mesh smoothing
Usage: meshregul in mode [param1 [param2]] out
Mesh smoothing. The possible choices for parameter mode are:
- 0: Laplacian smoothing (param1 = number of iterations, default value 5)
- 1: Hamam method [HC07] (SOWA, param1 = theta, default value 1.0)
- 2: Vollmer, Mencl and Mueller method [VMM] (param1 = alpha, param2 = beta, default values 0.1 and 0.6 resp.)
- 3: Hamam method [HC07], variant: matrix A used instead of AA (FOWA, param1 = theta, default value 1.0)
- 4: Hamam method [HC07], variant: theta = infty (SOWA, param1 = number of iterations, default value 5)
- 5: Hamam method [HC07], conjugate gradient algorithm (SOWA, param1 = theta, default value 1.0)
- 6: Taubin method [Tau95] (param1 = lambda, param2 = mu, param3 = N, default values 0.33 and -0.34 and 60)
- 7: Laplacian smoothing for a 2D polygon, with border edges preservation (param1 = number of iterations, default value 10)
[HC07] Y. Hamam and M. Couprie, "An optimisation-based approach to mesh smoothing: reformulation and extensions", to appear, 2007.
[VMM99] J. Vollmer and R. Mencl and H. Muller, "Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes", Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 18, N. 3, pp. 131-138, 1999.
[Tau95] G. Taubin, "Curve and surface smoothing without shrinkage" Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 852-857, 1995.
Types supported: mesh 3d
Category: mesh3d
- Author:
- Michel Couprie