Pink 0.9
converts from hls to rgb color representation More...
converts from hls to rgb color representation
Usage: hls2rgb H.pgm L.pgm S.pgm out.ppm
Constructs 1 ppm from 3 pgm files: H.pgm : Hue (int32_t - 0 to 359) L.pgm : Luminance (byte) S.pgm : Saturation (byte) Some particular values of HUE: 0 red 60 yellow 120 green 180 cyan 240 blue 300 magenta Based on Foley, Van Damm & al: "Computer Graphics", 2nd ed., p. 595
Types supported: int32_t 2D (hue), byte 2D (others)
Types supported: byte 2D
Category: convert