Files | |
file | ac2pink.c |
converts a 3D scene from AC3D format to Pink 3Dscene format | |
file | byte2float.c |
converts a "byte" image to a "float" image | |
file | byte2long.c |
converts a "byte" image to a "long" image | |
file | car2pol.c |
converts a 2d image from cartesian to polar coordinates | |
file | catpgm.c |
catenates a sequence of 2d images into a 3d image | |
file | crop.c |
extracts a rectangular (cuboidal in 3d) area from an image | |
file | enframe.c |
adds a border with a given gray value to an image | |
file | expandframe.c |
expands the values of the image in a n-pixel wide band outside the image | |
file | explode.c |
converts single 3D pgm file into a series of 2D pgm files | |
file | explodecomp.c |
converts single 2D pgm file into a series of 2D pgm files, where each file of the series contains one component of the original image | |
file | float2byte.c |
converts a "float" image to a "byte" image | |
file | genlut.c |
generates a lookup table | |
file | hls2rgb.c |
converts from hls to rgb color representation | |
file | insert.c |
inserts an image into another image | |
file | list2pgm.c |
converts from point list representation to pgm | |
file | long2byte.c |
converts a "long" image to a "byte" image | |
file | meshconvert.c |
mesh format conversion | |
file | pgm2closedcurve.c |
extracts a curve from a binary image | |
file | pgm2curve.c |
extracts a curve from a binary image | |
file | pgm2pov.c |
generates a povray file from a 3D image | |
file | pgm2ppm.c |
constructs a ppm color image from 3 pgm grayscale image or from a pgm image and a lookup table | |
file | pgm2ps.c |
converts from pgm to ps for illustrating small image configurations | |
file | pgm2raw.c |
suppress the header from a pgm file | |
file | pgm2vtk.c |
generates a vtk file from a 3D image | |
file | pgmascmode.c |
converts a pgm file to ascii mode | |
file | pgmrawmode.c |
converts a pgm file to raw mode | |
file | pol2car.c |
converts a 2d image from polar to cartesian coordinates | |
file | ppm2pgm.c |
converts a color ppm image into 3 grayscale pgm images | |
file | randrgb.c |
generates random colors from gray levels | |
file | raw2pgm.c |
converts from raw format into pgm format | |
file | rgb2hls.c |
converts a ppm color file to hls representation | |
file | sceneconvert.c |
converts a 3D scene into another format | |
file | setvoxdim.c |
adds voxel dimensions to file header | |
file | showheader.c |
prints image information | |
file | showpoint.c |
prints the value of a given point | |
file | signal2pgm.c |
converts from signal representation to pgm | |
file | surimp.c |
superimposition of a binary image with a grayscale image |