Pink 0.9

Digital connectivity


file  amont.c

amont of a binary marker in a grayscale image

file  areaclosing.c

area closing

file  areaopening.c

area opening

file  areaselnb.c

area based segmentation by selection of a given number or components

file  deletecomp.c

deletes a connected component

file  dynamique.c

dynamics of the maxima

file  dynamiquefilter.c

filter components according to the dynamics of the maxima

file  geodilat.c

geodesic (grayscale or binary) dilation

file  geoeros.c

geodesic (grayscale or binary) erosion

file  heightmaxima.c

h-maxima operator

file  heightminima.c

h-minima operator

file  heightselnb.c

height based segmentation by selection of a given number or components

file  label.c

labeling of some flat zones of a grayscale or a binary image

file  labeldil.c

labeling of the connected components of a binary image

file  labelfgd.c

labeling of the foreground components of a binary image

file  localextrema.c

local extrema

file  maxima.c

regional maxima

file  minima.c

regional minima

file  nbcomp.c

returning number of connected components of a grayscale or a binary image

file  propgeo.c

geodesic propagation of image values

file  ptWsimple.c

detects W-simple points in a 2D binary image

file  saliency.c

salient watershed transformation

file  segmentarea.c

segmentation by filtering components on an area criterion

file  segmentheight.c

segmentation based on a height criterion

file  segmentvol.c

segmentation by filtering components on a volume criterion

file  selectcomp.c

selects a connected component

file  shortestpath.c

finds a shortest path from x to y in image

file  volmaxima.c

volume-based filtering

file  volselnb.c

volume based segmentation by selection of a given number or components

file  watershed.c

topological binary watershed (Couprie-Bertrand algorithm)

file  watershedMeyer.c

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm)

file  watershedMeyer2.c

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers

file  watershedMeyer2lab.c

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers

file  watershedMeyer3.c

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) with labelled markers and without separation lines

file  watershedMeyer4D.c

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm)

file  watershedMeyer.c

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm)

file  watershedthin.c

Thin watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm on perfect fusion grid)

file  watershedwithoutline.c

watershed transformation without line of separation

file  watershedwithoutlinelab.c

watershed transformation without line of separation from labelled marker

file  wshedkhalimsky.c

watershed transformation in Khalimsky space (inter pixel watershed)

file  wshedtopo.c

topological grayscale watershed (Couprie-Bertrand algorithm)