnoise.c | Adds gaussian noise to the positions of the vertices of a mesh |
meshconvert.c | Mesh format conversion |
meshregul.c | Mesh smoothing |
min.c | Minimum of 2 images |
minima.c | Regional minima |
moments.c | Calcul des moments d'ordre 1 et 2 d'une image binaire (nuage de points) |
mult.c | Pixelwise multiplication of two images |
nbcomp.c | Returning number of connex components of a grayscale or a binary image |
nbtopo.c | Connectivity numbers |
nbvois.c | Number of neighbors for each object point |
normalize.c | Normalization of grayscale values |
offset.c | Image translation |
ombre.c | Binary shadow of a grayscale function |
openball.c | Morphological binary closing by a ball |
opening.c | Morphological opening by a plane structuring element |
pgm2closedcurve.c | Extracts a curve from a binary image |
pgm2curve.c | Extracts a curve from a binary image |
pgm2pov.c | Generates a povray file from a 3D image |
pgm2ppm.c | Constructs a ppm color image from 3 pgm grayscale image or from a pgm image and a lookup table |
pgm2ps.c | Converts from pgm to ps for illustrating small image configurations |
pgm2raw.c | Suppress the header from a pgm file |
pgm2skel.c | Decomposition of a curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions |
pgm2vskel.c | Decomposition of a valuated curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions |
pgm2vtk.c | Generates a vtk file from a 3D image |
pgmascmode.c | Converts a pgm file to ascii mode |
pgmrawmode.c | Converts a pgm file to raw mode |
point.c | Modifies the value of a given point |
points2spline.c | Converts a sequence of control points into a spline |
pol2car.c | Converts a 2d image from polar to cartesian coordinates |
ppm2pgm.c | Converts a color ppm image into 3 grayscale pgm images |
printhisto.c | Prints the histogram of an image or a region |
printstats.c | Prints some stats of an image or a region |
proj.c | Projection parallel to one of the main axes |
propgeo.c | Geodesic propagation of image values |
ptcurve.c | Detects curve points in a binary image |
ptend.c | Detects end points in a binary image |
ptextensible.c | Detects extensible points in a grayscale image |
ptisolated.c | Detects isolated points in a binary image |
ptmultiple.c | Detects multiple points in 2d or 3d binary images |
ptseparating.c | Detects separating points in a 2D or 3D binary image |
ptseparatinggray.c | Detects separating points in a grayscale image |
ptsimple.c | Detects simple points in a binary image |
randrgb.c | Generates random colors from gray levels |
rankfilter.c | Rank filter |
raw2pgm.c | Converts from raw format into pgm format |
redt.c | Reverse euclidean distance transform |
rgb2hls.c | Converts a ppm color file to hls representation |
rotatebin.c | Rotation of a binary image |
samplespline.c | Samples a cubic spline according to its curvilinear abcissa |
scale.c | Product of an image by a scalar |
sceneconvert.c | Converts a 3D scene into another format |
section.c | Computes a 2d cross section from a 3d image |
segmentarea.c | Segmentation by filtering components on an area criterion |
segmentheight.c | Segmentation based on a height criterion |
segmentvol.c | Segmentation by filtering components on a volume criterion |
selectcomp.c | Selects a connected component |
selndg.c | Selects pixels with values between two thresholds |
seltopo.c | Selects points according to a local topological criterion |
setvoxdim.c | Adds voxel dimensions to file header |
seuil.c | Simple threshold |
seuil2.c | Double threshold |
seuilauto.c | Automatic threshold |
showheader.c | Prints image information |
showpoint.c | Prints the value of a given point |
signal2pgm.c | Converts from signal representation to pgm |
skel2pgm.c | Generation of a binary image from a curvilinear skeleton |
skel2pov.c | Generation of a 3d illustration from a curvilinear skeleton |
skelcurv.c | Curvilinear binary skeleton guided by a priority image |
skelend.c | Homotopic skeleton of a 2d binary image with dynamic detection of end points |
skeleton.c | Ultimate binary skeleton guided by a priority image |
skeleucl.c | Euclidean binary skeleton |
skelsurf.c | Surfacic binary skeleton guided by a priority image |
squelbin.c | Homotopic skeleton of a 2d binary image |
sub.c | Substracts an image from another one |
surimp.c | Superimposition of a binary image with a grayscale image |
sym.c | Symmetry (vertical, horizontal, central in 2D; x, y, z in 3D) |
symse.c | Inverse of a structuring element |
taf.c | Topological alternating filter |
tlf.c | Topological lower filter |
toposhrink.c | Topologically controled binary shrinking guided by a priority image |
translate.c | Image translation |
tuf.c | Topological upper filter |
volmaxima.c | Volume-based filtering |
volselnb.c | Volume based segmentation by selection of a given number or components |
volume.c | Return the sum of the pixel values of an image |
volumelignes.c | Enhances linear structures in a grayscale image |
vskel2graph.c | Generation of a graph from a curvilinear skeleton |
watershed.c | Topological binary watershed (Couprie-Bertrand algorithm) |
watershedMeyer.c | Watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) |
watershedMeyer2.c | Watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers |
watershedwithoutline.c | Watershed transformation without line of separation |
wshedkhalimsky.c | Watershed transformation in Khalimsky space (inter pixel watershed) |
wshedtopo.c | Topological grayscale watershed (Couprie-Bertrand algorithm) |
xor.c | Pixelwise xor of two images |
zoom.c | Zoom (shrink or expand) an image |
zoomint.c | Zoom by an integer factor |