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3dskelck.c File Reference

homotopic thinning based on critical kernels More...

Detailed Description

homotopic thinning based on critical kernels

Usage: 3dskelck in.pgm mode niter [inhibit] out.pgm


Homotopic thinning of a 3d Khalimsky image. The maximum number of steps is given by niter. If the value given for niter equals -1, the thinning is continued until stability.

The parameter mode specifies the algorithm used for thinning. Possible choices are:

If the parameter inhibit is given and is a binary image name, then the points of this image will be left unchanged.

Input must be a complex with no point on the image border.


[Ber07] G. Bertrand: "On critical kernels", Comptes-rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, série math., Vol. I, Nb. 345, pp. 363-367, 2007.

[BC09] G. Bertrand and M. Couprie: "On parallel thinning algorithms: minimal non-simple sets, P-simple points and critical kernels", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 35, Nb. 1, pp. 23-35, 2009.

Types supported: byte 3d

Category: topobin

Michel Couprie