Pink 0.9

zoomint.c File Reference

zoom by an integer factor More...

Detailed Description

zoom by an integer factor

Usage: zoomint in.pgm {f | fx fy fz} [nofill] out.pgm

Description: The zoom factor(s) can be unique (f ) of there can be one zoom factor per image dimension (fx, fy, fz ). In the case of a 2d image, set fz to 1. The zoom parameter may be a positive or negative integer. If it is positive, the image is expanded in the corresponding direction. The pixels are replicated in order to fill all the space, except if the parameter nofill is used. If it is negative, the image is shrinked the corresponding directions, by undersampling.

Types supported: byte 2d, byte 3d

Category: geo

Michel Couprie, Christophe Doublier