Pink 0.9

rotate3dbin.c File Reference

rotation of an image More...

Detailed Description

rotation of an image

Usage: rotate3dbin in.pgm theta axis [c1 c2] out.pgm

Description: Method: truncated real rotation. Rotates the image in.pgm of the angle theta (in degrees), around the straight line defined by parameters axis, c1 and c2, parallel to one of the main axes x, y, z.
Parameter axis may be either x, y or z.
If axis = x, then the rotation axis is defined by y = c1, z = c2.
If axis = y, then the rotation axis is defined by x = c1, z = c2.
If axis = z, then the rotation axis is defined by x = c1, y = c2.

If in.pgm is not a structuring element, and if parameters c1 and c2 are omitted then the default values 0, 0 are assumed and the resulting image size is computed such that no loss of information occur. Otherwise, no resize is made.

If in.pgm is a structuring element, then parameters c1 and c2 are ignored and the coordinates of the rotation axis are taken among the ones of the origin of the structuring element.

Types supported: byte 3d

Category: geo

Michel Couprie