Pink 0.9

asflin.c File Reference

alternate sequential filter by linear structuring elements More...

Detailed Description

alternate sequential filter by linear structuring elements

Usage: asflin in.pgm {x|y|z} [rmin] rmax out.pgm

Description: Alternate sequential filter by linear structuring elements for grayscale images. Linear structuring elements in direction x, y or z of increasing radius, ranging from 1 (or rmin if this parameter is specified) to rmax, are generated. Let D1...Dn be these structuring elements, sorted by increasing radius. Let I0 = in.pgm, the ith intermediate result Ii is obtained by the closing of the opening of Ii-1 by the structuring element Di. The result out.pgm contains the final result In. Giving a value 0 for the optional parameter rmin has the effect of beginning by a closing instead of an opening.

Types supported: byte 2d

Category: morpho

Michel Couprie