Pink 0.9

GAwatershed.c File Reference

Compute the watershed of a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA) More...

Detailed Description

Compute the watershed of a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA)

Usage: GAwatershed out.pgm [type]


Compute the watershed of a 4-connected edge-weighted graph (a GA).

If type = 0, then outputs a watershed by an M-border algorithm. The file out.pgm is a GA.

If type = 1, then outputs a watershed by a non-recursive algorithm based on streams. The file out.pgm is a GA (this is the default) (not available for floats).

If type = 2 outputs a watershed by a recursive algorithm based on streams. The file out.pgm is a GA (not available for floats).

If type = 3 outputs an M-border watershed. The file out.pgm is a GA (not available for floats).

If type = 4 outputs a flow mapping. The file out.pgm is a long integer image that represents a labeled partition induced by a watershed cut of the input GA (not available for floats).

Types supported: GA byte 2D, GA float 2D

Category: GA

Jean Cousty