Pink 0.9
detects minimal simple pairs in a 3D binary image More...
detects minimal simple pairs in a 3D binary image
Usage: minimalsimplepair in.pgm [all] out.pgm
Description: Detects minimal simple pairs in a 3D binary image. If the optional parameter all is used, then all minimal simple pairs are searched. Otherwise, only one pair (if any) is given.
If the input image contains no simple point, consider using "simplepair" (faster) instead of "minimalsimplepair".
[PCB08] Nicolas Passat, Michel Couprie, and Gilles Bertrand: "Minimal simple pairs in the 3D cubic grid", in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 32 (3), pp. 239–249, November 2008.
Types supported: byte 3d
Category: topobin