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Digital topology (binary)


file  asft.c
 alternate sequential filter controled by topology

file  asftmed.c
 alternate sequential filter controled by topology

file  delcomp.c
 deletes a connected component

file  deletecomp.c
 deletes a connected component

file  hcutting.c
 homotopic cutting (pseudo opening) by a ball

file  hfilling.c
 homotopic filling (pseudo closing) by a ball

file  holeclosing.c
 3d hole closing

file  nbvois.c
 number of neighbors for each object point

file  pgm2skel.c
 decomposition of a curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions

file  pgm2vskel.c
 decomposition of a valuated curvilinear skeleton into isolated points, end points, curves and junctions

file  ptcurve.c
 detects curve points in a binary image

file  ptend.c
 detects end points in a binary image

file  ptisolated.c
 detects isolated points in a binary image

file  ptmultiple.c
 detects multiple points in 2d or 3d binary images

file  ptseparating.c
 detects separating points in a 2D or 3D binary image

file  ptsimple.c
 detects simple points in a binary image

file  seltopo.c
 selects points according to a local topological criterion

file  skel2pgm.c
 generation of a binary image from a curvilinear skeleton

file  skel2pov.c
 generation of a 3d illustration from a curvilinear skeleton

file  skelcurv.c
 curvilinear binary skeleton guided by a priority image

file  skelend.c
 homotopic skeleton of a 2d binary image with dynamic detection of end points

file  skeleton.c
 ultimate binary skeleton guided by a priority image

file  skeleucl.c
 Euclidean binary skeleton.

file  skelsurf.c
 surfacic binary skeleton guided by a priority image

file  squelbin.c
 homotopic skeleton of a 2d binary image

file  toposhrink.c
 topologically controled binary shrinking guided by a priority image

file  vskel2graph.c
 generation of a graph from a curvilinear skeleton

Generated on Fri Dec 17 11:59:38 2004 for Pink by doxygen1.2.18