Pink 0.9

Using the Python front-end

This page describes the launching and basic utilisation of Pink's Python front-end.

After the compilation

If you have succeded with Compiling Pink with CMake, there is a script file '' generated on the top of your Pink build directory. You can invoke the Python interpreter by typing


If you have also installed Pink after the compilation, you can get the same environment by launching the Python interpreter


you should get the following prompt:

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Oct 28 2010, 20:54:41)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.10 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.

In [1]:

This is a standard Python interpreter. The script sets up the necessary directories so that the interpreter would find the Pink library. The ultimate test of a successfull compilation is the importing of the library in Python:

In [1]: import pink

In [2]:

The [2] promtline indicates that the import have succeded. You can now list the available functions:

In [2]: pink.cpp.
Display all 201 possibilities? (y or n)
pink.cpp.2dthin                 pink.cpp.barycentre             pink.cpp.exp                    pink.cpp.matchrect              pink.cpp.seltype2d
pink.cpp.3dthin                 pink.cpp.beta3d                 pink.cpp.extractplane           pink.cpp.max                    pink.cpp.seltype3d
pink.cpp.Pimview                pink.cpp.border                 pink.cpp.float2byte             pink.cpp.maxdiameter            pink.cpp.seuil    
pink.cpp.Pimview_force_socket   pink.cpp.border2d               pink.cpp.float_image            pink.cpp.mcube                  pink.cpp.shencastan
pink.cpp.Pimview_sendcommand    pink.cpp.boxmin                 pink.cpp.frame                  pink.cpp.medianfilter           pink.cpp.short_image
pink.cpp.Pimview_setdebug       pink.cpp.ccv                    pink.cpp.frame_around           pink.cpp.merge_max_image        pink.cpp.simplepair 
pink.cpp.Pimviewlogin           pink.cpp.char_image             pink.cpp.frame_remove           pink.cpp.min                    pink.cpp.skelcurv   
pink.cpp.Pimviewputimage        pink.cpp.closeball              pink.cpp.gaussianfilter         pink.cpp.minima                 pink.cpp.skeleton   
pink.cpp.__builtins__           pink.cpp.closebeta2d            pink.cpp.genball                pink.cpp.minmax                 pink.cpp.skelsurf   
pink.cpp.__class__              pink.cpp.closing                pink.cpp.generate_rgb_image     pink.cpp.nbvois                 pink.cpp.skelsurf3d 
pink.cpp.__delattr__            pink.cpp.color2d                pink.cpp.geodilat               pink.cpp.normalize              pink.cpp.skew       
pink.cpp.__dict__               pink.cpp.color3d                pink.cpp.geoeros                pink.cpp.openball               pink.cpp.sphere3d   
pink.cpp.__doc__                pink.cpp.contours               pink.cpp.gradientcd             pink.cpp.opening                pink.cpp.squel      
pink.cpp.__file__               pink.cpp.convert2float          pink.cpp.gradmorph              pink.cpp.pardircollapse2d       pink.cpp.squelbin   
pink.cpp.__format__             pink.cpp.convol3                pink.cpp.grayskel               pink.cpp.pardircollapse3d       pink.cpp.stretch    
pink.cpp.__getattribute__       pink.cpp.cpp_uiSqhool           pink.cpp.greet                  pink.cpp.plane3d                pink.cpp.surfacerestoration
pink.cpp.__hash__               pink.cpp.deletecomp             pink.cpp.heightmaxima           pink.cpp.pow                    pink.cpp.surimp            
pink.cpp.__init__               pink.cpp.deriche                pink.cpp.heightminima           pink.cpp.print_image            pink.cpp.surrect           
pink.cpp.__name__               pink.cpp.detectcercles          pink.cpp.heightselnb            pink.cpp.ptcurve                pink.cpp.sym               
pink.cpp.__new__                pink.cpp.dilatball              pink.cpp.histscal               pink.cpp.ptend                  pink.cpp.t26pp             
pink.cpp.__package__            pink.cpp.dilatbin               pink.cpp.holeclosing            pink.cpp.pthseparatinggray      pink.cpp.t4pp              
pink.cpp.__path__               pink.cpp.dilation               pink.cpp.houghcircles           pink.cpp.ptinterior             pink.cpp.t8pp              
pink.cpp.__reduce__             pink.cpp.dilatnum               pink.cpp.hthiniso               pink.cpp.ptisolated             pink.cpp.taf               
pink.cpp.__reduce_ex__          pink.cpp.dir                    pink.cpp.htkern                 pink.cpp.ptjunction             pink.cpp.tlf               
pink.cpp.__repr__               pink.cpp.directions             pink.cpp.identifyline           pink.cpp.ptmultiple             pink.cpp.toposhrink
pink.cpp.__setattr__            pink.cpp.dist                   pink.cpp.insert_image           pink.cpp.ptseparating           pink.cpp.translate
pink.cpp.__sizeof__             pink.cpp.distc                  pink.cpp.int_image              pink.cpp.ptseparatinggray       pink.cpp.tuf
pink.cpp.__str__                pink.cpp.distgeo                pink.cpp.inverse                pink.cpp.ptsimple               pink.cpp.variance
pink.cpp.__subclasshook__       pink.cpp.double_image           pink.cpp.isthmus3d              pink.cpp.quasishear             pink.cpp.vector_int
pink.cpp.alpha                  pink.cpp.drawball               pink.cpp.jones                  pink.cpp.rankfilter             pink.cpp.vint
pink.cpp.alpha3d                pink.cpp.drawcurve2D            pink.cpp.kern                   pink.cpp.read_raw_image         pink.cpp.volmaxima
pink.cpp.amont                  pink.cpp.drawline               pink.cpp.lambdaskel             pink.cpp.readimage              pink.cpp.volselnb
pink.cpp.any_image              pink.cpp.drawtorus              pink.cpp.lerosbin               pink.cpp.reconsplateaux         pink.cpp.watershed
pink.cpp.area                   pink.cpp.dynrecons              pink.cpp.levialdi               pink.cpp.remspnoise             pink.cpp.wshedtopo
pink.cpp.areaclosing            pink.cpp.ecarttype              pink.cpp.line                   pink.cpp.segmentarea            pink.cpp.wshedval
pink.cpp.areaopening            pink.cpp.egalise                pink.cpp.lmedialaxis_lbisector  pink.cpp.segmentheight          pink.cpp.xor
pink.cpp.areaselnb              pink.cpp.ellipticite            pink.cpp.log                    pink.cpp.segmentlines           pink.cpp.zoom

The operator can be called the standard Python call:

inverted_image = pink.cpp.inverse(I)

The documentation of the operators

You can look at the documentation of a function (operator) by calling the help function:


The help looks like this:

Help on built-in function geoeros:

    geoeros( (char_image)G image, (char_image)F image, (int)connexity [, (int)number of iterations=-1]) -> char_image :

         geodesic (grayscale or binary) erosion

        Usage: geoeros g.pgm f.pgm connex niter out.pgm

        Geodesic erosion of g.pgm over f.pgm.
        Let G and F be the two input images. If G is not over F, then
        G is replaced initially by max(G,F).
        The structuring element is specified by the value of the parameter connex,
        which can be one of the following ones: 4, 8 in 2d, or 6, 18, 26 in 3d.
        The parameter  niter sets the number of iterations. If  niter = -1,
        then the iterations continue until stability.

        Types supported: byte 2d, byte 3d.

        Category: connect, morpho
          connect, morpho

         Michel Couprie

        C++ signature :
            pink::ujoi<unsigned char> geoeros(pink::ujoi<unsigned char>,pink::ujoi<unsigned char>,int [,int=-1])

The documentation contains three parts. The signature of the python function

geoeros( (char_image)G image, (char_image)F image, (int)connexity [, (int)number of iterations=-1]) -> char_image :

The description of the usage and the c++ signature of the operator:

UjoImro, 2011