Pink 0.9
Compute a minimum spanning forest of a GA from a set of markers. More...
Compute a minimum spanning forest of a GA from a set of markers.
Usage: MSF marqueurs.pgm typeResul Result.??
Compute a minimum spanning forest of (a 4-connected 2D or 6-connected 3D edge-weighted graph) relative to the connected components of the non-zero pixels of marqueurs.pgm. If TypeResult = 0, then Result.?? is a GA whose non-zero edges form the induced MSF cut, otherwise Result.?? is a label image that represents the vertex partition induced by the MSF (the connected components of the MSF are marked with distinct labels).
See [COUSTYetAl-PAMI2009] and [COUSTYetAl-PAMI2010] for more details.
Types supported: GA byte 2D, GA byte 3D