Pink 0.9

GA2khalimsky.c File Reference

Convert a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) into its representation in the Khalimsky grid. More...

Detailed Description

Convert a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) into its representation in the Khalimsky grid.

Usage: GA2khalimsky GA.pgm type out.pgm


Convert a 4-connected (6-connected, in 3D) edge-weighted graph ( into its Khalimsky grid representation (depending on the parameter type), stored as a pgm image (out.pgm). The vertices of the graph are associated to the square of the Khalimsky grid, and the edges of the graphs are associated to the line segments.

If type = 0, then the closure of the set of weighted-edges is used (usefull for representing contours).

If type = 1, then the dual of the closure of the set of weighted edges is used (usefull for representing regions).

Types supported: ga 2d, ga 3d

Category: GA

Jean Cousty