Pink 0.9

mcube.c File Reference

topologically correct "marching cubes"-like algorithm More...

Detailed Description

topologically correct "marching cubes"-like algorithm

Usage: mcube in.pgm threshold nregul obj_id format [connex] out

Description: Generates a 3d mesh from the binary or grayscale image in.pgm .

The original image is first thresholded (parameter threshold, values 0 and 1 both fit for a binary image). Then the method described in [Lac96] is applied to generate the 3d mesh. The resulting mesh is then smoothed by nregul steps of laplacian smoothing. The parameter obj_id is used to tag the generated mesh.

The parameter format indicate the format of the output file (choices are POV, POVB, COL, MCM, AC, GL, VTK, RAW). The keyword POVB corresponds to a bare Povray mesh: a header and a footer must be catenated in order to make a full Povray scene. The keyword RAW is the exchange format for the "mesh" software: see

The optional parameter connex indicates the connexity used for the object. Possible values are 6 and 26 (default).

[Lac96] J.-O. Lachaud, "Topologically defined iso-surfaces", DGCI'96, LNCS 1176 (245--256), Springer Verlag, 1996.

Types supported: byte 3d

Category: mesh3d

Michel Couprie