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topologically controlled erosion More...
topologically controlled erosion
Usage: herosball in.pgm radius dist connex out.pgm
Description: Performs a topologically controlled erosion, that is, a homotopic thinning constrained by the erosion of the input object.
The parameter radius gives the radius of the ball which is used as structuring element for the erosion.
The parameter dist is a numerical code indicating the distance which is used to compute the erosion. The possible choices are:
The parameter connex indicates the connectivity of the binary object. Possible choices are 4, 8 in 2d and 6, 26 in 3d.
Let X be the set corresponding to the input image in.pgm, and let Xbar denote its complementary set. The algorithm is the following:
I = erosball(X, dist, r) Repeat: Select a point x in X \ I such that dist(x,Xbar) is minimal If x is simple for X then X = X \ {x} I = I union {x} Until X == I Result: X
Types supported: byte 2d, byte 3d
Category: topobin