Pink 0.9

Digital topology (binary)


file  3dskelck.c

homotopic thinning based on critical kernels

file  asft.c

alternate sequential filter controled by topology

file  asftmed.c

alternate sequential filter controled by topology

file  border.c

border of a binary image

file  deletecomp.c

deletes a connected component

file  hcutting.c

homotopic cutting (pseudo opening) by a ball

file  hdilatball.c

topologically controlled dilation

file  herosball.c

topologically controlled erosion

file  hfilling.c

homotopic filling (pseudo closing) by a ball

file  holeclosing.c

3d hole closing

file  minimalsimplepair.c

detects minimal simple pairs in a 3D binary image

file  nbvois.c

number of neighbors for each object point

file  pgm2graph.c

converts a binary image into a simple graph

file  pgm2skel.c

decomposition of a curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions

file  pgm2skel2.c

decomposition of a curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions

file  pgm2vskel.c

decomposition of a valuated curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions

file  ptcurve.c

detects curve points in a binary image

file  ptend.c

detects end points in a binary image

file  ptinterior.c

detects interior points in a binary image

file  ptisolated.c

detects isolated points in a binary image

file  ptjunction.c

detects junction points in 2d or 3d binary images

file  ptmultiple.c

detects multiple points in 2d or 3d binary images

file  ptseparating.c

detects separating points in a 2D or 3D binary image

file  ptsimple.c

detects simple points in a binary image

file  seltopo.c

selects points according to a local topological criterion

file  simplepair.c

detects simple pairs in a 3D binary image

file  skel2graph.c

generation of a graph from a curvilinear skeleton

file  skel2pgm.c

generation of a labelled image from a curvilinear skeleton

file  skel2pov.c

generation of a 3d illustration from a curvilinear skeleton

file  skel_ACK3.c

parallel 3D binary curvilinear, asymetric skeleton based on 3D and 2D residuals

file  skel_ACK3a.c

parallel 3D binary curvilinear, asymetric skeleton based on thin 1D isthmus

file  skel_AK2.c

parallel 2D binary curvilinear skeleton

file  skel_AMK.c

parallel 2D or 3D binary skeleton, ultimate, asymmetric

file  skel_ASK3b.c

parallel 3D binary surface, asymetric skeleton based on thin 2D isthmuses

file  skel_CK3.c

parallel 3D binary curvilinear skeleton

file  skel_CK3_pers.c

topological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning

file  skel_CKG.c

parallel 2D and 3D binary guided thinning

file  skel_CKG_map.c

topogical map from parallel 2D and 3D binary guided thinning

file  skel_CKSC3.c

sequential 3D binary curvilinear skeleton

file  skel_EK3.c

parallel 3D binary curvilinear skeleton based on ends

file  skel_MK2.c

parallel 2D binary ultimate skeleton, symmetrical

file  skel_MK3.c

parallel 3D binary ultimate skeleton

file  skel_SCK3_pers.c

topological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning

file  skel_SK3_pers.c

topological persistence of 1D isthmuses, based on parallel 3D asymetric thinning

file  skelcurv.c

curvilinear binary skeleton guided by a priority image

file  skelend.c

homotopic skeleton of a 2d or 3d binary image with dynamic detection of end points

file  skelendlab.c

homotopic skeleton of a 2d or 3d label image with dynamic detection of end points

file  skeleton.c

ultimate binary skeleton guided by a priority image (see [BC07])

file  skeletonlab.c

ultimate binary skeleton on label image guided by a priority image (see [BC07])

file  skeleucl.c

Euclidean binary skeleton.

file  skelfindelbows.c

detection of "elbows" in a curvilinear skeleton

file  skelpar.c

parallel binary skeleton

file  skelpar3d.c

parallel 3D binary skeleton

file  skelpar3d_others.cxx

parallel 3D binary skeleton DirectionalSkeletonizer Usage: skelpar3d in.pgm algorithm nsteps [inhibit] out.pgm

file  skelpruning.c

pruning of "short end branches" in a curvilinear skeleton

file  skelsmoothing.c

computes a smmothed version of a curvilinear skeleton

file  skelsurf.c

surfacic binary skeleton guided by a priority image

file  skelvertex.c

selection of a specified vertex in a curvilinear skeleton

file  toposhrink.c

topologically controled binary shrinking guided by a priority image