Pink 0.9

Geometrical operators


file  affine.c

affine transformation of a 2D image

file  animscenes.c

generates intermediate scenes by interpolation

file  attribute.c

labels each connected component with its attribute value

file  autocrop.c

eliminates null regions at the periphery of an image

file  barycentre.c

compute the center of gravity of each connected component

file  barycentrelab.c

compute the center of gravity of each labeled region

file  boxmin.c

minimal box including a given set of points

file  circleincl.c

circle identification and drawing from spare points

file  convexhull.c

convex hull of a set of points in the 2D plane

file  crop.c

extracts a rectangular (cuboidal in 3d) area from an image

file  curvatures.c

compute the curvatures of a natural cubic spline

file  curve2segments.cxx

computes a covering of a digital curve by digital straigh line segments

file  curve2spline.c

converts a discrete open curve into a spline

file  deframe.c

suppress the frame from an image

file  delaunay.c

delaunay triangulation

file  delaunaymask.c

delaunay triangulation

file  drawellipse.c

Draws an ellipse.

file  drawscene.c

draw a 3D scene which is specified by a text file into a 3D pgm image

file  drawspline.c

draw a spline which is specified by its control points

file  drawsplineorient.c

draw spline orientations in a vector field

file  drawsplines.c

draw spline segments which are specified by a text file

file  drawsplinesorient.c

draw spline orientations in a vector field (multiple spline version)

file  drawtriangulation.c

draw a triangulation

file  eden.cxx

growth and/or shrinking of an 2D binary image - Eden process

file  ellipsefit.c

ellipse identification and drawing from spare points

file  ellipseincl.c

ellipse identification and drawing from spare points

file  ellipseparams.c

ellipse identification and main parameter computation

file  enframe.c

adds a border with a given gray value to an image

file  enframe3d.c

adds a border with a given gray value to an image

file  extractline.c

extracts a line between two given points from a 3D image

file  extractplane.c

extracts a plane normal to one of the directions x,y,z from a 3D image

file  fitcircle.c

fits a circle which locally minimizes gray levels

file  frame.c

generates an image with a white border and a black interior

file  genfield.c

generates a null vector field of given size

file  genimage.c

generates a monocolor image of given size

file  genplane.c

generates a plane normal to one of the directions x,y,z

file  identifyline.c

identification of a best matching line from a set of 2D points

file  identifyparabola2.c

identification of a best matching parabola from a set of 2D points

file  identifyparabola3.c

identification of a best matching parabola from a set of 2D points

file  identifyplane.c

identification of a best matching plane from a set of 3D points

file  insert.c

inserts an image into another image

file  isometry.c

basic isometries in 3D

file  lengthspline.c

computes the length of a spline which is specified by its control points in a text file

file  lengthsplines.c

computes the lengths of splines which are specified by their control points in a text file

file  matchrect.c

matches (rounded) rectangles to the contours of objects

file  maxdiameter.c

maximal diameter of a binary image

file  moments.c

calcul des moments d'ordre 1 et 2 d'une image binaire (nuage de points)

file  offset.c

image translation

file  ombre.c

binary shadow of a grayscale function

file  pgm2closedcurve.c

extracts a curve from a binary image

file  pgm2curve.c

extracts a curve from a binary image

file  planarity.c

computes a planarity measure for each connected component

file  point.c

modifies the value of a given point

file  points2spline.c

converts a sequence of control points into a spline

file  proj.c

projection parallel to one of the main axes

file  projsphere.c

projection on a sphere

file  quasishear.c

quasi shear rotation

file  recalagerigide.c

rigid registration of two closed contours

file  recalagerigide_num.c

rigid registration of two grayscale images

file  recalagerigide.c

rigid registration of two closed contours

file  rotate.c

rotation of an image

file  rotate3dbin.c

rotation of an image

file  rotatebin.c

rotation of an image

file  rotse.c

rotation of a structuring element

file  samplespline.c

samples a cubic spline according to its curvilinear abcissa

file  seamcarving.c

applies the seam carving method to shrink an image

file  section.c

computes a 2d cross section from a 3d image

file  sym.c

symmetry (vertical, horizontal, central in 2D; x, y, z in 3D)

file  symse.c

inverse of a structuring element

file  translate.c

image translation

file  zoom.c

zoom (shrink or expand) an image

file  zoomint.c

zoom by an integer factor