Pink 0.9

shortestpath.c File Reference

finds a shortest path from x to y in image More...

Detailed Description

finds a shortest path from x to y in image

Usage: shortestpath in.pgm connex mode S1 S2 [S3] D1 D2 [D3] out.lst

Description: A weighted graph G = (V,E) is defined with V = set of pixels of in.pgm and E = {(P,Q) in VxV ; P and Q are connex- adjacent}. Let F(P) be the value of pixel P in the image in.pgm. A weight W(P,Q) is assigned to each edge, according to the value of mode:

This operator finds a shortest path from (S1, S2) to (D1, D2) in this graph. The result is given as a list of vertices (pixels) in out.lst.

Types supported: byte 2D, byte 3D

Category: connect

Michel Couprie