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htkern.c File Reference

grayscale ultimate homotopic thinning More...

Detailed Description

grayscale ultimate homotopic thinning

Usage: htkern in.pgm {imcond.pgm|null} connex out.pgm

Description: Grayscale ultimate homotopic thinning (refs. [BEC97, CBB01]). The parameter connex gives the connectivity used for the minima; possible choices are 4, 8 in 2D and 6, 26 in 3D. Let F be the function corresponding to the input image in.pgm. Let G be the function corresponding to the input image imcond.pgm, or the null function if the keyword null is used. The algorithm is the following:

Repeat until stability:
    select p destructible for F such that F(p) is minimal
    F(p) = max{ delta-(p,F), G(p) }    
Result: F

[BEC97] G. Bertrand, J. C. Everat and M. Couprie: "Image segmentation through operators based upon topology", Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 395-405, 1997.
[CBB01] M. Couprie, F.N. Bezerra, Gilles Bertrand: "Topological operators for grayscale image processing", Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1003-1015, 2001.

Types supported: byte 2D, byte 3D.

Category: topogray

Michel Couprie


htkern ur1 null 4 ur1_htkern
minima ur1_htkern 4 ur1_htkern_m

ur1 ur1_htkern ur1_htkern_m