Pink 0.9

Arithmetic operators


file  add.c

pixelwise addition of two images

file  addconst.c

adds a constant value to an image

file  area.c

return the number of non-null pixels of an image

file  argmax.c

return the coordinates of a pixel having the maximal value

file  argmin.c

return the coordinates of a pixel having the minimal value

file  average.c

pixelwise (weighted) average of two images

file  complex_imaginary.c

pixelwise imaginary part of complex

file  complex_modulus.c

pixelwise modulus of complex

file  complex_real.c

pixelwise real part of complex

file  correctbias.c

correction of a luminosity bias expressed by a linear function

file  diffimages.c

pixelwise absolute value difference of 2 images

file  div.c

pixelwise division of two images

file  dup.c

duplicates an image

file  equal.c

equality test

file  exp.c

pixelwise exponentiation

file  gammacor.c

performs gamma correction on image

file  genfield.c

generates a null vector field of given size

file  genimage.c

generates a monocolor image of given size

file  inf.c

pixelwise inf predicate

file  inverse.c

computes the pixelwise inverse of an image

file  isnull.c

nullity test

file  log.c

pixelwise logarithm

file  mask.c

applies a binary mask to an image

file  max.c

maximum of 2 images

file  max1.c

return the maximum of the pixel values of an image

file  min.c

minimum of 2 images

file  min1.c

return the minimum of the pixel values of an image

file  mult.c

pixelwise multiplication of two images

file  normalize.c

normalization of grayscale values

file  pow.c

raises the value of each pixel to the pth power

file  scale.c

product of an image by a scalar

file  selndg.c

selects pixels with values between two thresholds

file  seuil.c

simple threshold

file  seuil2.c

double threshold

file  seuilauto.c

automatic threshold

file  standarddeviation1.c

return the standard deviation of the pixel values of an image

file  sub.c

substracts an image from another one

file  sup.c

pixelwise sup predicate

file  threshold.c

simple threshold

file  volume.c

return the sum of the pixel values of an image

file  xor.c

pixelwise xor of two images