Jean Cousty

j.cousty (@)








Centres d'interêt




Application : imagerie cardiaque 3D+t




Depuis octobre 2008 :

Enseignant-chercheur en informatique à ESIEE Paris .

2017-2018 :

Délégation CNRS au laboratoire à MAP5 (Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5), Université Paris Descartes.

2015-2017 :

Professeur Invité à PUC Minas et à l'UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brésil) - Financement CAPES (agence nationale brésilienne pour l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche).

2007-2008 :

Stage post-doctoral au sein du projet Asclepios à l'INRIA, Sophi-Antipolis

Sujet : Modèle statistique des fibres du cerveau à partir d'IRM de diffusion

Projet financé par l'ARC BrainVar, dont le responsable INRIA est Xavier Pennec

Octobre 2004-octobre 2007 :

Doctorat en informatique de l'Université-de Marne-la-Vallée.

Sujet : Lignes de partage des eaux discrètes : théorie et application à la segmentation d'images cardiaques (voir également "Logiciel de segmentation en ciné IRM 4D")

Directeur de thèse : Laurent Najman.


Mars-septembre 2004:

Stage de recherche au sein du département des Applications Médicales Avancées de General Electric Healthcare (Buc, France).

Sujet : Recalage d'images CT et d'images fluoroscopiques cardiaques pour l'aide au positionnement des cathéters en électrophysiologie interventionnelle.

Directeur de stage : Régis Vaillant.


Mai-août 2003

Stage de recherche au sein du département d'analyse d'images médicales de l'Université de Pennsylvanie (Philadelphie, USA).

Réalisation théorique : Mise au point d'une nouvelle méthode de segmentation d'images permettant d'unifier l'Ecole française (Ligne de Partage des Eaux) et l'Ecole américaine (Connexité Floue).
Réalisation pratique
: Segmentation automatique d'images IRM cérébrales 3D, dans le but de quantifier le volume des différents tissus (sains ou malades) du cerveau.

Directeur de stage : Jayaram K. Udupa.


Septembre-Octobre 2001 :

Stage de technicien effectué dans un laboratoire de recherche de la Délégation Générale de l'Armement au sein du service Géographie-Imagerie-Perception.

Sujet : Mise en œuvre d'un télémètre laser à balayage et élaboration d'algorithmes de cartographie 2D en vue de l'intégration du télémètre sur un robot mobile autonome.

Directeurs de stage : Delphine Dufourd et André Dalgalarrondo.


Août 2000 et août 1999 :

Stages d'exécution à la SNECMA et chez Aventis.

Haut de la page



2018 :

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l'Université Paris-Est.

Sujet : Segmentation, hierarchy, mathematical morphology filtering, and application to image analysis.

Directeur : Gilles Bertrand.


2004-2007 :

Doctorat en informatique de l'Université-de Marne-la-Vallée.

Sujet : Lignes de partage des eaux discrètes : théorie et application à la segmentation d'images cardiaques. (voir également "Logiciel de segmentation en ciné IRM 4D")

Directeur de thèse : Laurent Najman.


2004 :

DEA IFA (Informatique Fondamentale et Applications) à l'Université de Marne-la-Vallée.
Mention très bien.


2004 :

Ingénieur ESIEE (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique).


1999 :

Baccalauréat scientifique.

Haut de la page




MorphoGraph and Imagery : Responsable des cours, TD, TP (niveau BAC +4).


Système d'exploitation : Responsable des cours, TD, TP (niveau BAC +3).


Traitement algorithmique de l'information : Responsable des cours et TD (BAC +4).


Systèmes à base de microprocesseurs : TP (BAC +2).


Graphes et algorithmes : TD, TP (BAC +3).


Programmation de base en Java : TD, TP, Projet (BAC +1)


Encadrement de projets, stages et thèses de doctorat.

Haut de la page


Centres d'intérêt

Sport :

Football, tennis, ski.

Littérature :

Boris Vian, Romain Gary, Milan Kundera, Amin Maalouf ...


Organisation et animation de camps de scoutisme pour des adolescents de 12 à 15 ans.

Haut de la page



(Chapitres de) Livres:

L. Najman, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie and J. Cousty. Complex Analysis and Digital Geometry, chapitre Discrete region merging and watersheds (pp. 199-222). Acta series of Uppsala University. Proceedings from the Kiselmanfest, 2006, Edited by M. Passare. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. vol 86. 2009. Note: ISSN 0502-7454, ISBN 978-91-554-7672-4.

G. Bertrand, M. Couprie, J. Cousty, L. Najman. Morphologie Mathématique : approches déterministes, chapitre Ligne de partage des eaux dans les espaces discrets. IC2 - Information - Commande - Communication. Hermes Sciences, 2008, pp. 123-149.

J. Cousty, L. Najman, M. Couprie. Morphologie Mathématique 2 : estimation, choix et mises en oeuvre, chapitre Segmentation cardiaque spatio-temporelle. IC2 - Information - Commande - Communication. Hermes Sciences, 2010, pp. 193-198.

G. Bertrand, M. Couprie, J. Cousty, L. Najman. Mathematical morphology: from theory to applications., chapitre Watersheds in discrete spaces. ISTE-Wiley, 2010, pp. 229-261.

J. Cousty, L. Najman, M. Couprie. Mathematical morphology: from theory to applications., chapitre 3D+t cardiac segmentation. ISTE-Wiley, 2010, pp. 389-394.

M. Couprie, J. Cousty, Y. Kenmochi, N. H. Mustafa (editors). Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery - 21st IAPR International Conference, DGCI 2019, Marne-la-Vallée, France, March 26-28, 2019, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11414, Springer 2019. [at publisher]


Journaux :

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie and L. Najman. Fusion graphs: merging properties and watersheds. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 30(1) : 87-104, 2008.
Also in Technical Report Institut Gaspard Monge, Number IGM 2005-04, 2005. [pdf].

J. Cousty, M. Couprie, L. Najman and G. Bertrand. Weighted fusion graphs: merging properties and watersheds. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(15) : 3011-3027, 2008.
Also in Technical Report Institut Gaspard Monge, Number IGM 2007-09. [pdf].

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, L. Najman and M. Couprie. Watershed cuts: minimum spanning forests, and the drop of water principle. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 31(8): 1362–1374, 2009. [at_publisher] [pdf]

J. Cousty and G. Bertrand. Uniqueness of the perfect fusion grid on Z^d. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 34(3): 291-306, 2009. [at_publisher]
Also in Technical Report Institut Gaspard Monge, Number IGM 2008-01. [pdf]

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, L. Najman and M. Couprie. Watershed cuts: thinnings, topological watersheds and shortest path forests. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(5):925-939, 2010. [at_publisher] [pdf]

J. Cousty, L. Najman, M. Couprie, S. Clément-Guinaudeau, T. Goissen, J. Garot. Segmentation of 4D cardiac MRI: automated method based on spatio-temporal watershed cuts. Image and Vision Computing, 28:1229-1243, 2010.[pdf]

S. Philipp-Foliguet, M. Jordan, L. Najman, J. Cousty. Artwork 3D Model Database Indexing and Classification. Pattern Recognition, 44(3):588-597, 2011.

J. Lebenberg, I. Buvat, A. Lalande, P. Clarysse, C. Casta, A. Cochet, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. De Cesare, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Lefort,L. Najman, E. Roullot, L. Sarry, C. Tilmant, M. Garreau, F. Frouin. Nonsupervised Ranking of Different Segmentation Approaches: Application to the Estimation of the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction From Cardiac Cine MRI Sequences. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, 31(8):1651-1660, 2012.

J. Cousty, L. Najman, F. Dias, J. Serra. Morphological filtering on graphs. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 117:370-385, 2013.[pdf]

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie, L. Najman. Collapses and Watersheds in Pseudomanifolds of Arbitrary Dimension. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 50(3):261-285, 2014. [pdf], [at publisher]

F. Dias, J. Cousty, L. Najman. Dimensional operators for mathematical morphology on simplicial complexes. Pattern Recognition Letters, 47:111-119, 2014. [pdf], [at publisher]

L. Najman, J. Cousty. A graph-based mathematical morphology reader. Pattern Recognition Letters, 47:3-17, 2014. [pdf], [at publisher]

B. Perret, J. Cousty, O. Tankyevych, H. Talbot, and N. Passat. Directed connected operators: asymmetric hierarchies for image filtering and segmentation.. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37(6):1162-1176, 2015. [pdf], [at publisher]

J. Lebenberg, A. Lalande, P. Clarysse, I. Buvat, C. Casta, A. Cochet, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. de Cesare, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Lefort, L. Najman, E. Roullot, L. Sarry, C. Tilmant, F. Frouin, M. Garreau. Improved Estimation of Cardiac Function Parameters Using a Combination of Independent Automated Segmentation Results in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging. PloS one, 10(8), 2015. [pdf],

K. Bacchuwar,J. Cousty, R. Vaillant, L. Najman. Scale-space for empty catheter segmentation in PCI fluoroscopic images. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 12(7):1179-1188, 2017. [pdf],

I. Youkana, J. Cousty, R. Saouli, M. Akil. Parallelization Strategy for Elementary Morphological Operators on Graphs: Distance-Based Algorithms and Implementation on Multicore Shared-Memory Architecture. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 59(1):136-160, 2017. [pdf]

S. Guimarães, Y. Kenmochi, J. Cousty, Z. Patrocinio, L. Najman. Hierarchizing graph-based image segmentation algorithms relying on region dissimilarity : the case of the Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher method. Mathematical Morphology - Theory and Applications, 2:55-75, 2017. [pdf]

B. Perret, J. Cousty, S. Guimarães, D. S. Maia. Evaluation of hierarchical watersheds. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27(4):1676-1688, 2018. [pdf]

J. Cousty, L. Najman, Y. Kenmochi, S. Guimarães. Hierarchical segmentations with graphs: quasi-flat zones, minimum spanning trees, and saliency maps. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 60(4):479-502, 2018. [pdf]

D. Genest, E. Puybareau, M. Léonard, J. Cousty, N. de Crozé, H. Talbot. High throughput automated detection of axial malformations in Medaka embryo. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 105:157-168, 2019. [pdf] [at publisher]

E. Cayllahua Cahuina, J. Cousty, Y. Kenmochi, A. de Albuquerque Araujo, G. Camara-Chavez, S. Guimarães. Efficient algorithms for hierarchical graph-based segmentation relying on the Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher dissimilarity. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, to appear, 2019. [pdf] [at publisher]

Conférences avec actes :

S. Clément-Guinaudeau, T. Goissen, J. Cousty, J.-L. Dubois-Randé, A. Rahmouni, P. Guéret, J. Garot and L. Najman. Fully Automated Segmentation of 4D Cardiac Cine-MRI Dataset in Humans. in Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie. Poster session. (jan. 2006)

T. Goissen, S. Clément-Guinaudeau, J. Cousty, L. Najman, J.L. Dubois-Randé, A. Rahmouni, P. Guéret and J. Garot. Accurate Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Infarct Patients with Fully Automated 4D Segmentation of Complete Short-Axis Cine-MRI Dataset. in Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie. (jan. 2006). 2ème prix jeunes investigateurs.

J. Cousty, M. Couprie, L. Najman and G. Bertrand. Grayscale watersheds on perfect fusion graphs. International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis 2006, LNCS 4040, pp. 60-73.

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie and L. Najman. Fusion graph, region merging and watershed. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 2006, LNCS 4245, pp. 343-354.

J. Cousty, L. Najman, M. Couprie, S. Clément-Guinaudeau, T. Goissen, J. Garot. Automated, accurate and fast segmentation of 4D cardiac MR images. Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2007, LNCS 4466, pp. 474-483.

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, L. Najman and M. Couprie. Watershed cuts. Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Signal and Image Processing, proc. International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology 2007. pp. 301-312.[pdf]

Cédric Allène, Jean-Yves Audibert, Michel Couprie, Jean Cousty and Renaud Keriven. Some links between min-cuts, optimal spanning forests and watersheds. Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Signal and Image Processing, proc. International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology 2007. pp. 253-264.[pdf]

L. Najman, J. Cousty, M. Couprie, H. Talbot, S. Clément-Guinaudeau, T. Goissen and J. Garot. An open, clinically-validated database of 3D+t cine-MR images of the left ventricle with associated manual and automated segmentations. Insight Journal, special issue ISC/NA-MIC Workshop on Open Science at MICCAI 2007. [pdf]

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, L. Najman and M. Couprie. On watershed cuts and thinnings. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 2008, LNCS 4992, pp. 434-445.

M. Alcoverro, S. Philipp-Foliguet, M. Jordan, L. Najman, J. Cousty. Region-Based 3D Artwork Indexing and Classification. 3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video 2008, pp. 393-396, IEEE Computer Society Press. [pdf]

J. Cousty and G. Bertrand. A uniqueness property of perfect fusion grids on Z^d. Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context, 2008.

J. Cousty, L. Najman and J. Serra. Raising in watershed lattices. 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'08) , pp. 2196–2199, 2008. [pdf]

J. Cousty, L. Najman and J. Serra. Some morphological operators in graph spaces. Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Signal and Image Processing - ISMM 2009, LNCS 5720, pp. 149-160. [pdf] [slides]

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie, L. Najman. Collapses and watersheds in pseudomanifolds. Combinatorial Image Analysis - IWCIA 2009, LNCS 5852, pp. 397-410. [pdf]

L. Marak, J. Cousty, L. Najman, H. Talbot. 4D Morphological segmentation and the MICCAI LV-segmentation grand challenge. MICCAI 2009 Workshop on Cardiac MR Left Ventricle Segmentation Challenge, MIDAS Journal, pp. 1-8. [pdf]

F. Dias, J. Cousty, L. Najman. Some Morphological Operators on Simplicial Complex Spaces. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery - DGCI 2011, LNCS 6607, pp. 441-452. [pdf]

J. Cousty, L. Najman. Incremental algorithm for hierarchical minimum spanning forests and saliency of watershed cuts. 10th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology - ISMM 2011, LNCS 6671, pp. 272-283. [pdf]

S. Jehan-besson, C. Tilmant, A. de Cesare, F. Frouin, L. Najman, A. Lalande, L. Sarry, C. Casta, P. Clarysse, C. Constantinidés, J. Cousty, M. Lefort, A. Cochet, M. Garreau. Estimation d'une forme mutuelle pour l'évaluation de la segmentation en imagerie cardiaque. 23ème Colloque GRETSI - Traitement du Signal et des Images - GRETSI 2011.

J. Lebenberg, I. Buvat, M. Garreau, C. Casta, C. Constantinidés, J. Cousty, A. Cochet, S. Jehan-Besson, C. Tilmant, M. Lefort, E. Roullot, L. Najman, L. Sarry, P. Clarysse, A. de Cesare, A. Lalande, F. Frouin. Comparison of different segmentation approaches without using gold standard. Application to the estimation of the left ventricle ejection fraction from cardiac cine MRI sequences. 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC 2011, pp. 2663-2666.

K. J. Ferreira de Souza, S. J. F. Guimarães, Z. K. G. do Patrocínio Jr., A. de Albuquerque Araújo, J. Cousty . A Simple Hierarchical Clustering Method for Improving Flame Pixel Classification. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence - ICTAI 2011, pp. 110-117.

A. Lalande, J. Lebenberg, I Buvat, P. Clarysse, C. Casta, A. Cochet, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. De Cesare, S. Jehan-Besson,M. Lefort, L. Najman, E. Roullot, L. Sarry, C. Tilmant, M. Garreau, F. Frouin . A reference free approach for the comparative evaluation of eight segmentation methods for the estimation of the left ventricular ejection fraction in cardiac MRI. European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Lisbonne : Portugal (2012), abstract [pdf].

S. Guimarães, J. Cousty, Y. Kenmochi, L. Najman . A hierarchical image segmentation algorithm based on an observation scale. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition - SSPR 2012, pp. 116-125. [pdf]

B. R. Kiran, J. Serra, J. Cousty . Climbing: a unified approach for global constraints on hierarchical segmentation. Computer Vision ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations (2012), pp. 324-334. [pdf]

I. Melki, H. Talbot, J. Cousty, C. Pruvot, J. Knoplioch, L. Launay, L. Najman. HYBRID ALGORITHM FOR AUTOMATIC HEART SEGMENTATION IN CT ANGIOGRAPHY. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP'2012, 4 pages.

I. Melki, H. Talbot, J. Cousty, L. Najman, C. Pruvot, J. Knoplioch, L. Launay. A hybrid algorithm for automatic heart delineation in CT angiography. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - CARS'2012, abstract.

J. Serra, B.R. Kiran, J. Cousty. Hierarchies and Climbing Energies. Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications - CIARP'2012, pp. 821-828.

J. Cousty, L. Najman, B. Perret. Constructive links between some morphological hierarchies on edge-weighted graphs. 11th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology - ISMM 2013, LNCS 7883, pp. 86-97.[pdf]

L. Najman, J. Cousty, B. Perret. Playing with Kruskal: algorithms for morphological trees in edge-weighted graphs. 11th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology - ISMM 2013, LNCS 7883, pp. 135-146.[pdf]

K. J. de Souza, A. de Albuquerque Araujo, Z. K. G. do Patrocinio, J. Cousty, L. Najman, Y. Kenmochi, S. J. F. Guimarães. Hierarchical video segmentation using an observation scale. Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2013 26th SIBGRAPI-Conference on, pp. 320-327.[at publisher]

J. Cousty. Handling and computing hierarchies with graphs. Tutorial on Optimizations on Hierarchies of Partitions at International Conference on Image Processing 2014 (ICIP 2014), [slides]

S. Jehan-Besson, C. Tilmant, A. de Cesare, A. Lalande, A. Cochet, J. Cousty, J. Lebenberg, M. Lefort, P. Clarysse, R. Clouard, L. Najman, L. Sarry, F. Frouin, M. Garreau A Mutual Reference Shape Based On Information Theory. International Conference on Image Processing 2014 (ICIP 2014), pp. 887-891.

J. Cousty and L. Najman Morphological Floodings And Optimal Cuts In Hierarchies. International Conference on Image Processing 2014 (ICIP 2014), pp. 4462-4466. [pdf]

I. Youkana, R. Saouli, J. Cousty, and M. Akil Morphological operators on graphs based on geodesic distance map. Computer Vision and Image Analysis Applications (ICCVIA), 2015 International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 1-6. [pdf]

J. Cousty, L. Najman, Y. Kenmochi, and S. Guimaraes New characterizations of minimum spanning trees and of saliency maps based on quasi-flat zones. 12th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology - ISMM 2015, LNCS 9082, pp. 205-216. [pdf]

B. Perret, J. Cousty, J. C. Rivera Ura, S.Guimaraes Evaluation of morphological hierarchies for supervised segmentation. 12th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology - ISMM 2015, LNCS 9082, pp. 39-50. [pdf]

L. Mennillo, J. Cousty, L. Najman. A Comparison of Some Morphological Filters for Improving OCR Performance. 12th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology - ISMM 2015, LNCS 9082, pp. 134-145. [pdf]

S. J. F. Guimaraes, Z. K. G. do Patrocinio Jr., Y. Kenmochi, J. Cousty, L. Najman. Hierarchical Image Segmentation Relying on a Likelihood Ratio Test. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing ICIAP 2015, LNCS 9280, pp. 25-35. [pdf]

I. Youkana, J. Cousty, R. Saouli, M. Akil. Parallelization Strategy for Elementary Morphological Operators on Graphs. International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery DGCI 2016, LNCS 9647, pp. 311-322. [pdf]

C. A. Pimentel, A. de Albuquerque Araujo, J. Cousty, S. Guimaraes, L. Najman. Stochastic Hierarchical Watershed Cut based on Disturbed Topographical Surface. SIBGRAPI'16 - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, pp. 265-272. [pdf]

K. Souza, A. de Albuquerque Araujo, Z. Patrocinio Jr., J. Cousty, L. Najman, Y. Kenmochi, S. Guimaraes. Decreasing the Number of Features for Improving Human Action Classification. SIBGRAPI'16 - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, pp. 195-200.

K. Bacchuwar, J. Cousty, R. Vaillant, and L. Najman. Towards semantic image analysis of PCI: Empty catheter segmentation. Joint MICCAI-Workshops on Computing and Visualization for Intravascular Imaging and Computer Assisted Stenting (CVII-STENT) 2016, pp. 1-8.

K. Bacchuwar, J. Cousty, R. Vaillant, and L. Najman. Towards PCI procedure modelling: Empty catheter segmentation. The 8th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions (IPCAI-2017), acte publié dans la revue IJCARS (cf section 'Journaux').

F. Dias, M. R. Mansour, P. Valdivia, J. Cousty, L. Najman. Watersheds on Hypergraphs for Data Clustering. Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing, procs. of 13th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology ISMM 2017, LNCS 10225, pp. 211-221. [pdf]

D. Santana Maia, A. de Albuquerque Araujo, J. Cousty, L. Najman, B. Perret, H. Talbot. Evaluation of Combinations of Watershed Hierarchies. Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing, procs. of 13th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology ISMM 2017, LNCS 10225, pp. 133-145. [pdf]

F. Rodrigues, P. Leal, Y. Kenmochi, J. Cousty, L. Najman, S. Guimarães, Z. do Patrocinio Graph-based Hierarchical Video Cosegmentation. 19th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing ICIAP 2017, LNCS 10484, pp. 15-26. [pdf]

K. Bacchuwar, J. Cousty, R. Vaillant, L. Najman. VOIDD: Automatic Vessel-of-Intervention Dynamic Detection in PCI Procedures. Intravascular Imaging and Computer Assisted Stenting, and Large-Scale Annotation of Biomedical Data and Expert Label Synthesis: 6th Joint International Workshops, CVII-STENT 2017 and Second International Workshop, LABELS 2017, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, LNCS 10552, pp. 47-56. [at publisher]

F. d. C. Belém, J. Cousty, Z. Patrocinio, S. Guimarãess. Impacts of contour saliency map transformations. Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW) in the 30th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI'2017), [pdf]

F. T. L. R. Nhimi, Z. Patrocinio, B. Perret, J. Cousty, S. Guimarães. Evaluation of morphological hierarchies for supervised video segmentation. ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'2018), pp. 252-259.

E. J. Y. Cayllahua Cahuina, J. Cousty, Y. Kenmochi, A. De Albuquerque Araujo, G. Cámara-Chávez Algorithms for hierarchical segmentation based on the Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher dissimilarity. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI), 2018, pp. 1-6. [pdf]

K. Otiniano-Rodríguez, A. de Albuquerque Araújo, G. Cámara Chávez, J. Cousty, S. Guimarães, B. Perret, Hierarchy-Based Salient Regions: A Region Detector Based on Hierarchies of Partitions. Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, CIARP 2018, LNCS 11401, pp 444-452. [pdf] [at publisher]

E. J. Y. Cayllahua Cahuina, J. Cousty, Y. Kenmochi, S. Guimarães, G. Cámara-Chávez, A. De Albuquerque Araujo. A Study of Observation Scales Based on Felzenswalb-Huttenlocher Dissimilarity Measure for Hierarchical Segmentation. International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery DGCI 2019, LNCS 11414, pp. 167-179. [at publisher]

D. Santana Maia, J. Cousty, L. Najman, B. Perret. Recognizing Hierarchical Watersheds. International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery DGCI 2019, LNCS 11414, pp. 300-313. [pdf] [at publisher]

D. Santana Maia, J. Cousty, L. Najman, B. Perret. Watersheding Hierarchies. Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing, procs. ISMM 2019, LNCS 11564, pp. 124-136. [pdf] [at publisher]

D. Santana Maia, J. Cousty, L. Najman, B. Perret. On the Probabilities of Hierarchical Watersheds. Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing, procs. ISMM 2019, LNCS 11564, pp. 137-149. [pdf] [at publisher]

D. Genest, M. Léonard, J. Cousty, N. de Crozé, H. Talbot. Atlas-Based Automated Detection of Swim Bladder in Medaka Embryo. Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing, procs. ISMM 2019, LNCS 11564, pp. 496-507. [pdf] [at publisher]

C. S. Jeronimo de Almeida, J. Cousty, B. Perret, Z. K. G. Patrocìnio Jr and S. J. F. Guimarães. Label propagation guided by hierarchy of partitions for superpixel computation. In 20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP’2019), procs., to appear.

Brevets :


R. Vaillant, J. Sra, J. Cousty, F. Kotian. Method and system for registering 3D models of anatomical regions with projection images of the same. US patent No. US2006/0078195 A1, Avril 2006.

R. Vaillant, F. Kotian, J. Sra, J. Cousty, L. Launay. Method and apparatus for registering 3D models of anatomical regions of a heart and a tracking system with projection images of an interventional fluoroscopic system. US patent No. US2006/0079759 A1, Avril 2006.

Rapports internes :

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie and L. Najman. Fusion graphs: merging properties and watershed. Technical Report Institut Gaspard Monge, Number IGM 2005-04, 2005. [pdf].

J. Cousty, M. Couprie, L. Najman and G. Bertrand. Weighted fusion graphs: merging properties and watersheds. Technical Report Institut Gaspard Monge, Number IGM 2007-09. [pdf].

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, L. Najman and M. Couprie Watersheds, minimum spanning forests and the drop of water principle. Technical Report Institut Gaspard Monge, Number IGM 2007-01. [pdf].

J. Cousty and G. Bertrand. Uniqueness of the perfect fusion grid on Z^d. Technical Report Institut Gaspard Monge, Number IGM 2008-01. [pdf]

L. Mennillo, J. Cousty, L. Najman. Morphological filters for OCR: a performance comparison. Internal report on HAL, 2012. [pdf]

S. Jehan-Besson, C. Tilmant, A. De Cesare, A. Lalande, A. Cochet, J. Cousty, J. Lebenberg, M. Lefort, P. Clarysse, R. Clouard, L. Najman, L. Sarry, F. Frouin, M. Garreau. Definition of a mutual reference shape based on information theory and active contours. Preprint submitted to HAL, 2013. [pdf]

B. Perret, J. Cousty, O. Tankyevych, H. Talbot, N. Passat. Directed connected operators: asymmetric hierarchies for image filtering and segmentation. Internal report on HAL, 2013. [pdf]

J. Cousty, L. Najman, Y. Kenmochi, S. Guimaraes. Hierarchical segmentations with graphs: quasi-flat zones, minimum spanning trees, and saliency maps. Internal report on HAL, 2016. [pdf]

S. Guimaraes, Y. Kenmochi, J. Cousty, Z. Patrocinio, and L. Najman. Hierarchizing graph-based image segmentation algorithms relying on region dissimilarity: the case of the Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher method. Internal report on HAL, 2016. [pdf]

Séminaires invités :

J. Cousty. Propriété des graphes de fusion et ligne de partage des eaux. Séminaire général de l'institut Gaspard-Monge, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, 2006.

J. Cousty. Ligne de partage des eaux et forêt couvrante de poids minimum. Journées jeunes chercheurs de l'Institut Gaspard Monge, Université de Marne-laVallée, 2007

J.Cousty. Segmentation et analyse d'IRM cardiaques 3D+t par morphologie mathématique discrète. Séminaire IRMC (programme de recherche Imagerie Robotique Médicale et Chirurgicale), Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 2007

J.Cousty. Ligne de partage des eaux et forêt couvrante de poids minimum. Groupe de travail de l'équipe MIV, laboratoire LSIIT, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 2007

J. Cousty. On watershed cuts. Research workshop CAPES/COFECUB, Université Fédérale de Minas Geiras (UFMG), Brésil, 2009

J. Cousty, Watersheds and collapses in simplicial complexes. Séminaire de l'Instituto de Computaçao, Université d'État de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brésil, 2009

J. Cousty, Segmentation morphologique dans quelques espaces discrets. Morphologie Mathématique - Structures et connexions, colloque en l'honneur de Jean Serra, ESIEE Paris, France, 2010 [slides]

J. Cousty, Discrete Morphology and Distances on graphs. Dans: Four-Day Course on Mathematical Morphology in image analysis, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bangalore, Inde, 2010 [slides]

J. Cousty, Connected Component Tree. Dans: Four-Day Course on Mathematical Morphology in image analysis, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bangalore, Inde, 2010 [slides]

J. Cousty, Segmentation by Discrete Watersheds. In Four-Day Course on Mathematical Morphology in image analysis, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bangalore, Inde, 2010 [slides (part1)] & [slides (part2)]

J. Cousty, Some morphological operators in graph spaces.Dans: Workshop Honouring Prof. Jean Serra, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bangalore, Inde, 2010

J. Cousty, Segmentation et morphologie mathématique : fondements, méthodes, algorithmes et outils. Exemple d'application : Imagerie cardiaque 3D+t.Dans: École STIC 2013, Monastir, Tunisie, 2013

Conférences sans actes :

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie et L. Najman. Ligne de partage des eaux topologique sur les arêtes d'un graphe. Journées ISS, Ecole des mines de Paris, 2005

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie et L. Najman. Propriétés des graphes de fusion et ligne de partage des eaux. Journées Informatique et Géométrie (CNRS), Institut Henri-Poincaré, Paris, 2005

J. Cousty, L. Najman, S. Clément-Guinaudeau, T. Goissen and J. Garot. Segmentation et analyse d'IRM cardiaque 4D à base de ligne de partage des eaux. Journées ISS, Ecole des mines de Paris, 2006.

J. Cousty, G. Bertrand, M. Couprie et L. Najman. Ligne de partage des eaux en niveaux de gris dans les graphes de fusion parfait. Journées Informatique et Géométrie (CNRS), Université Lyon I, 2006.

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