Pink 0.9

Compiling Pink with make

This page contains the installation instructions with the classical make framework.


To install Pink in Linux, type:

tar zxvf pink.tgz
mv Pinktmp Pink
cd Pink

The executables will be created in Pink/linux/bin, the scripts in Pink/scripts and in Pink/tcl Update your environment variables accordingly. For example:

setenv PINK ~coupriem/Pink
set path=( $path $PINK/linux/bin $PINK/scripts $PINK/tcl )


Begin by installing MinGW (Minimalist GNU For Windows), together with "make" (part of MinGW, but separate installation)

Untar pink.tgz (you can use WinZip or WinRar).

Modify "mgw.make" and "makemgw.bat" to match your configuration.

Open a command promt and change to Pink 's directory.



The executables will be created in Pink/bin; update the PATH variable accordingly, for example:

set PATH=c:\Pink\bin;%PATH%

Possible compilation errors and solutions:

you get an error message containing "M_PI"
cause: obsolete MinGW version
solution: copy Pink/tools/pinkconst.h in MinGW/include/math.h

you get an error message containing "uint8_t", "int8_t", "uint16_t", etc
cause: obsolete MinGW version
solution: copy Pink/tools/pinktypes.h in MinGW/include/math.h

message d'erreur contenant "chrono"
cause: compilation flag forgotten
solution: delete the line "#define CHRONO" from the source files.