Pink 0.9

watershedMeyer3.c File Reference

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers and without separation lines More...

Detailed Description

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers and without separation lines

Usage: watershedMeyer3 in mark {roi|null} connex out

Description: Performs the watershed transformation without separation lines, on the image in, taking the set of markers in mark, in the form of a label image where all the pixels sharing the same label (even if not connected) belong to the same marker. If this parameter is present, roi indicates the region of interest on which the operation is performed. The parameter connex gives the adjacency relation (4,8 in 2D; 6,18,26 in 3D) for the makers.

Types supported: byte 2d, byte 3d

Category: connect

Michel Couprie