Slides of the presentation made by Michel Couprie at the International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA) in Berlin, Germany, June 2006. Title: New 2D parallel thinning algorithms based on critical kernels. References: [BC06b], [BC08].

Slides of the presentation made by Gilles Bertrand at the Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery conference (DGCI) in Szeged, Hungary, October 2006. Title: New 3D parallel thinning algorithms based on critical kernels. Reference: [BC06c].

Slides of the presentation made by Michel Couprie at the Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery conference (DGCI) in Lyon, France, April 2008. Title: New characterizations of simple points, minimal non-simple sets and P-simple points in 2D, 3D and 4D discrete spaces. References: [CB08b], [BC09], [CB09].

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