
Rather than creating a Goblin class and instantiating it by providing all the necessary arguments, Unity enforces a different approach: create a single Goblin with all its parameters (texture, animations, colliders, etc.), keep it as a reference called a Prefab, and each time you need a Goblin in your game, clone this model.


Using Prefabs offers several benefits:

  • Reusability - The same prefab can be used multiple times across different scenes

  • Centralization - Updating a prefab automatically updates all its instances in the game

  • Optimization - Prefabs help reduce memory load by avoiding redundant information

  • Customization - You can override specific parameters for each instance (health, color, AI) while benefiting from memory optimization

  • Easy coding - Only one line of code to dynamically instantiate a fully functional Goblin

  • Project organization – Prefabs help structure a project by isolating reusable elements and making them more modular

Two ways to instantiate a prefab

  • Using the mouse: the new instances are 100% linked to their prefab: editing the prefab modifies the instances

  • Using Instantiate(): the new instances are independent from the prefab but keep references to graphics data (mesh & texture)

Scene setup

For a Domino run, we first need to create our scene:

  • Navigate to Assets > Scenes

  • Create a new folder named « PrefabTest »

  • Inside this folder, create a new scene called « DominoRun »

  • Double click to open it

  • Create a ground using a cube

    • Dimensions: 2m x 10cm x 1cm

    • The X,Y,Z Transform Position must be equal to (0,0,0)

  • Create you first domino

    • Size: 4.5cm × 2cm × 0.8cm

    • Rename it to « Domino »

  • In the Inspector, click the Add Component button and add a RigidBody

    • Set the mass to 0.01kg

  • Snap it to the ground


Create Prefab

  • Navigate to Assets > Scenes > DominoRun

  • In the Hierarchy, select the domino

  • Click and drag the domino in the Assets folder

    • In the Assets folder, you’ll notice that the prefab appears as a thumbnail

    • In the Hierarchy, the object is displayed next to a blue cube, which means it is an instance of a prefab

Manual instantiation


There are two ways to instantiate a prefab: manually or through the Instantiate() function. Strangely, these two approaches are different; we will see how.

  • Drag and drop the Prefab thumbnail into the scene to create a new domino



    This way, we create a new domino that is an exact copy of the prefab. The prefab acts as a template!

  • In the Hierarchy, we now have two blue cubes, indicating that we are using two « manual » instances of the domino prefab


In manual instantiation:

  • Any change made to the prefab is propagated to all instances

  • All instances remain linked to the original prefab


  • Navigate to Assets > Scenes > DominoRun

  • Double click on the domino Prefab

    • We enter the Prefab Editing mode with a blue background

    • Notice that in Prefab Editing mode, the Hierarchy takes the name of the prefab:

    • Select the domino

    • Change the color of the domino prefab

    • To exit Prefab Edit mode, click on the arrow in the Hierarchy:

    • Back in Edit mode, all the dominos should have changed their color


Instantiate function

When you instantiate your goblin prefab, you want to obtain a goblin that is independent of its parent so it can perform its actions freely. However, for memory optimization, you also want this instance to share graphical resources with its prefab. To achieve this, Unity performs a « lightweight » instantiation by creating new variables to ensure the object independence from its prefab while maintaining references to the prefab’s graphical assets.

Here is a table summarizing the situation:


As you can see, these choices are made logically.

Now, we want to populate the circuit with dominos, but doing it by hand is not really an option! Let’s do it using a script.

  • Remove all dominos from our scene

  • In your current Assets folder, right click and select: Create > Scripting > Empty C# script

  • Rename it to « DominoPlacer »

  • Double click to open the script in your favorite editor

  • Copy paste this code

    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEditor;
    public class DominoPlacer : EditorWindow
            [MenuItem("Tools/Domino Placer Helper")]
            public static void Go()
                    GameObject dominoPrefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<GameObject>("Assets/Scenes/DominoRun/Domino.prefab");
                    float X = 0;
                    int nb = 1;
                    float spacing = 2.5f;
                    while (X < 200)
                            GameObject domino = Instantiate(dominoPrefab);
                            X += spacing;
                            domino.transform.position =  new Vector3(X, 0, 0);
                   = $"Domino_{nb:000}";
    • Run the script through: Menu > Tools > Domino Placer Helper


    In the Hierarchy, notice that all instances have a gray cube icon next to them; they are not linked to their prefab.

    • In the Hierarchy, select all dominos using (SHIFT + select)

    • Right click and select: Create Empty Parent

    • Rename the group as: Dominos

    • Select the Move Tool and move the group to put the dominos on the floor


Editing Prefab

We check that modifying a parameter of the prefab does not affect the instances.

  • Navigate to Assets > Scenes > DominoRun

  • Double click on the domino Prefab

    • We enter the Prefab Editing mode with a blue background

    • Select the domino

    • Change its color

  • To exit Prefab Edit mode, click on the arrow in the Hierarchy:

  • Back in Edit mode, notice that all the dominos have kept their color

  • Look at the prefab icon in the asset folder; it, however, has changed its color:



  • Lift the first domino and tilt it slightly so that it naturally falls onto the second one

  • Enter Play mode to see simulation


As you see, dominos suddenly stops falling! What’s happening? Difficult to explain. But we have to reminder that a 3D game engine is designed to simulate cars or characters. So, an object of some mm shouldn’t be able to stop the player’s movement. Following this logic, a 3D engine must ignore small objects and small movements by freezing their simulations for example. So in our case, dominos goes into sleep mode.


Increase size

When you have:

  • small-sized objects (some mm)

  • small values in your scale transform (0.001)

You can design the dominos at a scale of 100, making them as tall as a human body!


Ok, it works, but as you can see, it’s slow. So, if you want to be more realistic, this is not a good option.


  • Create a script named « Patch »

  • In the Update() function, write:

void Update()
        Rigidbody body = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
  • Run the simulation again


It works very well and it looks like a real domino run. But our patch is not optimized and force the engine to consider all dominos as active which can be computational intensive !