Pink 0.9
Computes the absolute value of the gradient of the spline approximation of the image. More...
Computes the absolute value of the gradient of the spline approximation of the image.
Usage: gradient_abs( (float_image)image) -> float_image
Description: The an image can be considered as a continuous field. This function approximates the image in all directions (x, y, z), with a 1D spline. Than it calculates the absolute value of the gradient for every point in form
g[[x,y,z]] = fabs([ pd_x g, pd_y g, pd_z g ])
here 'pd_x' stands for the partial derivative in the 'x' direction.
Types supported: float 2d, float 3d
Category: signal, development ,
[1] <href url=""> GNU Scientific Library </href>