Pink 0.9

Exporting functions to Python


The Pink library has two front-ends; the Bash and the Python front-end. Historically almost all of the operators are already exported into the Bash front-end. For an undetermined transition period, both front-ends should be maintained. That means, that new functions should appear in Bash and Python as well.

Note that all the conventions are respected as the complete Python wrapper, including the wrapping macros, is written in C++. For further reading we suggest !!!!

Bash front-end

To export the functions in Bash, you have to create a file named 'my_function.c' in the 'src/com' directory. The file should contain a main function, which parses it's parameters and calles exactly one appropriate Pink operator. The format of the command line parameters is the following:

operator_name input_image.pgm t1 t2 t3 output_image.pgm

The main function should look like this:

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

  // tests on the number of parameters

  // reading of the input image
  result = readimage(argv[1])

  // conversion (but NOT testing!) of the input parameters
  T1 t1 = convert_or_read(argv[2])
  T2 t2 = convert_or_read(argv[3])
  Tn tn = convert_or_read(argv[n])

  pink_c_function(result, t1, t2, ..., tn);

  // "returning" the result
  writeimage(result, argv[n+1]);
  return 0;


The tests for the content of the parameters should be carried out in 'pink_c_function' as specified in the Conventions for developing Pink operators. The created files are automatically detected and compiled by CMake.

Note: Do not forget to add the created files to the svn repository.

Python front-end

There are several wrapper functions to facilitate the export of Pink functions to Python.

Documentation export

When you are wrapping functions in Python, the wrapper functions allow you to write your documentation directly at wrapping. This is however not the suggested way of documenting functions in python. After each compilation a python script extracts the doxygen documentation of the operators in the file include/python_doc.h. Each file 'src/com/operator.c' has a macro defined in 'python_doc.h' called 'doc__operator__c__'. You should use these macros, where exporting documentation in Python.

C functions

There are three wrappers for exporting functions in python. The macros have to be called in 'src/python/pypink.cpp'. The function types are as defined in Conventions for developing Pink operators.

After including the appropriate macro call in 'pypink.cpp' the functions appear in Python. Examples can be found in 'pypinp.cpp'.

C++ functions.

C++ functions are exported with the boost export function 'def'. The parametrisation remains the same as for the WRAP macros:

  (arg("T1"), arg("T2"), ..., arg("Tn")),
ujoimro, 2011