Pink 0.9

crestvol.c File Reference

enhances linear structures in a grayscale image More...

Detailed Description

enhances linear structures in a grayscale image

Usage: crestvol in.pgm connex radius out.pgm

Description: Enhances linear structures in a grayscale image. The algorithm is the following:

Let F be the original image ("in.pgm")
Let O be the final result ("out.pgm")
Let r be the value of parameter "radius"
Compute k iterations of homotopic thinning, result S
Lower all separating points p in S down to alpha8m(S, p), result Sp 
For each point x of S which is separating
  Let Dx be the image with D(x) = F(x), and D(y) = 0 for all y != x
  Let Fx be the geodesic reconstruction of Dx under F 
  O(x) = volume((Fx-Sp).Br(x)) 
  where Br(x) is the disc centered on x with radius r

"Topological operators for the detection of curvilinar structures in grayscale images", in preparation.

Types supported: byte 2d

Category: topogray

Michel Couprie