An Asset corresponds to any file or resource that is used in your project: 3D models, 2D sprite, audio file, script, shader, texture, animation.
Main windows
Standard Layout
In the Unity HUB, select the blank project, it will automatically open in the Unity Editor.
Identify the main windows of the Unity Editor:
On the upper left, the Hierarchy window displays all the objects in the current scene
In the center, the Scene view allows us to edit and modify the current scene
On the right, the Inspector window lists all the information of the current selected object
At the bottom, in the Project window, you can find all the assets of the project displayed in two modes: on the left as a tree structure and on the right as a thumbnail view..
Restoring the Interface
While working in the interface, accidents may happen, such as closing an important window or panels disappearing. To solve such an issue, you can use the Unity Layout manager to reset windows and panels to their original positions.
Project/Assets windows
Starting a New Scene
Unity developers generally create a separate folder for each type of element: a folder named Scripts for all the game’s scripts, a folder named Textures for all textures, and so on. For our needs, it is simpler to create one folder per project and store all the project assets within it.
In the Project window, select the folder named Assets > Scenes
In the Assets window, in an empty area of the thumbnail view, right click to open the context menu
Select Create > folder
Name this folder Intro
Double-click on the Intro folder to open it
Right click to open the context menu
Select Create > Scene > Scene
Name it: IntroScene
Double click on the scene icon to open it
In the Hierarchy window, check that the name at the top of the hierarchy matches the name of your file:
Hierarchy window
Creating objets
Basic 3D objects can be created through this window:
Hierarchy window
In the Unity engine, an object in the scene is called a GameObject. It is described as a list of components such as Transforms, Renderers, Colliders, and Scripts, which together define its behavior and appearance in the game.
Select « MyCube » in the Hierarchy window
The Inspector windows is organized as a stack of dropdown boxes, thus you can find:
At the top:
Mesh filter: defines the 3D geometry
Mesh renderer: rendering information like material, shadows…
Collider: a geometric object that encloses the object and that is used to detect collisions with other objects while minimizing computations