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redt.c File Reference

reverse euclidean distance transform More...

Detailed Description

reverse euclidean distance transform

Usage: redt in.pgm out.pgm

Description: Reverse euclidean distance transform, by the Coeurjolly's algorithm [1]. The input in.pgm must be a quadratic euclidean distance map, or an image of type int32_t where each non-null value correspond to the quadratic radius of a disc or ball. The output is a binary image.

[1] D. Coeurjolly, "d-Dimensional Reverse Euclidean Distance Transformation and Euclidean Medial Axis Extraction in Optimal Time", DGCI 2003, LNCS 2886, pp. 327-337, 2003.

Types supported: int32_t 2d, int32_t 3d

Category: morpho

Michel Couprie 2004, Jean Cousty 2005 (3d)