Pink 0.9

pgm2GA4d.c File Reference

Create a 4D edge-weighted graph from a series of 3D images. More...

Detailed Description

Create a 4D edge-weighted graph from a series of 3D images.

Usage: pgm2GA4d prefix_in first last mode

Description: Create a 4D GA (edge-weighted graph) from the 4D image obtained by concatenation of the series of 3D images < prefix_inxxxx.pgm | xxxx is a four digit decimal integer of the interval [ first , last] > . The values of the edges are computed according to the parameter mode. If mode is set to 0, then the value of an edge { x,y } is the absolute diference of intensity between the pixels x and y and if mode is set to 1 the maximum of intensity between x and y is used. The output is a 4D GA, that is a 4D, 8-connected, edge-weighted grah, (i.e. the adjacency is the direct adjacency in dimension 4).

Types supported: byte 2d, byte 3d, byte 4d

Category: convert

Jean Cousty - janvier 2006