Pink 0.9

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
2dborder.cExtracts the border of an object in H2
2dcollapse.cUltimate constrained collapse guided by a priority image
2dcolor.cGives a specific color to points in a 2D khalimsky grid, according to their rank
2dinvariants.cComputes the numbers of connected components, cavities and tunnels of a 2D Khalimsky order
2dkhalimskize.cConverts a 2D image into a 2D Khalimsky order
2dlabel.cLabels the theta-connected component of a 2D Khalimsky order
2dmakecomplex.cMakes a cellular complex from the given set
2dpardircollapse.cParallel directional constrained collapse
2dseltopo.cSelects points in the 2d khalimsky grid according to a local topological criterion
2dthin.cHomotopic thinning of a 2d Khalimsky image
3dalpha.cAlpha-dilation of a 3d khalimsky order
3dbeta.cBeta-dilation of a 3d khalimsky order
3dborder.cExtracts the border of an object in H3
3dcollapse.cUltimate constrained collapse guided by a priority image
3dcolor.cGives a specific color to points in a 3D khalimsky grid, according to their rank
3dinvariants.cComputes the numbers of connected components, cavities and tunnels of a 3D cubical complex
3disthmus.cDestroys 1D isthmuses in a 3D binary image
3dkhalimskize.cConverts a 3D image into a 3D Khalimsky order
3dlabel.cLabels the theta-connected component of a 3D Khalimsky order
3dmakecomplex.cMakes a cellular complex from the given set
3dmakepolygons.cIdentifies polygons from a labelled pure 2D cellular complex
3dpardircollapse.cParallel directional constrained collapse
3dplane.cBuilds the discretization of a plane in the 3d Khalimsky space
3drecons.cGeodesic reconstruction in a 3d khalimsky order
3dseltopo.cSelects points in the 3d khalimsky grid according to a local topological criterion
3dskelck.cHomotopic thinning based on critical kernels
3dskelsurf.cSurfacic skeleton
3dsurfacecollapse.cParallel directional constrained collapse with surface detection and preservation
3dthin.cHomotopic thinning of a 3d Khalimsky image
3dview.tclInteractive visualization / segmentation of a 3D image
ac2pink.cConverts a 3D scene from AC3D format to Pink 3Dscene format
add.cPixelwise addition of two images
addconst.cAdds a constant value to an image
affine.cAffine transformation of a 2D image
alpha.cComputes the connecivity number alpha for each image voxel
amont.cAmont of a binary marker in a grayscale image
animscenes.cGenerates intermediate scenes by interpolation
any2complex.cConverts a "byte", "long" of "float" image (or couple of images) to a "fcomplex" image
area.cReturn the number of non-null pixels of an image
areaclosing.cArea closing
areaopening.cArea opening
areaselnb.cArea based segmentation by selection of a given number or components
argmax.cReturn the coordinates of a pixel having the maximal value
argmin.cReturn the coordinates of a pixel having the minimal value
asf.cAlternate sequential filter
asfbin.cAlternate sequential filter for binary images
asflin.cAlternate sequential filter by linear structuring elements
asfr.cAlternate sequential filter by reconstruction
asft.cAlternate sequential filter controled by topology
asftmed.cAlternate sequential filter controled by topology
asftndg.cAlternate sequential filter controled by topology
attribute.cLabels each connected component with its attribute value
autocrop.cEliminates null regions at the periphery of an image
average.cPixelwise (weighted) average of two images
average1.cReturn the average of the pixel values of an image
barycentre.cCompute the center of gravity of each connected component
barycentrelab.cCompute the center of gravity of each labeled region
bisector.cCompute the bisector function of a binary image
border.cBorder of a binary image
boxmin.cMinimal box including a given set of points
bruite.cAdds noise to an image
byte2float.cConverts a "byte" image to a "float" image
byte2long.cConverts a "byte" image to a "int32_t" image
car2pol.cConverts a 2d image from cartesian to polar coordinates
catpgm.cCatenates a sequence of 2d (resp. 1d) images into a 3d (resp. 2d) image
circleincl.cCircle identification and drawing from spare points
closeball.cMorphological binary closing by a ball
closeball.tclInteractive closing / opening by an Euclidean ball
closing.cMorphological closing by a plane structuring element
colorize.cGenerates a color image from a grayscale image and a lookup table
complex_imaginary.cPixelwise imaginary part of complex
complex_modulus.cPixelwise modulus of complex
complex_real.cPixelwise real part of complex
convexhull.cConvex hull of a set of points in the 2D plane
correctbias.cCorrection of a luminosity bias expressed by a linear function
countvalues.cCounts the number of distinct values of an image or a region
crestheight.cMeasures the height of crests in a thinned grayscale image
crestrestoration.cCrest restoration algorithm
crestsegment.cMeasures the height of crests in a thinned grayscale image
crestvol.cEnhances linear structures in a grayscale image
crop.cExtracts a rectangular (cuboidal in 3d) area from an image
curvatures.cCompute the curvatures of a natural cubic spline
curve2segments.cxxComputes a covering of a digital curve by digital straigh line segments
curve2spline.cConverts a discrete open curve into a spline
deframe.cSuppress the frame from an image
delaunay.cDelaunay triangulation
delaunaymask.cDelaunay triangulation
deletecomp.cDeletes a connected component
deletepeaks.cDeletes peaks in a grayscale image
deletewells.cDeletes wells in a grayscale image
diffimages.cPixelwise absolute value difference of 2 images
dilatball.cMorphological binary dilation by a ball
dilatball.tclInteractive dilation / erosion by an Euclidean ball
dilatballnum.cMorphological grayscale dilation by an Euclidean ball
dilation.cMorphological dilation by a plane structuring element
directionalfilter.cDirectional filter for curvilinear feature extraction
dist.cDistance transform (external)
distc.cDistance transform (internal)
distgeo.cGeodesic distance
distsets.cDistance between sets
div.cPixelwise division of two images
diZenzo.cDiZenzo gradient pour les images couleurs
double2byte.cConverts a "double" image to a "byte" image
drawball.cGenerates a binary euclidean ball
drawcurve.cDraw line segments which are specified by a text file
drawellipse.cDraws an ellipse
drawfield.cDraw line segments that represent a vector field
drawfieldlists.cDraw line segments that represent a vector field (represented by two lists)
drawline.cDraw a graph in a 2D image
drawlines.cDraw line segments which are specified by a text file
drawrect.cDraws a rectangle with sides parallel to the main axes
drawscene.cDraw a 3D scene which is specified by a text file into a 3D pgm image
drawspline.cDraw a spline which is specified by its control points
drawsplineorient.cDraw spline orientations in a vector field
drawsplines.cDraw spline segments which are specified by a text file
drawsplinesorient.cDraw spline orientations in a vector field (multiple spline version)
drawtorus.cGenerates a binary torus
drawtriangulation.cDraw a triangulation
dup.cDuplicates an image
dynamique.cDynamics of the maxima
dynamiquefilter.cFilter components according to the dynamics of the maxima
eden.cxxGrowth and/or shrinking of an 2D binary image - Eden process
ellipsefit.cEllipse identification and drawing from spare points
ellipseincl.cEllipse identification and drawing from spare points
ellipseparams.cEllipse identification and main parameter computation
enframe.cAdds a border with a given gray value to an image
enframe3d.cAdds a border with a given gray value to an image
equal.cEquality test
erosball.cMorphological binary erosion by a ball
erosballnum.cMorphological grayscale erosion by an Euclidean ball
erosion.cMorphological erosion by a plane structuring element
esedit.tclStructuring element editor
exp.cPixelwise exponentiation
expandframe.cExpands the values of the image in a n-pixel wide band outside the image
explode.cConverts single 3D pgm file into a series of 2D pgm files
explodecomp.cConverts single 2D pgm file into a series of 2D pgm files, where each file of the series contains one component of the original image
extractline.cExtracts a line between two given points from a 3D image
extractplane.cExtracts a plane normal to one of the directions x,y,z from a 3D image
extrude.cCatenates a sequence of 2d (resp. 1d) images, made of the repetition of the same image, into a 3d (resp. 2d) image
fft.cFast Fourier transform
findline.cxxFind line into an image using bresenham definition w is the digital line size
fitcircle.cFits a circle which locally minimizes gray levels
fits2pgm.cConverts from fits format into pgm format
float2byte.cConverts a "float" image to a "byte" image
float2long.cConverts a "float" image to a "int32_t" image
fmm.cFast marching method
frame.cGenerates an image with a white border and a black interior
GA2khalimsky.cConvert a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) into its representation in the Khalimsky grid
GA2pgm.cConvert a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) into a pgm image
GA2tikz.cConverts from GA to latex for illustrating small image configurations
gammacor.cPerforms gamma correction on image
gaussianfilter.cGaussian filter operator
GAwatershed.cCompute the watershed of a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA)
GAwatershedDouble.cCompute the watershed of a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) where the weights are doubles
genball.cGenerates a binary euclidean ball
genfield.cGenerates a null vector field of given size
genimage.cGenerates a monocolor image of given size
genlut.cGenerates a lookup table
genplane.cGenerates a plane normal to one of the directions x,y,z
geodilat.cGeodesic (grayscale or binary) dilation
geoeros.cGeodesic (grayscale or binary) erosion
gradient_abs.cppComputes the absolute value of the gradient of the spline approximation of the image
gradientcd.cCanny-Deriche gradient operator
granulometry.cGranulometry of a binary image
graph2pgm.cConverts from graph representation to pgm
graph2ps.cDraws a planar graph into a ps file
grayskel.cGrayscale homotopic skeleton
hcutting.cHomotopic cutting (pseudo opening) by a ball
hdilatball.cTopologically controlled dilation
heightmaxima.cH-maxima operator
heightminima.cH-minima operator
heightselnb.cHeight based segmentation by selection of a given number or components
herosball.cTopologically controlled erosion
hfilling.cHomotopic filling (pseudo closing) by a ball
histo.cComputes the histogram of an image or a region
histodist.cComputes the distance between two histograms
histolisse.cSmoothed histogram of the gray values
histopgm.cHistogram of the gray values
histosieve.cEliminates points with values that are seldom in the histogram
histstretch.cTransforms the gray scale by stretching the histogram
hitormiss.cMorphological hit or miss transformation for binay images
hls2rgb.cConverts from hls to rgb color representation
holeclosing.c3d hole closing
hthick.cGrayscale homotopic thickening
hthin.cGrayscale homotopic thinning
hthinpar.cParallel grayscale homotopic thinning
htkern.cGrayscale ultimate homotopic thinning
htkernu.cGrayscale ultimate homotopic thickening
identifyline.cIdentification of a best matching line from a set of 2D points
identifyparabola2.cIdentification of a best matching parabola from a set of 2D points
identifyparabola3.cIdentification of a best matching parabola from a set of 2D points
identifyplane.cIdentification of a best matching plane from a set of 3D points
inf.cPixelwise inf predicate
insert.cInserts an image into another image
integermedialaxis.cInteger medial axis transform
inverse.cComputes the pixelwise inverse of an image
isnull.cNullity test
isometry.cBasic isometries in 3D
label.cLabeling of some flat zones of a grayscale or a binary image
labeldil.cLabeling of the connected components of a binary image
labelfgd.cLabeling of the foreground components of a binary image
labeltree.cBranch distance
lambdalthin.cGrayscale filtered leveling
lambdamedialaxis.cDiscrete lambda-medial axis transform
lambdamedialaxis2.cDiscrete lambda-medial axis transform
lambdapmedialaxis.cDiscrete lambda-medial axis transform (cheaper variant)
lambdaskel.cGrayscale filtered topological skeleton
lambdathin.cGrayscale homotopic and filtered thinning
lantuejoul.cLantuejoul's skeleton
laplacian.cLaplacian operator
lengthspline.cComputes the length of a spline which is specified by its control points in a text file
lengthsplines.cComputes the lengths of splines which are specified by their control points in a text file
line.cDraws a straight line between the two first points found in image
lintophat.cMax of morphological black top hats by linear structuring elements
list2pgm.cConverts from point list representation to pgm
localextrema.cLocal extrema
log.cPixelwise logarithm
long2byte.cConverts a "int32_t" image to a "byte" image
long2float.cConverts a "long" image to a "float" image
longestplateau.cFinds the location of the longest plateau in 1D sequence
lthick.cGrayscale leveling thickening
lthin.cGrayscale leveling thinning
lvkern.cGrayscale ultimate leveling thinning
lvkernu.cGrayscale ultimate leveling thickening
mask.cApplies a binary mask to an image
matchrect.cMatches (rounded) rectangles to the contours of objects
max.cMaximum of 2 images
max1.cReturn the maximum of the pixel values of an image
maxdiameter.cMaximal diameter of a binary image
maxflow.cppCalculates the optimal surface segmentation with the maximum flow algorithm [1]
maxima.cRegional maxima
mccodimage.hThis file hold the basic type declarations used in the C functions of Pink
mcimage.hThis file holds the basic image allocation functions
mcube.cTopologically correct "marching cubes"-like algorithm
meanfilter.cMean filter operator
measure.cppNormalized absolute measure calculated from the image
medialaxis.cMedial axis transform
medianfilter.cMedian filter
meshaddnoise.cAdds gaussian noise to the positions of the vertices of a mesh
meshconvert.cMesh format conversion
meshflatten.cMesh flattening
meshregul.cMesh smoothing
min.cMinimum of 2 images
min1.cReturn the minimum of the pixel values of an image
minima.cRegional minima
minimalsimplepair.cDetects minimal simple pairs in a 3D binary image
moments.cCalcul des moments d'ordre 1 et 2 d'une image binaire (nuage de points)
MSF.cCompute a minimum spanning forest of a GA from a set of markers
mult.cPixelwise multiplication of two images
nbcomp.cReturning number of connected components of a grayscale or a binary image
nbtopo.cConnectivity numbers
nbvois.cNumber of neighbors for each object point
normalize.cNormalization of grayscale values
offset.cImage translation
ombre.cBinary shadow of a grayscale function
openball.cMorphological binary opening by a ball
opening.cMorphological opening by a plane structuring element
openingfunction.cOpening function
pca.cPrincipal component analysis
pgm2closedcurve.cExtracts a curve from a binary image
pgm2curve.cExtracts a curve from a binary image
pgm2GA.cComputes an edge-weighted graph from an image
pgm2GA4d.cCreate a 4D edge-weighted graph from a series of 3D images
pgm2graph.cConverts a binary image into a simple graph
pgm2list.cConverts from pgm format to list format
pgm2pov.cGenerates a povray file from a 3D image
pgm2ppm.cConstructs a ppm color image from 3 pgm grayscale image or from a pgm image and a lookup table
pgm2ps.cConverts from pgm to ps for illustrating small image configurations
pgm2raw.cSuppress the header from a pgm file
pgm2skel.cDecomposition of a curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions
pgm2skel2.cDecomposition of a curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions
pgm2vskel.cDecomposition of a valuated curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions
pgm2vtk.cGenerates a vtk file from a 3D image
pgmascmode.cConverts a pgm file to ascii mode
pgmrawmode.cConverts a pgm file to raw mode
planarity.cComputes a planarity measure for each connected component
point.cModifies the value of a given point
points2spline.cConverts a sequence of control points into a spline
pol2car.cConverts a 2d image from polar to cartesian coordinates
pow.cRaises the value of each pixel to the pth power
ppm2GA.cComputes an edge-weighted graph from an color .ppm image
ppm2pgm.cConverts a color ppm image into 3 grayscale pgm images
ppmascmode.cConverts a ppm file to ascii mode
printhisto.cPrints the histogram of an image or a region
printstats.cPrints some stats of an image or a region
proj.cProjection parallel to one of the main axes
projsphere.cProjection on a sphere
propgeo.cGeodesic propagation of image values
ptcurve.cDetects curve points in a binary image
ptend.cDetects end points in a binary image
ptextensible.cDetects extensible points in a grayscale image
pthseparatinggray.cDetects h-separating points in a grayscale image
ptinterior.cDetects interior points in a binary image
ptisolated.cDetects isolated points in a binary image
ptjunction.cDetects junction points in 2d or 3d binary images
ptmultiple.cDetects multiple points in 2d or 3d binary images
ptselectgray.cDetects points in a 2D or 3D grayscale image corresponding to a given criterion
ptseparating.cDetects separating points in a 2D or 3D binary image
ptseparatinggray.cDetects separating points in a grayscale image
ptsimple.cDetects simple points in a binary image
ptWsimple.cDetects W-simple points in a 2D binary image
pyexport.hppThis file defines the macros, which facilitate the export of functions in Python. The emphasis is given to multiple inclusion of template functions with all different types. As python cannot 'compile' in runtime, you must compile the template functions with all the possible image types. The macros and templates in this file ease you do that
quasishear.cQuasi shear rotation
radialopening.cRadial opening by line
radialrankmaxopening.cRadial rank-max opening by line
randimage.cRandom image generation
randrgb.cGenerates random colors from gray levels
rankfilter.cRank filter
rankmaxopening.cRank-max opening
raw2pgm.cConverts from raw format into pgm format
rawthreshold.cConverts from raw format into pgm format and applies a double threshold
recalagerigide.cRigid registration of two closed contours
recalagerigide_num.cRigid registration of two grayscale images
redt.cReverse euclidean distance transform
relabel.cEliminates 'voids' in the labelling
rgb2hls.cConverts a ppm color file to hls representation
rotate.cRotation of an image
rotate3dbin.cRotation of an image
rotatebin.cRotation of an image
rotse.cRotation of a structuring element
saliency.cSalient watershed transformation
samplespline.cSamples a cubic spline according to its curvilinear abcissa
scale.cProduct of an image by a scalar
sceneconvert.cConverts a 3D scene into another format
seamcarving.cApplies the seam carving method to shrink an image
section.cComputes a 2d cross section from a 3d image
segmentarea.cSegmentation by filtering components on an area criterion
segmentheight.cSegmentation based on a height criterion
segmentvol.cSegmentation by filtering components on a volume criterion
selectcomp.cSelects a connected component
selndg.cSelects pixels with values between two thresholds
seltopo.cSelects points according to a local topological criterion
setorigin.cAdds origin to file header
setvoxdim.cAdds voxel dimensions to file header
seuil.cSimple threshold
seuil.tclInteractive threshold
seuil2.cDouble threshold
seuilauto.cAutomatic threshold
short2float.cConverts a "short" image to a "float" image
short2long.cConverts a "short" image to a "int32_t" image
shortestpath.cFinds a shortest path from x to y in image
showheader.cPrints image information
showpoint.cPrints the value of a given point
simplepair.cDetects simple pairs in a 3D binary image
skel2graph.cGeneration of a graph from a curvilinear skeleton
skel2pgm.cGeneration of a labelled image from a curvilinear skeleton
skel2pov.cGeneration of a 3d illustration from a curvilinear skeleton
skel_ACK3.cParallel 3D binary curvilinear, asymetric skeleton based on 3D and 2D residuals
skel_ACK3a.cParallel 3D binary curvilinear, asymetric skeleton based on thin 1D isthmus
skel_AK2.cParallel 2D binary curvilinear skeleton
skel_AMK.cParallel 2D or 3D binary skeleton, ultimate, asymmetric
skel_ASK3b.cParallel 3D binary surface, asymetric skeleton based on thin 2D isthmuses
skel_CK3.cParallel 3D binary curvilinear skeleton
skel_CK3_pers.cTopological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning
skel_CKG.cParallel 2D and 3D binary guided thinning
skel_CKG_map.cTopogical map from parallel 2D and 3D binary guided thinning
skel_CKSC3.cSequential 3D binary curvilinear skeleton
skel_EK3.cParallel 3D binary curvilinear skeleton based on ends
skel_MK2.cParallel 2D binary ultimate skeleton, symmetrical
skel_MK3.cParallel 3D binary ultimate skeleton
skel_SCK3_pers.cTopological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning
skel_SK3_pers.cTopological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning
skelcurv.cCurvilinear binary skeleton guided by a priority image
skelend.cHomotopic skeleton of a 2d or 3d binary image with dynamic detection of end points
skelendlab.cHomotopic skeleton of a 2d or 3d label image with dynamic detection of end points
skeleton.cUltimate binary skeleton guided by a priority image (see [BC07])
skeletonlab.cUltimate binary skeleton on label image guided by a priority image (see [BC07])
skeleucl.cEuclidean binary skeleton
skelfindelbows.cDetection of "elbows" in a curvilinear skeleton
skelpar.cParallel binary skeleton
skelpar3d.cParallel 3D binary skeleton
skelpar3d_others.cxxParallel 3D binary skeleton DirectionalSkeletonizer Usage: skelpar3d in.pgm algorithm nsteps [inhibit] out.pgm
skelpruning.cPruning of "short end branches" in a curvilinear skeleton
skelsmoothing.cComputes a smmothed version of a curvilinear skeleton
skelsurf.cSurfacic binary skeleton guided by a priority image
skelvertex.cSelection of a specified vertex in a curvilinear skeleton
standarddeviation1.cReturn the standard deviation of the pixel values of an image
sub.cSubstracts an image from another one
sup.cPixelwise sup predicate
surimp.cSuperimposition of a binary image with a grayscale image
sym.cSymmetry (vertical, horizontal, central in 2D; x, y, z in 3D)
symse.cInverse of a structuring element
taf.cTopological alternating filter
threshold.cSimple threshold
tlf.cTopological lower filter
toposhrink.cTopologically controled binary shrinking guided by a priority image
toposhrinkgray.cTopologically controled grayscale shrinking (one step)
translate.cImage translation
tuf.cTopological upper filter
ui_convert_if.hppThis function is used for automated type casting. It contains template algorithms that cast the 'ujoi<>' classes to 'xvimage*'. As it is a casting it is done in constant time, no pixel values are copied
ui_make_function.hppThis is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. Note that this template file is rarely used directly and is called by the UI_WRAP_FUNCTION macro
ui_make_malloc.hppThis is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. Note that this template file is rarely used directly and is called by the UI_WRAP_FUNCTION macro
ui_make_result.hppThis is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. Note that this template file is rarely used directly and is called by the UI_WRAP_RESULT macro
ui_make_value.hppThis is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. Note that this template file is rarely used directly and is called by the UI_WRAP_VALUE macro
ui_wrap_function.hppThis is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. This file defines 'UI_WRAP_FUNCTION'
ujimage.hppThis file contains the C++ image class declarations
ultimateerosion.cUltimate erosion
ungerflow.cppNoise filtering with the Ungerflow algorithm [1]
variance1.cReturn the variance of the pixel values of an image
volmaxima.cVolume-based filtering
volselnb.cVolume based segmentation by selection of a given number or components
volume.cReturn the sum of the pixel values of an image
volumelignes.cEnhances linear structures in a grayscale image
voronoilabelling.cVoronoi labelling (and squared Euclidean distance transform)
watershed.cTopological binary watershed (Couprie-Bertrand algorithm)
watershedMeyer.cWatershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm)
watershedMeyer2.cWatershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers
watershedMeyer2lab.cWatershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers
watershedMeyer3.cWatershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers and without separation lines
watershedMeyer4D.cWatershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm)
watershedthin.cThin watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm on perfect fusion grid)
watershedwithoutline.cWatershed transformation without line of separation
watershedwithoutlinelab.cWatershed transformation without line of separation from labelled marker
wshedkhalimsky.cWatershed transformation in Khalimsky space (inter pixel watershed)
wshedtopo.cTopological grayscale watershed (Couprie-Bertrand algorithm)
xor.cPixelwise xor of two images
zoom.cZoom (shrink or expand) an image
zoomint.cZoom by an integer factor