Graphs and algorithms (initiation workshop)¶
You will find in these pages the materaial of the course Graphs and Algorithms. It mainly takes the form of a workshop.
The content will be progressively translated to English.
Contents of the workshop:
- Discovering and exploring graphs: part 1
- Common thread problem and rules of the game
- A “toy example”
- Exo - Modeling the data with a graph
- Course - Graph
- Exo - Memory representation of a graph
- Cours - Memory representation of a graph
- Exo - One way graphs
- Course - Symmetric and graphs
- Exo - Implementing a first graph algorithm
- Course - SYM Algorithm: computing the symmetric of a graph
- General Knowledge Bonus - Some remarkable graphs
- Discovering and exploring graphs: part 2
- Common thread problem and rules of the game
- A “toy example”: reminder
- Exo - Successor search: dilation algorithm
- Course - Exploration of successors: dilation
- Exo - Paths
- Course - Paths
- Exo - Partial search
- Course - Partial search of a graph
- Exo - Graph search
- Course - Graph search
- Exo - Coding graph search algorithms
- Course - Graph search algorithm
- Exo - Connectivity
- Course - Connectivity
- Exo - Coding connected component algorithm
- Course - Connected Component and Strongly Connected Component Algorithms
- Regroupement de données avec des graphes
- Shortest paths
- Building and optimizing a spy network - part 1: arborescence
- Building and optimizing a spy network - part 2: minimum spanning tree
This course is build upon a long experience of teaching graphs and algorithms at ESIEE Paris notably by Gilles Bertrand and Michel Couprie.