Pink 0.9

watershedMeyer4D.c File Reference

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm) More...

Detailed Description

watershed transformation (Meyer's algorithm)

Usage: watershedMeyer4D prefix_in first last prefix_mark {prefix_bgmark|null} {prefix_roi|null} connex prefix_out

Description: Performs the watershed transformation on the 4D image made of the concatenation of the 3D images prefix_inxxxx.pgm (where nnnn is a four digit decimal integer and where first and last specify respectively the first and the last volume).The watershed is computed taking the set of markers in prefix_markxxxx.pgm. If this parameter is present, prefix_bgmarkxxxx.pgm is used as a set of markers for the background. If this parameter is present, prefix_roixxxx.pgm indicates the region of interest on which the operation is performed. The parameter connex gives the adjacency relation (8 in 4D) for the makers.

Types supported: byte 2d, byte 3d

Category: connect

Jean Cousty - fevrier 2005