2dborder.c | Extracts the border of an object in H2 |
2dcollapse.c | Ultimate constrained collapse guided by a priority image |
2dcolor.c | Gives a specific color to points in a 2D khalimsky grid, according to their rank |
2dinvariants.c | Computes the numbers of connected components, cavities and tunnels of a 2D Khalimsky order |
2dkhalimskize.c | Converts a 2D image into a 2D Khalimsky order |
2dlabel.c | Labels the theta-connected component of a 2D Khalimsky order |
2dmakecomplex.c | Makes a cellular complex from the given set |
2dpardircollapse.c | Parallel directional constrained collapse |
2dseltopo.c | Selects points in the 2d khalimsky grid according to a local topological criterion |
2dthin.c | Homotopic thinning of a 2d Khalimsky image |
3dalpha.c | Alpha-dilation of a 3d khalimsky order |
3dbeta.c | Beta-dilation of a 3d khalimsky order |
3dborder.c | Extracts the border of an object in H3 |
3dcollapse.c | Ultimate constrained collapse guided by a priority image |
3dcolor.c | Gives a specific color to points in a 3D khalimsky grid, according to their rank |
3dinvariants.c | Computes the numbers of connected components, cavities and tunnels of a 3D cubical complex |
3disthmus.c | Destroys 1D isthmuses in a 3D binary image |
3dkhalimskize.c | Converts a 3D image into a 3D Khalimsky order |
3dlabel.c | Labels the theta-connected component of a 3D Khalimsky order |
3dmakecomplex.c | Makes a cellular complex from the given set |
3dmakepolygons.c | Identifies polygons from a labelled pure 2D cellular complex |
3dpardircollapse.c | Parallel directional constrained collapse |
3dplane.c | Builds the discretization of a plane in the 3d Khalimsky space |
3drecons.c | Geodesic reconstruction in a 3d khalimsky order |
3dseltopo.c | Selects points in the 3d khalimsky grid according to a local topological criterion |
3dskelck.c | Homotopic thinning based on critical kernels |
3dskelsurf.c | Surfacic skeleton |
3dsurfacecollapse.c | Parallel directional constrained collapse with surface detection and preservation |
3dthin.c | Homotopic thinning of a 3d Khalimsky image |
3dview.tcl | Interactive visualization / segmentation of a 3D image |
ac2pink.c | Converts a 3D scene from AC3D format to Pink 3Dscene format |
add.c | Pixelwise addition of two images |
addconst.c | Adds a constant value to an image |
affine.c | Affine transformation of a 2D image |
alpha.c | Computes the connecivity number alpha for each image voxel |
amont.c | Amont of a binary marker in a grayscale image |
animscenes.c | Generates intermediate scenes by interpolation |
any2complex.c | Converts a "byte", "long" of "float" image (or couple of images) to a "fcomplex" image |
area.c | Return the number of non-null pixels of an image |
areaclosing.c | Area closing |
areaopening.c | Area opening |
areaselnb.c | Area based segmentation by selection of a given number or components |
argmax.c | Return the coordinates of a pixel having the maximal value |
argmin.c | Return the coordinates of a pixel having the minimal value |
asf.c | Alternate sequential filter |
asfbin.c | Alternate sequential filter for binary images |
asflin.c | Alternate sequential filter by linear structuring elements |
asfr.c | Alternate sequential filter by reconstruction |
asft.c | Alternate sequential filter controled by topology |
asftmed.c | Alternate sequential filter controled by topology |
asftndg.c | Alternate sequential filter controled by topology |
attribute.c | Labels each connected component with its attribute value |
autocrop.c | Eliminates null regions at the periphery of an image |
average.c | Pixelwise (weighted) average of two images |
average1.c | Return the average of the pixel values of an image |
barycentre.c | Compute the center of gravity of each connected component |
barycentrelab.c | Compute the center of gravity of each labeled region |
bisector.c | Compute the bisector function of a binary image |
bmp2pgm.c | Usage: |
bmp2ppm.c | Usage: |
border.c | Border of a binary image |
boxmin.c | Minimal box including a given set of points |
bruite.c | Adds noise to an image |
byte2float.c | Converts a "byte" image to a "float" image |
byte2long.c | Converts a "byte" image to a "int32_t" image |
car2pol.c | Converts a 2d image from cartesian to polar coordinates |
catpgm.c | Catenates a sequence of 2d (resp. 1d) images into a 3d (resp. 2d) image |
circleincl.c | Circle identification and drawing from spare points |
closeball.c | Morphological binary closing by a ball |
closeball.tcl | Interactive closing / opening by an Euclidean ball |
closing.c | Morphological closing by a plane structuring element |
colorize.c | Generates a color image from a grayscale image and a lookup table |
complex_imaginary.c | Pixelwise imaginary part of complex |
complex_modulus.c | Pixelwise modulus of complex |
complex_real.c | Pixelwise real part of complex |
convexhull.c | Convex hull of a set of points in the 2D plane |
convol.c | Convolution |
correctbias.c | Correction of a luminosity bias expressed by a linear function |
countvalues.c | Counts the number of distinct values of an image or a region |
crestheight.c | Measures the height of crests in a thinned grayscale image |
crestrestoration.c | Crest restoration algorithm |
crestsegment.c | Measures the height of crests in a thinned grayscale image |
crestvol.c | Enhances linear structures in a grayscale image |
crop.c | Extracts a rectangular (cuboidal in 3d) area from an image |
curvatures.c | Compute the curvatures of a natural cubic spline |
curve2segments.cxx | Computes a covering of a digital curve by digital straigh line segments |
curve2spline.c | Converts a discrete open curve into a spline |
deframe.c | Suppress the frame from an image |
delaunay.c | Delaunay triangulation |
delaunaymask.c | Delaunay triangulation |
deletecomp.c | Deletes a connected component |
deletepeaks.c | Deletes peaks in a grayscale image |
deletewells.c | Deletes wells in a grayscale image |
diffimages.c | Pixelwise absolute value difference of 2 images |
dilatball.c | Morphological binary dilation by a ball |
dilatball.tcl | Interactive dilation / erosion by an Euclidean ball |
dilatballnum.c | Morphological grayscale dilation by an Euclidean ball |
dilation.c | Morphological dilation by a plane structuring element |
directionalfilter.c | Directional filter for curvilinear feature extraction |
dist.c | Distance transform (external) |
distc.c | Distance transform (internal) |
distgeo.c | Geodesic distance |
distsets.c | Distance between sets |
div.c | Pixelwise division of two images |
diZenzo.c | DiZenzo gradient pour les images couleurs |
double2byte.c | Converts a "double" image to a "byte" image |
drawball.c | Generates a binary euclidean ball |
drawcurve.c | Draw line segments which are specified by a text file |
drawellipse.c | Draws an ellipse |
drawfield.c | Draw line segments that represent a vector field |
drawfieldlists.c | Draw line segments that represent a vector field (represented by two lists) |
drawline.c | Draw a graph in a 2D image |
drawlines.c | Draw line segments which are specified by a text file |
drawrect.c | Draws a rectangle with sides parallel to the main axes |
drawscene.c | Draw a 3D scene which is specified by a text file into a 3D pgm image |
drawspline.c | Draw a spline which is specified by its control points |
drawsplineorient.c | Draw spline orientations in a vector field |
drawsplines.c | Draw spline segments which are specified by a text file |
drawsplinesorient.c | Draw spline orientations in a vector field (multiple spline version) |
drawtorus.c | Generates a binary torus |
drawtriangulation.c | Draw a triangulation |
dup.c | Duplicates an image |
dynamique.c | Dynamics of the maxima |
dynamiquefilter.c | Filter components according to the dynamics of the maxima |
eden.cxx | Growth and/or shrinking of an 2D binary image - Eden process |
ellipsefit.c | Ellipse identification and drawing from spare points |
ellipseincl.c | Ellipse identification and drawing from spare points |
ellipseparams.c | Ellipse identification and main parameter computation |
enframe.c | Adds a border with a given gray value to an image |
enframe3d.c | Adds a border with a given gray value to an image |
equal.c | Equality test |
erosball.c | Morphological binary erosion by a ball |
erosballnum.c | Morphological grayscale erosion by an Euclidean ball |
erosion.c | Morphological erosion by a plane structuring element |
esedit.tcl | Structuring element editor |
exp.c | Pixelwise exponentiation |
expandframe.c | Expands the values of the image in a n-pixel wide band outside the image |
explode.c | Converts single 3D pgm file into a series of 2D pgm files |
explodecomp.c | Converts single 2D pgm file into a series of 2D pgm files, where each file of the series contains one component of the original image |
extractline.c | Extracts a line between two given points from a 3D image |
extractplane.c | Extracts a plane normal to one of the directions x,y,z from a 3D image |
extrude.c | Catenates a sequence of 2d (resp. 1d) images, made of the repetition of the same image, into a 3d (resp. 2d) image |
fft.c | Fast Fourier transform |
findline.cxx | Find line into an image using bresenham definition w is the digital line size |
fitcircle.c | Fits a circle which locally minimizes gray levels |
fits2pgm.c | Converts from fits format into pgm format |
float2byte.c | Converts a "float" image to a "byte" image |
float2long.c | Converts a "float" image to a "int32_t" image |
fmm.c | Fast marching method |
frame.c | Generates an image with a white border and a black interior |
GA2khalimsky.c | Convert a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) into its representation in the Khalimsky grid |
GA2pgm.c | Convert a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) into a pgm image |
GA2tikz.c | Converts from GA to latex for illustrating small image configurations |
gammacor.c | Performs gamma correction on image |
gaussianfilter.c | Gaussian filter operator |
GAwatershed.c | Compute the watershed of a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) |
GAwatershedDouble.c | Compute the watershed of a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) where the weights are doubles |
genball.c | Generates a binary euclidean ball |
genfield.c | Generates a null vector field of given size |
genimage.c | Generates a monocolor image of given size |
genlut.c | Generates a lookup table |
genplane.c | Generates a plane normal to one of the directions x,y,z |
geodilat.c | Geodesic (grayscale or binary) dilation |
geoeros.c | Geodesic (grayscale or binary) erosion |
gradient_abs.cpp | Computes the absolute value of the gradient of the spline approximation of the image |
gradientcd.c | Canny-Deriche gradient operator |
granulometry.c | Granulometry of a binary image |
graph2pgm.c | Converts from graph representation to pgm |
graph2ps.c | Draws a planar graph into a ps file |
grayskel.c | Grayscale homotopic skeleton |
hcutting.c | Homotopic cutting (pseudo opening) by a ball |
hdilatball.c | Topologically controlled dilation |
heightmaxima.c | H-maxima operator |
heightminima.c | H-minima operator |
heightselnb.c | Height based segmentation by selection of a given number or components |
herosball.c | Topologically controlled erosion |
hfilling.c | Homotopic filling (pseudo closing) by a ball |
histo.c | Computes the histogram of an image or a region |
histodist.c | Computes the distance between two histograms |
histolisse.c | Smoothed histogram of the gray values |
histopgm.c | Histogram of the gray values |
histosieve.c | Eliminates points with values that are seldom in the histogram |
histstretch.c | Transforms the gray scale by stretching the histogram |
hitormiss.c | Morphological hit or miss transformation for binay images |
hls2rgb.c | Converts from hls to rgb color representation |
holeclosing.c | 3d hole closing |
hthick.c | Grayscale homotopic thickening |
hthin.c | Grayscale homotopic thinning |
hthinpar.c | Parallel grayscale homotopic thinning |
htkern.c | Grayscale ultimate homotopic thinning |
htkernu.c | Grayscale ultimate homotopic thickening |
identifyline.c | Identification of a best matching line from a set of 2D points |
identifyparabola2.c | Identification of a best matching parabola from a set of 2D points |
identifyparabola3.c | Identification of a best matching parabola from a set of 2D points |
identifyplane.c | Identification of a best matching plane from a set of 3D points |
inf.c | Pixelwise inf predicate |
insert.c | Inserts an image into another image |
integermedialaxis.c | Integer medial axis transform |
inverse.c | Computes the pixelwise inverse of an image |
isnull.c | Nullity test |
isometry.c | Basic isometries in 3D |
label.c | Labeling of some flat zones of a grayscale or a binary image |
labeldil.c | Labeling of the connected components of a binary image |
labelfgd.c | Labeling of the foreground components of a binary image |
labeltree.c | Branch distance |
lambdalthin.c | Grayscale filtered leveling |
lambdamedialaxis.c | Discrete lambda-medial axis transform |
lambdamedialaxis2.c | Discrete lambda-medial axis transform |
lambdapmedialaxis.c | Discrete lambda-medial axis transform (cheaper variant) |
lambdaskel.c | Grayscale filtered topological skeleton |
lambdathin.c | Grayscale homotopic and filtered thinning |
lantuejoul.c | Lantuejoul's skeleton |
laplacian.c | Laplacian operator |
lengthspline.c | Computes the length of a spline which is specified by its control points in a text file |
lengthsplines.c | Computes the lengths of splines which are specified by their control points in a text file |
line.c | Draws a straight line between the two first points found in image |
lintophat.c | Max of morphological black top hats by linear structuring elements |
list2pgm.c | Converts from point list representation to pgm |
localextrema.c | Local extrema |
log.c | Pixelwise logarithm |
long2byte.c | Converts a "int32_t" image to a "byte" image |
long2float.c | Converts a "long" image to a "float" image |
longestplateau.c | Finds the location of the longest plateau in 1D sequence |
lthick.c | Grayscale leveling thickening |
lthin.c | Grayscale leveling thinning |
lvkern.c | Grayscale ultimate leveling thinning |
lvkernu.c | Grayscale ultimate leveling thickening |
mask.c | Applies a binary mask to an image |
matchrect.c | Matches (rounded) rectangles to the contours of objects |
max.c | Maximum of 2 images |
max1.c | Return the maximum of the pixel values of an image |
maxdiameter.c | Maximal diameter of a binary image |
maxflow.cpp | Calculates the optimal surface segmentation with the maximum flow algorithm [1] |
maxima.c | Regional maxima |
mccodimage.h | This file hold the basic type declarations used in the C functions of Pink |
mcimage.h | This file holds the basic image allocation functions |
mcube.c | Topologically correct "marching cubes"-like algorithm |
meanfilter.c | Mean filter operator |
measure.cpp | Normalized absolute measure calculated from the image |
medialaxis.c | Medial axis transform |
medianfilter.c | Median filter |
meshaddnoise.c | Adds gaussian noise to the positions of the vertices of a mesh |
meshconvert.c | Mesh format conversion |
meshflatten.c | Mesh flattening |
meshregul.c | Mesh smoothing |
min.c | Minimum of 2 images |
min1.c | Return the minimum of the pixel values of an image |
minima.c | Regional minima |
minimalsimplepair.c | Detects minimal simple pairs in a 3D binary image |
moments.c | Calcul des moments d'ordre 1 et 2 d'une image binaire (nuage de points) |
MSF.c | Compute a minimum spanning forest of a GA from a set of markers |
mult.c | Pixelwise multiplication of two images |
nbcomp.c | Returning number of connected components of a grayscale or a binary image |
nbtopo.c | Connectivity numbers |
nbvois.c | Number of neighbors for each object point |
normalize.c | Normalization of grayscale values |
offset.c | Image translation |
ombre.c | Binary shadow of a grayscale function |
openball.c | Morphological binary opening by a ball |
opening.c | Morphological opening by a plane structuring element |
openingfunction.c | Opening function |
pca.c | Principal component analysis |
pgm2closedcurve.c | Extracts a curve from a binary image |
pgm2curve.c | Extracts a curve from a binary image |
pgm2GA.c | Computes an edge-weighted graph from an image |
pgm2GA4d.c | Create a 4D edge-weighted graph from a series of 3D images |
pgm2graph.c | Converts a binary image into a simple graph |
pgm2list.c | Converts from pgm format to list format |
pgm2pov.c | Generates a povray file from a 3D image |
pgm2ppm.c | Constructs a ppm color image from 3 pgm grayscale image or from a pgm image and a lookup table |
pgm2ps.c | Converts from pgm to ps for illustrating small image configurations |
pgm2raw.c | Suppress the header from a pgm file |
pgm2skel.c | Decomposition of a curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions |
pgm2skel2.c | Decomposition of a curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions |
pgm2vskel.c | Decomposition of a valuated curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions |
pgm2vtk.c | Generates a vtk file from a 3D image |
pgmascmode.c | Converts a pgm file to ascii mode |
pgmrawmode.c | Converts a pgm file to raw mode |
planarity.c | Computes a planarity measure for each connected component |
point.c | Modifies the value of a given point |
points2spline.c | Converts a sequence of control points into a spline |
pol2car.c | Converts a 2d image from polar to cartesian coordinates |
pow.c | Raises the value of each pixel to the pth power |
ppm2GA.c | Computes an edge-weighted graph from an color .ppm image |
ppm2pgm.c | Converts a color ppm image into 3 grayscale pgm images |
ppmascmode.c | Converts a ppm file to ascii mode |
printhisto.c | Prints the histogram of an image or a region |
printstats.c | Prints some stats of an image or a region |
proj.c | Projection parallel to one of the main axes |
projsphere.c | Projection on a sphere |
propgeo.c | Geodesic propagation of image values |
ptcurve.c | Detects curve points in a binary image |
ptend.c | Detects end points in a binary image |
ptextensible.c | Detects extensible points in a grayscale image |
pthseparatinggray.c | Detects h-separating points in a grayscale image |
ptinterior.c | Detects interior points in a binary image |
ptisolated.c | Detects isolated points in a binary image |
ptjunction.c | Detects junction points in 2d or 3d binary images |
ptmultiple.c | Detects multiple points in 2d or 3d binary images |
ptselectgray.c | Detects points in a 2D or 3D grayscale image corresponding to a given criterion |
ptseparating.c | Detects separating points in a 2D or 3D binary image |
ptseparatinggray.c | Detects separating points in a grayscale image |
ptsimple.c | Detects simple points in a binary image |
ptWsimple.c | Detects W-simple points in a 2D binary image |
pyexport.hpp | This file defines the macros, which facilitate the export of functions in Python. The emphasis is given to multiple inclusion of template functions with all different types. As python cannot 'compile' in runtime, you must compile the template functions with all the possible image types. The macros and templates in this file ease you do that |
quasishear.c | Quasi shear rotation |
radialopening.c | Radial opening by line |
radialrankmaxopening.c | Radial rank-max opening by line |
randimage.c | Random image generation |
randrgb.c | Generates random colors from gray levels |
rankfilter.c | Rank filter |
rankmaxopening.c | Rank-max opening |
raw2pgm.c | Converts from raw format into pgm format |
rawthreshold.c | Converts from raw format into pgm format and applies a double threshold |
recalagerigide.c | Rigid registration of two closed contours |
recalagerigide_num.c | Rigid registration of two grayscale images |
redt.c | Reverse euclidean distance transform |
relabel.c | Eliminates 'voids' in the labelling |
rgb2hls.c | Converts a ppm color file to hls representation |
rotate.c | Rotation of an image |
rotate3dbin.c | Rotation of an image |
rotatebin.c | Rotation of an image |
rotse.c | Rotation of a structuring element |
saliency.c | Salient watershed transformation |
samplespline.c | Samples a cubic spline according to its curvilinear abcissa |
scale.c | Product of an image by a scalar |
sceneconvert.c | Converts a 3D scene into another format |
seamcarving.c | Applies the seam carving method to shrink an image |
section.c | Computes a 2d cross section from a 3d image |
segmentarea.c | Segmentation by filtering components on an area criterion |
segmentheight.c | Segmentation based on a height criterion |
segmentvol.c | Segmentation by filtering components on a volume criterion |
selectcomp.c | Selects a connected component |
selndg.c | Selects pixels with values between two thresholds |
seltopo.c | Selects points according to a local topological criterion |
setorigin.c | Adds origin to file header |
setvoxdim.c | Adds voxel dimensions to file header |
seuil.c | Simple threshold |
seuil.tcl | Interactive threshold |
seuil2.c | Double threshold |
seuilauto.c | Automatic threshold |
short2float.c | Converts a "short" image to a "float" image |
short2long.c | Converts a "short" image to a "int32_t" image |
shortestpath.c | Finds a shortest path from x to y in image |
showheader.c | Prints image information |
showpoint.c | Prints the value of a given point |
simplepair.c | Detects simple pairs in a 3D binary image |
skel2graph.c | Generation of a graph from a curvilinear skeleton |
skel2pgm.c | Generation of a labelled image from a curvilinear skeleton |
skel2pov.c | Generation of a 3d illustration from a curvilinear skeleton |
skel_ACK3.c | Parallel 3D binary curvilinear, asymetric skeleton based on 3D and 2D residuals |
skel_ACK3a.c | Parallel 3D binary curvilinear, asymetric skeleton based on thin 1D isthmus |
skel_AK2.c | Parallel 2D binary curvilinear skeleton |
skel_AMK.c | Parallel 2D or 3D binary skeleton, ultimate, asymmetric |
skel_ASK3b.c | Parallel 3D binary surface, asymetric skeleton based on thin 2D isthmuses |
skel_CK3.c | Parallel 3D binary curvilinear skeleton |
skel_CK3_pers.c | Topological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning |
skel_CKG.c | Parallel 2D and 3D binary guided thinning |
skel_CKG_map.c | Topogical map from parallel 2D and 3D binary guided thinning |
skel_CKSC3.c | Sequential 3D binary curvilinear skeleton |
skel_EK3.c | Parallel 3D binary curvilinear skeleton based on ends |
skel_MK2.c | Parallel 2D binary ultimate skeleton, symmetrical |
skel_MK3.c | Parallel 3D binary ultimate skeleton |
skel_SCK3_pers.c | Topological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning |
skel_SK3_pers.c | Topological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning |
skelcurv.c | Curvilinear binary skeleton guided by a priority image |
skelend.c | Homotopic skeleton of a 2d or 3d binary image with dynamic detection of end points |
skelendlab.c | Homotopic skeleton of a 2d or 3d label image with dynamic detection of end points |
skeleton.c | Ultimate binary skeleton guided by a priority image (see [BC07]) |
skeletonlab.c | Ultimate binary skeleton on label image guided by a priority image (see [BC07]) |
skeleucl.c | Euclidean binary skeleton |
skelfindelbows.c | Detection of "elbows" in a curvilinear skeleton |
skelpar.c | Parallel binary skeleton |
skelpar3d.c | Parallel 3D binary skeleton |
skelpar3d_others.cxx | Parallel 3D binary skeleton DirectionalSkeletonizer Usage: skelpar3d in.pgm algorithm nsteps [inhibit] out.pgm |
skelpruning.c | Pruning of "short end branches" in a curvilinear skeleton |
skelsmoothing.c | Computes a smmothed version of a curvilinear skeleton |
skelsurf.c | Surfacic binary skeleton guided by a priority image |
skelvertex.c | Selection of a specified vertex in a curvilinear skeleton |
standarddeviation1.c | Return the standard deviation of the pixel values of an image |
sub.c | Substracts an image from another one |
sup.c | Pixelwise sup predicate |
surimp.c | Superimposition of a binary image with a grayscale image |
sym.c | Symmetry (vertical, horizontal, central in 2D; x, y, z in 3D) |
symse.c | Inverse of a structuring element |
taf.c | Topological alternating filter |
threshold.c | Simple threshold |
tlf.c | Topological lower filter |
toposhrink.c | Topologically controled binary shrinking guided by a priority image |
toposhrinkgray.c | Topologically controled grayscale shrinking (one step) |
translate.c | Image translation |
tuf.c | Topological upper filter |
ui_convert_if.hpp | This function is used for automated type casting. It contains template algorithms that cast the 'ujoi<>' classes to 'xvimage*'. As it is a casting it is done in constant time, no pixel values are copied |
ui_make_function.hpp | This is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. Note that this template file is rarely used directly and is called by the UI_WRAP_FUNCTION macro |
ui_make_malloc.hpp | This is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. Note that this template file is rarely used directly and is called by the UI_WRAP_FUNCTION macro |
ui_make_result.hpp | This is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. Note that this template file is rarely used directly and is called by the UI_WRAP_RESULT macro |
ui_make_value.hpp | This is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. Note that this template file is rarely used directly and is called by the UI_WRAP_VALUE macro |
ui_wrap_function.hpp | This is a helper function for exporting Pink C functions in Python. This file defines 'UI_WRAP_FUNCTION' |
ujimage.hpp | This file contains the C++ image class declarations |
ultimateerosion.c | Ultimate erosion |
ungerflow.cpp | Noise filtering with the Ungerflow algorithm [1] |
variance1.c | Return the variance of the pixel values of an image |
volmaxima.c | Volume-based filtering |
volselnb.c | Volume based segmentation by selection of a given number or components |
volume.c | Return the sum of the pixel values of an image |
volumelignes.c | Enhances linear structures in a grayscale image |
voronoilabelling.c | Voronoi labelling (and squared Euclidean distance transform) |
watershed.c | Topological binary watershed (Couprie-Bertrand algorithm) |
watershedMeyer.c | Watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) |
watershedMeyer2.c | Watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers |
watershedMeyer2lab.c | Watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers |
watershedMeyer3.c | Watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers and without separation lines |
watershedMeyer4D.c | Watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) |
watershedthin.c | Thin watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm on perfect fusion grid) |
watershedwithoutline.c | Watershed transformation without line of separation |
watershedwithoutlinelab.c | Watershed transformation without line of separation from labelled marker |
wshedkhalimsky.c | Watershed transformation in Khalimsky space (inter pixel watershed) |
wshedtopo.c | Topological grayscale watershed (Couprie-Bertrand algorithm) |
xor.c | Pixelwise xor of two images |
zoom.c | Zoom (shrink or expand) an image |
zoomint.c | Zoom by an integer factor |