Pink 0.9
parallel 2D or 3D binary skeleton, ultimate, asymmetric More...
parallel 2D or 3D binary skeleton, ultimate, asymmetric
Usage: skel_AMK in.pgm nsteps [inhibit] out.pgm
Description: Parallel 2D or 3D binary ultimate, asymmetric skeleton. The parameter nsteps gives, if positive, the number of parallel thinning steps to be processed. If the value given for nsteps equals -1, the thinning is continued until stability.
If the parameter inhibit is given and is a binary image name, then the points of this image will be left unchanged.
The algorithm used here is indeed a variant of alg. NK2 described in [BC08], which allows for an arbitrary (and even null) constraint set.
Warning: The object must not have any point on the frame of the image.
[BC08] Gilles Bertrand and Michel Couprie, Two-dimensional thinning algorithms based on critical kernels. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 31(1). 2008. pp.35–56.
[XXXX] TODO: add reference for 3D
Types supported: byte 2d, byte 3d
Category: topobin